Source code for shuup.importer.admin_module

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.admin.base import AdminModule, MenuEntry
from shuup.admin.utils.urls import admin_url
from shuup.apps.provides import get_provide_objects

[docs]class ImportAdminModule(AdminModule): name = _("Data Import") breadcrumbs_menu_entry = MenuEntry(name, url="shuup_admin:importer.import")
[docs] def get_extra_permissions(self): extra_permissions = [""] importers_permissions = [importer.get_permission_identifier() for importer in get_provide_objects("importers")] return extra_permissions + importers_permissions
[docs] def get_permissions_help_texts(self): help_texts = { "": _("Allow the user to see the imports from all shops and suppliers."), "importer.import_process": _("Allow the user to run importers."), "importer.import": _("Allow the user to list imports."), "": _("Allow the user to import a file."), "importer.download_example": _("Allow the user to download sample files."), } for importer in get_provide_objects("importers"): help_texts[importer.get_permission_identifier()] = _( "Allow the user to use the {importer_name} importer." ).format( return help_texts
[docs] def get_urls(self): return [ admin_url( "^importer/imports/$", "shuup.importer.admin_module.import_views.ImportListView", name="importer.import" ), admin_url( r"^importer/imports/(?P<pk>.+)/$", "shuup.importer.admin_module.import_views.ImportDetailView", name="importer.import.detail", ), admin_url( "^importer/new/$", "shuup.importer.admin_module.import_views.ImportView", name="", ), admin_url( "^importer/process$", "shuup.importer.admin_module.import_views.ImportProcessView", name="importer.import_process", ), admin_url( "^importer/example$", "shuup.importer.admin_module.import_views.ExampleFileDownloadView", name="importer.download_example", ), ]
[docs] def get_menu_entries(self, request): return [ MenuEntry( text=_("Data Import"), category=SETTINGS_MENU_CATEGORY, url="shuup_admin:importer.import", icon="fa fa-star", ) ]