Source code for shuup.xtheme.plugins.category_links

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import get_language, ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.core.models import Category
from shuup.xtheme import TemplatedPlugin
from shuup.xtheme.plugins.forms import GenericPluginForm, TranslatableField
from shuup.xtheme.plugins.widgets import XThemeSelect2ModelMultipleChoiceField

[docs]class CategoryLinksConfigForm(GenericPluginForm): """ A configuration form for the CategoryLinksPlugin """
[docs] def populate(self): """ A custom populate method to display category choices """ for field in self.plugin.fields: if isinstance(field, tuple): name, value = field value.initial = self.plugin.config.get(name, value.initial) self.fields[name] = value self.fields["categories"] = XThemeSelect2ModelMultipleChoiceField( model="shuup.category", required=False, label=_("Categories"), initial=self.plugin.config.get("categories"), extra_widget_attrs={"data-search-mode": "visible"}, )
[docs]class CategoryLinksPlugin(TemplatedPlugin): """ A plugin for displaying links to visible categories on the shop front """ identifier = "category_links" name = _("Category Links") template_name = "shuup/xtheme/plugins/category_links.jinja" cacheable = True editor_form_class = CategoryLinksConfigForm fields = [ ("title", TranslatableField(label=_("Title"), required=False, initial="")), ( "show_all_categories", forms.BooleanField( label=_("Show all categories"), required=False, initial=True, help_text=_("All categories are shown, even if not selected"), ), ), "categories", ]
[docs] def get_cache_key(self, context, **kwargs) -> str: selected_categories = self.config.get("categories", []) show_all_categories = self.config.get("show_all_categories", True) title = self.get_translated_value("title") return str((get_language(), selected_categories, show_all_categories, title))
[docs] def get_context_data(self, context): """ A custom get_context_data method to return only visible categories for request customer. """ selected_categories = self.config.get("categories", []) show_all_categories = self.config.get("show_all_categories", True) request = context.get("request") categories = Category.objects.all_visible( customer=getattr(request, "customer"), shop=getattr(request, "shop") ).prefetch_related("translations") if not show_all_categories: categories = categories.filter(id__in=selected_categories) return { "title": self.get_translated_value("title"), "categories": categories, }