Source code for shuup.xtheme.parsing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six
import toml
from jinja2.ext import Extension
from jinja2.nodes import Const, EvalContext, ExprStmt, Impossible, Name, Output
from jinja2.utils import contextfunction

from shuup.xtheme.rendering import render_placeholder
from shuup.xtheme.view_config import Layout

[docs]class Unflattenable(Exception): """ Exception raised when a node list can't be flattened into a constant. """
[docs]class NonConstant(ValueError): """ Exception raised when something expected to be constant... is not. """
[docs]class NestingError(ValueError): """ Exception raised when a template's placeholder/column/row/plugin hierarchy is out of whack. """
[docs]def flatten_const_node_list(environment, node_list): """ Try to flatten the given node list into a single string. :param environment: Jinja2 environment. :type environment: jinja2.environment.Environment :param node_list: List of nodes. :type node_list: list[jinja2.nodes.Node] :return: String of content. :rtype: str :raise Unflattenable: Raised when the node list can't be flattened into a constant. """ output = [] eval_ctx = EvalContext(environment) for node in node_list: if isinstance(node, Output): # pragma: no branch for node in node.nodes: try: const = node.as_const(eval_ctx=eval_ctx) if not isinstance(const, six.text_type): raise Unflattenable(const) output.append(const) except Impossible: raise Unflattenable(node) else: # Very unlikely, but you know. raise Unflattenable(node) # pragma: no cover return "".join(output)
[docs]def parse_constantlike(environment, parser): """ Parse the next expression as a "constantlike" expression. Expression trees that fold into constants are constantlike, as are bare variable names. :param environment: Jinja2 environment. :type environment: jinja2.environment.Environment :param parser: Template parser. :type parser: jinja2.parser.Parser :return: Constant value of any type. :rtype: object """ expr = parser.parse_expression() if isinstance(expr, Name): # bare names are accepted return try: return expr.as_const(EvalContext(environment)) except Impossible: raise NonConstant("Error! Expression `%r` is not constant." % expr)
class _PlaceholderManagingExtension(Extension): """ Superclass (could be mixin) with helpers for getting the currently active layout object from a parser. """ def _get_layout(self, parser, accept_none=False): """ Get the currently managed Layout from the parser. :param parser: Template parser. :type parser: jinja2.parser.Parser :param accept_none: Whether or not to accept the eventuality that there's no current layout. If False (the default), a `NestingError` is raised. :type accept_none: bool :return: The current layout. :rtype: shuup.xtheme.view_config.Layout :raises NestingError: Raised if there's no current layout and that's not okay. """ cfg = getattr(parser, "_xtheme_placeholder_layout", None) if not accept_none and cfg is None: raise NestingError("Error! No current `placeholder` block exists.") return cfg def _new_layout(self, parser, placeholder_name): """ Begin a new layout for the given placeholder in the parser. :param parser: Template parser. :type parser: jinja2.parser.Parser :param placeholder_name: The name of the placeholder. :type placeholder_name: str :return: The new layout. :rtype: shuup.xtheme.view_config.Layout :raises NestingError: Raised if there's a layout going on already. """ curr_layout = self._get_layout(parser, accept_none=True) if curr_layout is not None: raise NestingError( "Error! Can't nest `placeholder`s! (Currently in `%r`, trying to start `%r`)." % (curr_layout.placeholder_name, placeholder_name) ) layout = Layout(None, placeholder_name=placeholder_name) parser._xtheme_placeholder_layout = layout return self._get_layout(parser) def _end_layout(self, parser): """ End the current layout in the parser and return the serialized contents. :param parser: Template parser. :type parser: jinja2.parser.Parser :return: The serialized layout. :rtype: dict """ layout = self._get_layout(parser) parser._xtheme_placeholder_layout = None return layout.serialize()
[docs]def noop_node(lineno): """ Return a no-op node (compiled into a single `0`). :param lineno: Line number for the node. :type lineno: int :return: Node :rtype: jinja2.nodes.ExprStmt """ return ExprStmt(Const(0)).set_lineno(lineno)
[docs]class PlaceholderExtension(_PlaceholderManagingExtension): """ `PlaceholderExtension` manages `{% placeholder <NAME> [global] %}` ... `{% endplaceholder %}`. * The `name` can be any Jinja2 expression that can be folded into a constant, with the addition of bare variable names such as `name` meaning the same as `"name"`. This makes it slightly easier to write templates. * The body of this block is actually discarded; only the inner `column`, `row` and `plugin` directives have any meaning. (A parser-time `Layout` object is created and populated during parsing of this block.) * An optional ``global`` parameter can be used to specify that the configuration for this placeholder should be "global" across different views (although currently that only applies to placeholders within the same template, i.e, if you defined the same global placeholder in different templates they will not share configuration, but an included or base template that is rendered by different views will). """ tags = set(["placeholder"])
[docs] def parse(self, parser): """ Parse a placeholder! :param parser: Template parser. :type parser: jinja2.parser.Parser :return: Output node for rendering a placeholder. :rtype: jinja2.nodes.Output """ lineno = next( global_type = bool( == "global") if global_type: # Do some special-case parsing for global placeholders placeholder_name = six.text_type( next( next( else: placeholder_name = six.text_type(parse_constantlike(self.environment, parser)) self._new_layout(parser, placeholder_name) parser.parse_statements(["name:endplaceholder"], drop_needle=True) # Body parsing will have, as a side effect, populated the current layout layout = self._end_layout(parser) args = [ Const(placeholder_name), Const(layout), Const(, Const(global_type), ] return Output([self.call_method("_render_placeholder", args)]).set_lineno(lineno)
@contextfunction def _render_placeholder(self, context, placeholder_name, layout, template_name, global_type): return render_placeholder( context, placeholder_name=placeholder_name, default_layout=layout, template_name=template_name, global_type=global_type, )
[docs]class LayoutPartExtension(_PlaceholderManagingExtension): """ Parser for row and column tags. Syntax for the row and column tags is:: {% row %} {% column [SIZES] %}...{% endcolumn %} {% endrow %} * Rows map to `LayoutRow` objects and columns map to `LayoutCell`. * For a single-cell layout, these are not necessary. ``{% plugin %}`` invocations without preceding ``{% row %}``/``{% column %}`` directives imply a single row and a single column. """ tags = set(["column", "row"])
[docs] def parse(self, parser): """ Parse a column or row. :param parser: Template parser. :type parser: jinja2.parser.Parser :return: A null output node. :rtype: jinja2.nodes.Node """ start = next( lineno = start.lineno arg = None if != "block_end": arg = parser.parse_expression() # Parse any expression cfg = self._get_layout(parser) if start.value == "row": self._begin_row(cfg, arg) elif start.value == "column": self._begin_column(cfg, arg) parser.parse_statements(["name:end%s" % start.value], drop_needle=True) # Body parsing is also a no-op here; the layout is populated already return noop_node(lineno)
def _begin_row(self, cfg, arg): if arg is not None: raise ValueError("Error! `row`s do not take arguments at present time (got `%r`)." % arg) cfg.begin_row() def _begin_column(self, cfg, arg): sizes = {} if arg is not None: try: sizes = arg.as_const(eval_ctx=EvalContext(self.environment)) except Impossible: raise ValueError("Error! Invalid argument for `column`: `%r`." % arg) if not isinstance(sizes, dict): raise ValueError("Error! Argument for `column` must be a dict: `%r`." % arg) cfg.begin_column(sizes)
[docs]class PluginExtension(_PlaceholderManagingExtension): """ Parser for plugin tags. Syntax for plugin tag is:: {% plugin <NAME> %}...{% endplugin %} * The (optional) body of the plugin block is expected to be a Jinja2 AST that can be folded into a constant. Generally this means a single block of text (``{% raw }``/``{% endraw %}`` is okay!). * The contents of the body, if set, must be valid `TOML markup <>`_. The TOML is parsed during Jinja2 parse time into a dict, which in turn is folded into the layout description object. This means only the initial parsing of the template incurs whatever performance hit there is in parsing TOML; the Jinja2 bccache should take care of the rest. """ tags = set(["plugin"])
[docs] def parse(self, parser): """ Parse a column or row. :param parser: Template parser. :type parser: jinja2.parser.Parser :return: A null output node. :rtype: jinja2.nodes.Node """ lineno = next( name = parse_constantlike(self.environment, parser) # Parse the plugin name. body = parser.parse_statements(["name:endplugin"], drop_needle=True) layout = self._get_layout(parser) config = None if body: try: config = flatten_const_node_list(self.environment, body) except Unflattenable as uf: raise NonConstant("Error! A `plugin` block may only contain static layout (found: `%r`)." % uf.args[0]) config = toml.loads(config) layout.add_plugin(name, config) return noop_node(lineno)
EXTENSIONS = [ LayoutPartExtension, PlaceholderExtension, PluginExtension, ]