Source code for shuup.xtheme.views.forms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.utils.form_group import FormGroup
from shuup.xtheme.layout import LayoutCell

[docs]class LayoutCellGeneralInfoForm(forms.Form): plugin = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Plugin"), required=False) CELL_FULL_WIDTH = 12 CELL_WIDTH_CHOICES = [ (0, _("Custom")), (int(CELL_FULL_WIDTH), _("Full Width")), (int(CELL_FULL_WIDTH * 3 / 4), _("Three Fourths (3/4)")), (int(CELL_FULL_WIDTH * 2 / 3), _("Two Thirds (2/3)")), (int(CELL_FULL_WIDTH / 2), _("Half (1/2)")), (int(CELL_FULL_WIDTH / 3), _("One Third (1/3)")), (int(CELL_FULL_WIDTH / 4), _("One Fourth (1/4)")), ] CELL_ALIGN_CHOICES = [(" ", _("Auto")), ("pull-left", _("Left")), ("pull-right", _("Right"))] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.layout_cell = kwargs.pop("layout_cell") self.theme = kwargs.pop("theme") super(LayoutCellGeneralInfoForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.populate()
[docs] def populate(self): """ Populate the form with fields for size and plugin selection. """ if self.layout_cell.plugin_identifier: if "sm" in self.layout_cell.sizes: initial_cell_width = self.layout_cell.sizes.get("sm") else: initial_cell_width = self.CELL_FULL_WIDTH self.fields["cell_width"] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Cell width"), choices=self.CELL_WIDTH_CHOICES, initial=initial_cell_width, required=False ) initial_cell_align = self.layout_cell.align or self.CELL_ALIGN_CHOICES[0][0] self.fields["cell_align"] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Cell align"), choices=self.CELL_ALIGN_CHOICES, initial=initial_cell_align ) initial_cell_style = self.layout_cell.extra_classes or "" self.fields["cell_extra_classes"] = forms.CharField( label=_("Extra classes"), help_text=_("Add extra CSS classes names to the cell"), initial=initial_cell_style, required=False, ) if self.theme: plugin_choices = self.theme.get_all_plugin_choices(empty_label=_("No Plugin")) plugin_field = self.fields["plugin"] plugin_field.choices = plugin_field.widget.choices = plugin_choices plugin_field.initial = self.layout_cell.plugin_identifier
[docs] def save(self): """ Save size configuration. Plugin configuration is done via JavaScript POST. Both breakpoints (`sm`and `md`) are set to same value defined in `cell_width_field`. The reason for this is that the difference between these breakpoints is so minor that manually assigning both of these by shop admin introduces too much complexity to row-cell management UI. """ data = self.cleaned_data sizes = ["sm", "md"] # TODO: Parametrize? Currently Bootstrap dependent. for size in sizes: self.layout_cell.sizes[size] = int(data["cell_width"]) if data["cell_width"] else None self.layout_cell.align = data["cell_align"] self.layout_cell.extra_classes = data["cell_extra_classes"].strip()
[docs]class LayoutCellFormGroup(FormGroup): """ Form group containing the LayoutCellGeneralInfoForm and a possible plugin-dependent configuration form. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.layout_cell = kwargs.pop("layout_cell") self.theme = kwargs.pop("theme") self.request = kwargs.pop("request") assert isinstance(self.layout_cell, LayoutCell) super(LayoutCellFormGroup, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.add_form_def( "general", LayoutCellGeneralInfoForm, kwargs={"layout_cell": self.layout_cell, "theme": self.theme} ) plugin = self.layout_cell.instantiate_plugin() if plugin: form_class = plugin.get_editor_form_class() if form_class: kwargs = dict(plugin=plugin, request=self.request) self.add_form_def("plugin", form_class, kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def save(self): self.forms["general"].save() plugin_form = self.forms.get("plugin") if plugin_form: self.layout_cell.config = plugin_form.get_config()