Source code for shuup.notify.template

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment

from shuup.utils.django_compat import force_text
from shuup.utils.importing import cached_load

[docs]class NoLanguageMatches(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_sandboxed_template_environment(context, **kwargs): """ Returns a Jinja2 enviroment for rendering templates in notifications :param context: Script context. :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :param kwargs: extra args. :type kwargs: dict :return: The environment used to render. :rtype: jinja2.environment.Environment """ env_kwargs = dict() if "html_intent" in kwargs: env_kwargs = dict(autoescape=kwargs["html_intent"]) return SandboxedEnvironment(**env_kwargs)
[docs]def render_in_context(context, template_text, html_intent=False): """ Render the given Jinja2 template text in the script context. :param context: Script context. :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :param template_text: Jinja2 template text. :type template_text: str :param html_intent: Is the template text intended for HTML output? This currently turns on autoescaping. :type html_intent: bool :return: Rendered template text. :rtype: str :raises: Whatever Jinja2 might happen to raise. """ environment_provider = cached_load("SHUUP_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_ENVIRONMENT_PROVIDER") env = environment_provider(context=context, html_intent=html_intent) template = env.from_string(template_text) return template.render(context.get_variables())
[docs]class Template(object): def __init__(self, context, data): """ :param context: Script context. :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :param data: Template data dictionary. :type data: dict """ self.context = context = data def _get_language_data(self, language, fields): data =, {}) for key, field in fields.items(): if hasattr(field, "initial"): data.setdefault(key, field.initial) return data
[docs] def has_language(self, language, fields): data = self._get_language_data(language, fields) return set(data.keys()) >= set(fields.keys())
[docs] def render(self, language, fields): """ Render this template in the given language, returning the given fields. :param language: Language code (ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2). :type language: str :param fields: Desired fields to render. :type fields: list[str] :return: Dict of field -> rendered content. :rtype: dict[str, str] """ data = self._get_language_data(language, fields) rendered = {} for field in fields.keys(): field_template = data.get(field) if field_template: # pragma: no branch rendered[field] = render_in_context(self.context, field_template, html_intent=False) return rendered
[docs] def render_first_match(self, language_preferences, fields): # TODO: Document for language in language_preferences: if self.has_language(language, fields): rendered = self.render(language=language, fields=fields) rendered["_language"] = language return rendered raise NoLanguageMatches( "Error! No language in template matches any of languages `%r` for fields `%r`." % (language_preferences, fields.keys()) )