Source code for shuup.xtheme.admin_module

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.template import engines
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django_jinja.backend import Jinja2

from shuup.admin.base import AdminModule, MenuEntry, Notification
from shuup.admin.utils.urls import admin_url, derive_model_url, get_edit_and_list_urls
from shuup.admin.views.home import HelpBlockCategory, SimpleHelpBlock
from shuup.utils.django_compat import reverse
from shuup.xtheme._theme import get_current_theme
from shuup.xtheme.engine import XthemeEnvironment
from shuup.xtheme.models import Snippet

[docs]class XthemeAdminModule(AdminModule): """ Admin module for Xtheme. Allows theme activation/deactivation and further configuration. """ name = _("Shuup Extensible Theme Engine") breadcrumbs_menu_entry = MenuEntry(_("Themes"), "shuup_admin:xtheme.config", category=CONTENT_MENU_CATEGORY)
[docs] def get_urls(self): # doccov: ignore return [ admin_url( r"^xtheme/guide/(?P<theme_identifier>.+?)/", "shuup.xtheme.admin_module.views.ThemeGuideTemplateView", name="", ), admin_url( r"^xtheme/configure/(?P<theme_identifier>.+?)/", "shuup.xtheme.admin_module.views.ThemeConfigDetailView", name="xtheme.config_detail", ), admin_url(r"^xtheme/theme", "shuup.xtheme.admin_module.views.ThemeConfigView", name="xtheme.config"), ]
[docs] def get_menu_entries(self, request): # doccov: ignore return [ MenuEntry( text=_("Themes"), icon="fa fa-paint-brush", url="shuup_admin:xtheme.config", category=CONTENT_MENU_CATEGORY, ordering=1, ) ]
[docs] def get_help_blocks(self, request, kind): theme = getattr(request, "theme", None) or get_current_theme( if kind == "quicklink" and theme: yield SimpleHelpBlock( text=_("Customize the look and feel of your shop"), actions=[ { "text": _("Customize theme"), "url": reverse( "shuup_admin:xtheme.config_detail", kwargs={"theme_identifier": theme.identifier} ), } ], priority=200, category=HelpBlockCategory.STOREFRONT, icon_url="xtheme/theme.png", )
[docs] def get_notifications(self, request): try: engine = engines["jinja2"] except KeyError: engine = None if engine and isinstance(engine, Jinja2): # The engine is what we expect... if isinstance(engine.env, XthemeEnvironment): # ... and it's capable of loading themes... if not (getattr(request, "theme", None) or get_current_theme( # ... but there's no theme active?! # Panic! yield Notification( text=_("No theme is active. Click here to activate one."), title=_("Theming"), url="shuup_admin:xtheme.config", )
[docs]class XthemeSnippetsAdminModule(AdminModule): name = _("Shuup Extensible Theme Engine Snippets") breadcrumbs_menu_entry = MenuEntry(_("Snippets"), "shuup_admin:xtheme_snippet.list", category=CONTENT_MENU_CATEGORY)
[docs] def get_urls(self): return get_edit_and_list_urls( url_prefix=r"^xtheme/snippet", view_template="shuup.xtheme.admin_module.views.Snippet%sView", name_template="xtheme_snippet.%s", ) + [ admin_url( r"^xtheme/snippet/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/$", "shuup.xtheme.admin_module.views.SnippetDeleteView", name="xtheme_snippet.delete", ) ]
[docs] def get_menu_entries(self, request): return [ MenuEntry( text=_("Theme Custom CSS/JS"), icon="fa fa-magic", url="shuup_admin:xtheme_snippet.list", category=CONTENT_MENU_CATEGORY, ordering=2, ) ]
[docs] def get_model_url(self, object, kind, shop=None): return derive_model_url(Snippet, "shuup_admin:xtheme_snippet", object, kind)