Source code for shuup.notify.script_template.generic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.admin.forms.widgets import TextEditorWidget
from shuup.notify.actions import SendEmail
from shuup.notify.script import Step, StepNext
from shuup.notify.script_template import BaseScriptTemplate
from shuup.utils.form_group import FormGroup

[docs]class GenericScriptTemplateEmailContentForm(forms.Form): """ Generic form which contains the content of a email: subject and body. """ subject = forms.CharField(label=_("Subject"), help_text=_("The subject of the email")) body = forms.CharField(label=_("Email content"), widget=TextEditorWidget, help_text=_("The content of the email."))
[docs]class GenericScriptTemplateEmailForm(forms.Form): """ Generic form which contains a destination of the email. """ SEND_TO_CHOICES = [ ("customer", _("Customer")), ("other", _("Other destination")), ] send_to = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Send to?"), initial="customer", choices=SEND_TO_CHOICES, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "no-select2"}), help_text=_("You can send this email to the customer or to " "other email of your choice."), ) recipient = forms.EmailField( label=_("Destination"), required=False, help_text=_("Fill with the destination email address.") )
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(GenericScriptTemplateEmailForm, self).clean() send_to = cleaned_data.get("send_to") recipient = cleaned_data.get("recipient") if send_to == "other" and not recipient: self.add_error( "recipient", _("Recipient is a required field when you don't want to " "send the email to customer.") ) return cleaned_data
[docs]class GenericSendEmailScriptTemplate(BaseScriptTemplate): """ A generic ScriptTemplate which needs email configurations such as recipient, subject and body. This class also deals with a multi-language form to receive translated email's subject and body. The form of this ScriptTemplate is a `FormGroup` which will contain a `base` form which has no translation and also intances of `multilingual_form_class`, one for each available LANGUAGE. Only the form for the default language (provided by `PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE` setting) is required. :ivar: django.form.Form base_form_class: the main form, not included in the group of translation fields. :ivar: django.form.Form multilingual_form_class: the form which will be created for each available language. """ template_name = "notify/admin/generic_script_template.jinja" extra_js_template_name = "notify/admin/generic_script_template_extra_js.jinja" base_form_class = GenericScriptTemplateEmailForm multilingual_form_class = GenericScriptTemplateEmailContentForm
[docs] def get_script_steps(self, form): action_data = { "template_data": {}, "language": {"constant": settings.PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE}, } if form["base"].cleaned_data.get("send_to") == "other": action_data["recipient"] = {"constant": form["base"].cleaned_data["recipient"]} else: action_data["recipient"] = {"variable": "customer_email"} for language in form.forms: form_lang = form[language] # tries to get the cleaned data, otherwise the initial value # since cleaned_data will be blank if the user did not change anything action_data["template_data"][language] = { "content_type": "html", "subject": form_lang.cleaned_data.get("subject", form_lang.initial.get("subject", "")).strip(), "body": form_lang.cleaned_data.get("body", form_lang.initial.get("body", "")).strip(), } send_mail_action = SendEmail(action_data) return [Step(next=StepNext.STOP, actions=(send_mail_action,))]
[docs] def get_context_data(self): context = super(GenericSendEmailScriptTemplate, self).get_context_data() context["languages"] = dict(settings.LANGUAGES) context["default_language"] = settings.PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE return context
[docs] def get_form(self, **kwargs): """ Create a `FormGroup` and put the necessary forms inside. """ kwargs.update(self.get_form_kwargs()) form_group = FormGroup(**kwargs) form_group.add_form_def("base", self.base_form_class, required=True) default_language = settings.PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE # the first form must be the first form, and required, as it is the fallback form_group.add_form_def(default_language, self.multilingual_form_class, required=True) for language, __ in settings.LANGUAGES: # the default language was already added! if language == default_language: continue form_group.add_form_def(language, self.multilingual_form_class, required=False) return form_group
[docs] def get_initial(self): # if we have a script bound, parse its content if self.script_instance: send_email = None # search for the SendEmail action for step in self.script_instance.get_steps(): for action in step._actions: if isinstance(action, SendEmail): send_email = action break send_to_customer ="recipient", {}).get("variable") == "customer_email" recipient = "" if send_to_customer else["recipient"].get("constant", "") initial = {"base-recipient": recipient, "base-send_to": "customer" if send_to_customer else "other"} for language, data in["template_data"].items(): for data_key, data_value in data.items(): initial["{0}-{1}".format(language, data_key)] = data_value return initial else: return super(GenericSendEmailScriptTemplate, self).get_initial()
[docs] def can_edit_script(self): """ We can only edit the script when: * the event is what we expect * has a single SendMail action in steps (oterwise we don't know which to edit) """ if self.script_instance.event_identifier != self.event.identifier: return False send_mails = [] for step in self.script_instance.get_steps(): send_mails.extend(list(filter(lambda action: isinstance(action, SendEmail), step._actions))) return len(send_mails) == 1