Source code for shuup.xtheme.editing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from django.middleware.csrf import get_token

from shuup.core.utils.static import get_shuup_static_url
from shuup.front.utils.user import is_admin_user
from shuup.utils.django_compat import NoReverseMatch, reverse
from shuup.xtheme.resources import InlineScriptResource, add_resource

from ._theme import get_current_theme

EDIT_FLAG_NAME = "shuup_xtheme_edit"

[docs]def could_edit(request): """ Return true if the context of the given request would allow Xtheme editing. :param request: HTTP request :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :return: Would allow editing? :rtype: bool """ return is_admin_user(request)
[docs]def is_edit_mode(request): """ Return true if the given request has xtheme editing enabled. :param request: HTTP request :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :return: In edit mode? :rtype: bool """ return bool(could_edit(request) and request.session.get(EDIT_FLAG_NAME))
[docs]def set_edit_mode(request, flag): """ Enable or disable edit mode for the request. :param request: HTTP request :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :param flag: Enable flag :type flag: bool """ if flag and could_edit(request): request.session[EDIT_FLAG_NAME] = True else: request.session.pop(EDIT_FLAG_NAME, None)
[docs]def may_inject(context): """ Figure out if we may inject Xtheme editing into this view. The requirements are that there is a CBV `view` object in the context, and that `view` object does not explicitly opt-out of editing with `xtheme_injection = False` :param context: Jinja rendering context :type context: jinja2.runtime.Context :return: Permission bool :rtype: bool """ view = context.get("view") return bool(view) and bool(getattr(view, "xtheme_injection", True))
[docs]def can_edit(context): request = context.get("request") if not (request and could_edit(request) and may_inject(context)): return False return bool(getattr(request, "theme", None) or get_current_theme(
[docs]def add_edit_resources(context): """ Possibly inject Xtheme editor injection resources into the given context's resources. :param context: Jinja rendering context :type context: jinja2.runtime.Context """ request = context.get("request") if not can_edit(context): return try: command_url = reverse("shuup:xtheme") edit_url = reverse("shuup:xtheme_editor") inject_snipper = reverse("shuup_admin:xtheme_snippet.list") except NoReverseMatch: # No URLs no resources return from .rendering import get_view_config # avoid circular import view_config = get_view_config(context) theme = getattr(request, "theme", None) or get_current_theme( add_resource( context, "body_end", InlineScriptResource.from_vars( "XthemeEditorConfig", { "commandUrl": command_url, "editUrl": edit_url, "injectSnipperUrl": inject_snipper, "themeIdentifier": theme.identifier, "viewName": view_config.view_name, "edit": is_edit_mode(request), "csrfToken": get_token(request), }, ), ) add_resource(context, "head_end", get_shuup_static_url("xtheme/editor-injection.css")) add_resource(context, "body_end", get_shuup_static_url("xtheme/editor-injection.js"))