Source code for shuup.xtheme._theme

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
import threading
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.apps.provides import get_identifier_to_object_map, get_provide_objects
from shuup.core import cache
from shuup.utils.deprecation import RemovedInFutureShuupWarning
from shuup.utils.importing import load
from shuup.xtheme.extenders import MenuExtenderLocation

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# keeps the current middleware state here
_xtheme_middleware_state = threading.local()

def get_theme_cache_key(shop=None):
    return "shop-{}-current_theme".format( if shop else "default")

# TODO: Document how to create Xthemes
class Theme(object):
    Base class for all the Xtheme themes.

    This class does not directly correspond to a database object;
    it's used in the rendering, etc. process.

    It does, however, act as a container for a `ThemeSettings` object
    that contains the actual persisted settings, etc.

    # The identifier for this theme. Used for theme selection.
    # Must be set in actual themes!
    identifier = None

    # The printable name for this theme.
    name = ""

    # The author for this theme, for posterity.
    author = ""

    # Directory prefix for this theme's template files.
    # If `None`, the `identifier` is used instead
    template_dir = None

    # Directory prefix for this theme's default template files.
    # If `None`, the default `shuup.front` templates is used instead.
    default_template_dir = None

    # List of global placeholder names.
    # TODO: (These could be ignored in per-view editing, or something?)
    # TODO: Document this
    global_placeholders = []

    # List of (name, FormField) pairs for theme configuration.
    # This might not be used if you override `get_configuration_form`.
    # TODO: Document this
    fields = []

    List of dicts containing stylesheet definitions.

    Each dict must contain following values:
        * `identifier` internal identifier of the stylesheet
          definition. Identifier is used on theme selection.
          If your stylesheet doesn't define the `identifier`
          the images cannot be shown in theme selector.
        * `stylesheet` with a value of the css file path
        * `name` with a name of the stylesheet

    Following values are not mandatory:
        * `images` a list of image paths. Images are shown
          when merchant makes decisions on what theme to use.

        stylesheets = [
                "identifier": "my_style",
                "stylesheet": "path/to/style.css",
                "name": _("My Style"),
                "images: ["path/to/image.png", "path/to/image2.png"]
    Will be Deprecated in the future: List of tuples(path, name) for
    stylesheets provided by this theme.
    stylesheets = []

    # identifier for the stylesheet provided by default
    default_style_identifier = None

    # List of plugin specs used in this template
    plugins = []

    # Guide template location
    guide_template = None

    # Extra configuration themes - it will be included after the configuration form
    extra_config_template = None
    extra_config_extra_css = None
    extra_config_extra_js = None

    def __init__(self, theme_settings=None, shop=None):
        Initialize this theme, with an optional `ThemeSettings` or `Shop` object. Only one should be passed.

        :param theme_settings: A theme settings object for this theme.
        :type theme_settings: ThemeSettings|None

        :param shop: The shop for this theme.
        :type shop: Shop|None
        self._shop = None
        self._theme_settings = None

        if theme_settings:
            if theme_settings.theme_identifier != self.identifier:
                raise ValueError(_("Theme identifiers must match."))

            self._theme_settings = theme_settings
            self._shop = shop or

        elif shop:
            from shuup.xtheme.models import ThemeSettings

            self._shop = shop
            self._theme_settings = ThemeSettings.objects.get_or_create(theme_identifier=self.identifier, shop=shop)[0]

            raise ValueError(_("Either theme_settings or shop should be informed."))

    def settings_obj(self):
        Get a saved settings model for this theme.

        :rtype: shuup.xtheme.models.ThemeSettings
        return self._theme_settings

[docs] def set_current(self): """ Set this theme as the active theme. """ if not self.settings_obj.activate()
set_current.alters_data = True
[docs] def get_setting(self, key, default=None): """ Get a setting value for this theme. :param key: Setting name :type key: str :param default: Default value, if the setting is not set :type default: object :return: Setting value :rtype: object """ return self.settings_obj.get_setting(key, default)
[docs] def get_settings(self): """ Get all the currently set settings for the theme as a dict. :return: Dict of settings :rtype: dict """ return self.settings_obj.get_settings()
[docs] def set_settings(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set a number of settings for this theme. The arguments are exactly the same as those to `dict`. .. note:: It's better to call this once instead of calling `set_setting` several times. """ self.settings_obj.update_settings(dict(*args, **kwargs))
set_settings.alters_data = True
[docs] def set_setting(self, key, value): """ Set a theme setting `key` to the value `value`. :param key: Setting name. :type key: str :param value: Setting value. :type value: object """ self.settings_obj.update_settings({key: value})
set_setting.alters_data = True
[docs] def get_configuration_form(self, form_kwargs): """ Return a ModelForm instance (model=ThemeSettings) for configuring this theme. By default, returns a GenericThemeForm (a ModelForm populated from `theme.fields`). :param form_kwargs: The keyword arguments that should be used for initializing the form. :type form_kwargs: dict :rtype: django.forms.ModelForm """ from .forms import GenericThemeForm return GenericThemeForm(theme=self, **form_kwargs)
[docs] def get_view(self, view_name): """ Get an extra view for this theme. Views may be either normal Django functions or CBVs (or anything that has `.as_view()` really). Falsy values are considered "not found". :param view_name: View name. :type view_name: str :return: The extra view, if one exists for the given name. :rtype: dict[str, View|callable]|None """ return None
[docs] def get_all_plugin_choices(self, empty_label=None): """ Get grouped list of 2-tuples (identifier and name) of all available Xtheme plugins. Super handy for `<select>` boxes. :param empty_label: Label for the "empty" choice. If falsy, no empty choice is prepended. :type empty_label: str|None :return: List of 2-tuples :rtype: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] """ choices = [] if empty_label: choices.append(("", empty_label)) choices += [(_("Global plugins"), self.get_global_plugin_choices())] choices += [(_("Theme plugins"), self.get_theme_plugin_choices())] return choices
[docs] def get_theme_plugin_choices(self, empty_label=None): """ Get a sorted list of 2-tuples (identifier and name) of available theme specific Xtheme plugins. Handy for `<select>` boxes. :param empty_label: Label for the "empty" choice. If falsy, no empty choice is prepended. :type empty_label: str|None :return: List of 2-tuples :rtype: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] """ choices = [] if empty_label: choices.append(("", empty_label)) for plugin_spec in self.plugins: plugin = load(plugin_spec) choices.append((plugin.identifier, getattr(plugin, "name", None) or plugin.identifier)) choices.sort(key=lambda v: v[1]) return choices
[docs] def get_global_plugin_choices(self, empty_label=None): """ Get a sorted list of 2-tuples (identifier and name) of available global Xtheme plugins. Handy for `<select>` boxes. :param empty_label: Label for the "empty" choice. If falsy, no empty choice is prepended. :type empty_label: str|None :return: List of 2-tuples :rtype: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] """ choices = [] if empty_label: choices.append(("", empty_label)) for plugin in get_provide_objects("xtheme_plugin"): if plugin.identifier: choices.append((plugin.identifier, getattr(plugin, "name", None) or plugin.identifier)) choices.sort(key=lambda v: v[1]) return choices
[docs] def has_stylesheets(self): return bool(self.stylesheets)
[docs] def has_images(self): """ Check if theme has images available. :return: True or False :rtype: bool """ if not self.has_stylesheets(): return False if isinstance(self.stylesheets[0], dict): for sheet in self.stylesheets: if sheet.get("images", None): return True else: warnings.warn( "Warning! Using list of tuples in `theme.stylesheets` will deprecate " "in Shuup 0.5.7. Use list of dictionaries instead.", RemovedInFutureShuupWarning, ) return False
[docs] def get_default_style(self): blank = {"stylesheet": "", "name":} if not self.has_stylesheets(): return blank old_style = False if isinstance(self.stylesheets[0], dict) else True if old_style: warnings.warn( "Warning! Using list of tuples in `theme.stylesheets` will deprecate " "in Shuup 0.5.7. Use list of dictionaries instead.", RemovedInFutureShuupWarning, ) # just return this, no identifier available stylesheet, name = self.stylesheets[0] return {"stylesheet": stylesheet, "name": name} if not self.default_style_identifier: return self.stylesheets[0] else: for stylesheet in self.stylesheets: if stylesheet.identifier == self.default_style_identifier: return stylesheet return blank
[docs] def render_menu_extensions(self, request, location=MenuExtenderLocation.MAIN_MENU): """ Render menu extensions. Some addons want to provide items to main menu. :param request: :return safe HTML string: """ items = [] for menu_extender in get_provide_objects("front_menu_extender"): extender = menu_extender() if extender.location == location: items.append(extender.get_rendered_menu_items(request, self)) return mark_safe("".join(items))
_not_set = object() # Can't use `None` here. @contextmanager def override_current_theme_class(theme_class=_not_set, shop=None): """ Context manager for overriding the currently active theme class for testing. An instance of this class is then returned by `get_current_theme`. A falsy value means `None` is returned from `get_current_theme`. This is also useful for testing. :param theme_class: A theme class object. :type theme_class: class[Theme] """ # Circular import avoidance: from shuup.xtheme.views.extra import clear_view_cache old_theme_class = cache.get(get_theme_cache_key(shop)) if theme_class is _not_set or not theme_class: cache.set(get_theme_cache_key(shop), None) else: from shuup.xtheme.models import ThemeSettings theme_settings = ThemeSettings.objects.get_or_create(shop=shop, theme_identifier=theme_class.identifier)[0] theme = theme_class(theme_settings) set_middleware_current_theme(theme) cache.set(get_theme_cache_key(shop), theme) clear_view_cache() yield cache.set(get_theme_cache_key(shop), old_theme_class) clear_view_cache() def get_current_theme(shop): """ Get the currently active theme object. :param shop: The shop to get the active theme. :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop :return: Theme object or None :rtype: Theme """ value = cache.get(get_theme_cache_key(shop)) if value: set_middleware_current_theme(value) return value theme = _get_current_theme(shop) cache.set(get_theme_cache_key(shop), theme) # set this theme as the current for this thread set_middleware_current_theme(theme) return theme def set_middleware_current_theme(theme): """ " Set the theme as the current for this thread. """ _xtheme_middleware_state.theme = theme def get_middleware_current_theme(): """ Return the current middleware state theme. """ return getattr(_xtheme_middleware_state, "theme", None) def get_theme_by_identifier(identifier, shop): """ Get an instantiated theme by identifier. :param identifier: Theme identifier. :type identifier: str :param shop: Shop to fetch the theme settings. :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop :return: Theme object or None :rtype: Theme """ for theme_cls in get_provide_objects("xtheme"): if theme_cls.identifier == identifier: from shuup.xtheme.models import ThemeSettings theme_settings = ThemeSettings.objects.get_or_create(theme_identifier=identifier, shop=shop)[0] return theme_cls(theme_settings=theme_settings, shop=shop) return None # No such thing. def set_current_theme(identifier, shop): """ Activate a theme based on identifier. :param identifier: Theme identifier. :type identifier: str :param shop: Shop to fetch the theme settings. :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop :return: Activated theme :rtype: Theme """ cache.bump_version(get_theme_cache_key(shop)) theme = get_theme_by_identifier(identifier, shop) if not theme: raise ValueError("Error! Invalid theme identifier.") theme.set_current() cache.set(get_theme_cache_key(shop), theme) set_middleware_current_theme(theme) return theme def _get_current_theme(shop): theme = None try: # Ensure this module can be imported from anywhere by lazily importing the model from shuup.xtheme.models import ThemeSettings theme_settings = ThemeSettings.objects.filter(active=True, shop=shop).first() # no active found, take the first and activate if not theme_settings: theme_settings = ThemeSettings.objects.filter(shop=shop).first() if theme_settings: theme_settings.activate() theme_settings.refresh_from_db() except Exception as exc: # This is unfortunate and weird, but I don't want other tests to depend # on Xtheme's state or require the `djangodb` mark for every test. # So we silence exceptions with pytest-django's "Database access not allowed" # message here and let everything else pass. if "Database access not allowed" not in str(exc): raise theme_settings = None if theme_settings: theme_cls = get_identifier_to_object_map("xtheme").get(theme_settings.theme_identifier) if theme_cls is not None: theme = theme_cls(theme_settings=theme_settings, shop=shop) else: log.warn("Warning! The active theme %r is currently not installed.", theme_settings.theme_identifier) return theme