Source code for shuup.front.utils.translation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import get_language_info, ugettext, ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup import configuration

FRONT_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_CONFIG_KEY = "front:available_languages"

[docs]def get_language_choices(shop=None): """ Returns a list of the available language choices, e.g.: [("en", "English", "English"]) If a shop is passed, the languages will be filtered by those enabled for that shop. :rtype iterable[(str, str, str)] """ available_languages = [] languages = [] if shop: available_languages = configuration.get(shop, FRONT_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_CONFIG_KEY) if available_languages: available_languages = available_languages.split(",") for code, name in settings.LANGUAGES: if available_languages and code not in available_languages: continue lang_info = get_language_info(code) name_in_current_lang = ugettext(name) local_name = lang_info["name_local"] languages.append((code, name_in_current_lang, local_name)) return languages
[docs]def set_shop_available_languages(shop, languages): available_codes = [code for code, name in settings.LANGUAGES] # validate languages for language in languages: if language not in available_codes: msg = _("`{language_code}` is an invalid language code.").format(language_code=language) raise ValueError(msg) configuration.set(shop, FRONT_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_CONFIG_KEY, ",".join(languages))
[docs]def get_shop_available_languages(shop): available_languages = configuration.get(shop, FRONT_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_CONFIG_KEY, "") if available_languages: return available_languages.split(",") return []