Source code for shuup.testing.modules.content.forms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from datetime import datetime
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.template import loader as template_loader
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from logging import getLogger

from shuup import configuration as config
from shuup.utils import djangoenv
from shuup.utils.django_compat import force_text

from . import data as content_data

# tries to import xtheme stuff
if djangoenv.has_installed("shuup.xtheme"):
    from shuup.xtheme import XTHEME_GLOBAL_VIEW_NAME
    from shuup.xtheme._theme import get_current_theme
    from shuup.xtheme.layout import Layout
    from shuup.xtheme.models import SavedViewConfig, SavedViewConfigStatus
    from shuup.xtheme.plugins.snippets import SnippetsPlugin

logger = getLogger(__name__)

BEHAVIOR_ORDER_CONFIRM_KEY = "behavior_order_confirm_script_pk"
CONTENT_FOOTER_KEY = "content_footer_pk"

[docs]class BehaviorWizardForm(forms.Form): order_confirm_notification = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Send customer order confirmation email"), required=False, initial=True, help_text=_( "We will configure a notification " "to send the customer an email " "after a placed order. " "You can disable this option later " "or even change the layout of the email." ), ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.pop("shop") super(BehaviorWizardForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self._get_saved_script(): self.fields["order_confirm_notification"].widget = forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": True}) def _get_saved_script(self): """ Returns the saved script from the DB, if it exists """ from shuup.notify.models.script import Script return Script.objects.filter(pk=config.get(, BEHAVIOR_ORDER_CONFIRM_KEY)).first() def _get_send_email_action(self): from shuup.notify.actions import SendEmail current_language = translation.get_language() action_data = { "template_data": {}, "recipient": {"variable": "customer_email"}, "language": {"variable": "language"}, "fallback_language": {"constant": current_language}, } # fill the content and subject with the translations for language, __ in settings.LANGUAGES: try: translation.activate(language) action_data["template_data"][language] = { "content_type": content_data.ORDER_CONFIRMATION["content_type"], "subject": force_text(content_data.ORDER_CONFIRMATION["subject"]), "body": template_loader.render_to_string(content_data.ORDER_CONFIRMATION["body_template"]).strip(), } except Exception: logger.exception("Error! Failed to translate language %s." % language) action_data["template_data"][language] = {"content_type": "text", "body": " ", "subject": " "} # Back to the old language. translation.activate(current_language) return SendEmail(action_data)
[docs] def save(self): """ Create and configure the selected objects if needed. """ # User wants an order notification and Notify installed and there is no script created previously. if ( self.is_valid() and self.cleaned_data["order_confirm_notification"] and djangoenv.has_installed("shuup.notify") and not self._get_saved_script() ): from shuup.front.notify_events import OrderReceived from shuup.notify.models.script import Script from shuup.notify.script import Step, StepNext send_email_action = self._get_send_email_action() script = Script( event_identifier=OrderReceived.identifier, name="Order Received", enabled=True, ) script.set_steps([Step(next=StepNext.STOP, actions=(send_email_action,))]) # Save the PK in the configs. config.set(, BEHAVIOR_ORDER_CONFIRM_KEY,
[docs]class ContentWizardForm(forms.Form): def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.pop("shop") if not raise ValueError("Error! No shop provided.") super(ContentWizardForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) if djangoenv.has_installed("shuup.simple_cms"): pages = self._get_installed_pages() self.fields["about_us"] = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Create About Us page"), required=False, initial=True, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": (content_data.ABOUT_US_KEY in pages)}), ) # Set the help text for different ocasions - whether the content is installed or not. if content_data.ABOUT_US_KEY in pages: self.fields["about_us"].help_text = _( "We have already created an 'About Us' template for you based " "on your shop information. You must review the page and " "change it accordingly." ) else: self.fields["about_us"].help_text = _( "We will create an 'About Us' template for you. " "We will base content of the page on your shop information. " "After we are done, you must review the page and " "change it accordingly." ) self.fields["privacy_policy"] = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Create Privacy Policy page"), required=False, initial=True, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": (content_data.PRIVACY_POLICY_KEY in pages)}), ) # Set the help text for different ocasions - whether the content is installed or not. if content_data.PRIVACY_POLICY_KEY in pages: self.fields["privacy_policy"].help_text = _( "We have already created a 'Privacy Policy' template " "for you based on your shop information. " "You must review the page and change it accordingly." ) else: self.fields["privacy_policy"].help_text = _( "We will create a 'Privacy Policy' template for you. " "We will base content of the page on " "your shop information. After we are done, " "you must review the page and change it accordingly." ) self.fields["terms_conditions"] = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Create Terms and Conditions page"), required=False, initial=True, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": (content_data.TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_KEY in pages)}), ) # Set the help text for different ocasions - whether the content is installed or not. if content_data.TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_KEY in pages: self.fields["terms_conditions"].help_text = _( "We have already created a 'Terms & Conditions' template " "for you based on your shop information. " "You must review the page and change it accordingly." ) else: self.fields["terms_conditions"].help_text = _( "We will create a 'Terms & Conditions' template " "for you. We will base content of the page on " "your shop information. After we are done, " "you must review the page and change it accordingly." ) self.fields["refund_policy"] = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Create Refund Policy page"), required=False, initial=True, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": (content_data.REFUND_POLICY_KEY in pages)}), ) # Set the help text for different ocasions - whether the content is installed or not. if content_data.REFUND_POLICY_KEY in pages: self.fields["refund_policy"].help_text = _( "We have already created a 'Refund Policy' template " "for you based on your shop information. " "You must review the page and change it accordingly." ) else: self.fields["refund_policy"].help_text = _( "We will create an 'Refund Policy' template for you. " "We will base content of the page on your shop information. " "After we are done, you must review the page and " "change it accordingly." ) if djangoenv.has_installed("shuup.xtheme"): from shuup.xtheme.models import SavedViewConfig svc_pk = config.get(, CONTENT_FOOTER_KEY) svc = SavedViewConfig.objects.filter(pk=svc_pk).first() self.fields["configure_footer"] = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Configure the footer"), required=False, initial=True, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": bool(svc)}), help_text=_( "We will now configure your shop footer and fill it with some of your shop's information. " "Don't worry, you can change this at any time." ), ) def _get_installed_pages(self): """ Returns a dict[str, simple_cms.models.Page] of all installed pages by this form. """ from shuup.simple_cms.models import Page return { page.identifier: page for page in Page.objects.for_shop( deleted=False, identifier__in=content_data.CMS_PAGES.keys() ) }
[docs] def save(self): """ Generate the selected pages if SimpleCMS is installed. Generate the Footer if xTheme is installed. """ if not self.is_valid(): return # Form must be validated. if djangoenv.has_installed("shuup.simple_cms"): self._handle_simple_cms_save() if djangoenv.has_installed("shuup.xtheme") and self.cleaned_data["configure_footer"]: self._handle_xtheme_save()
def _handle_simple_cms_save(self): pages = self._get_installed_pages() from shuup.simple_cms.models import Page create_about_us = self.cleaned_data["about_us"] create_privacy_policy = self.cleaned_data["privacy_policy"] create_terms_conditions = self.cleaned_data["terms_conditions"] create_refund_policy = self.cleaned_data["refund_policy"] context = {"shop":} page_create_map = [ (create_about_us, content_data.ABOUT_US_KEY), (create_privacy_policy, content_data.PRIVACY_POLICY_KEY), (create_terms_conditions, content_data.TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_KEY), (create_refund_policy, content_data.REFUND_POLICY_KEY), ] for create_page, page_identifier in page_create_map: # we must create the page because it is not created yet if create_page and page_identifier not in pages: template = content_data.CMS_PAGES[page_identifier]["template"] rendered_content = force_text(template_loader.render_to_string(template, context).strip()) title = force_text(content_data.CMS_PAGES[page_identifier]["name"]) Page.objects.create(, identifier=page_identifier, title=title, content=rendered_content, visible_in_menu=False, url=page_identifier, template_name=settings.SHUUP_SIMPLE_CMS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE,, ) def _handle_xtheme_save(self): svc_pk = config.get(, CONTENT_FOOTER_KEY) svc = SavedViewConfig.objects.filter(pk=svc_pk).first() theme = get_current_theme( if not svc and theme: context = {"shop":} rendered_content = template_loader.render_to_string(content_data.FOOTER_TEMPLATE, context).strip() layout = Layout(theme, "footer-bottom") # adds the footer template layout.begin_row() layout.begin_column({"md": 12}) layout.add_plugin(SnippetsPlugin.identifier, {"in_place": rendered_content}) svc = SavedViewConfig( theme_identifier=theme.identifier,, view_name=XTHEME_GLOBAL_VIEW_NAME, status=SavedViewConfigStatus.CURRENT_DRAFT, ) svc.set_layout_data(layout.placeholder_name, layout) svc.publish() config.set(, CONTENT_FOOTER_KEY,