Source code for shuup.front.apps.registration.notify_events

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from registration.signals import user_activated, user_registered

from shuup.core.models import PersonContact, get_person_contact
from shuup.notify.base import Event, Variable
from shuup.notify.script_template.factory import generic_send_email_script_template_factory
from shuup.notify.typology import URL, Boolean, Email, Model
from shuup.utils.django_compat import reverse

from .signals import user_reactivated

[docs]class RegistrationReceived(Event): identifier = "registration_received" name = _("Registration Received") customer = Variable(_("Customer"), type=Model("shuup.Contact")) customer_email = Variable(_("Customer Email"), type=Email) activation_url = Variable(_("Activation URL"), type=URL, required=False) user_is_active = Variable(_("Is User Active"), type=Boolean)
[docs]class AccountReactivation(RegistrationReceived): identifier = "account_reactivation" name = _("Account Reactivation")
[docs]class CompanyRegistrationReceived(RegistrationReceived): identifier = "company_registration_received" name = _("Company Registration Received")
[docs]class CompanyApproved(RegistrationReceived): identifier = "company_approved_by_admin" name = _("Company Approved")
[docs]class AccountActivation(RegistrationReceived): identifier = "account_activation" name = _("Account Activation")
[docs]def send_activation_notification(user, request, **kwargs): cls = AccountActivation customer = get_person_contact(user) email = event = cls( customer=customer, customer_email=email, user_is_active=user.is_active, )
[docs]def send_user_registered_notification(user, request, **kwargs): activation_url = None person_contact = get_person_contact(user) activation_key = user.registrationprofile.activation_key if hasattr(user, "registrationprofile") else None if activation_key: activation_path = reverse("shuup:registration_activate", args=(activation_key,)) activation_url = request.build_absolute_uri(activation_path) customer = person_contact cls = RegistrationReceived email = if person_contact: company = person_contact.company_memberships.first() if company: customer = company cls = CompanyRegistrationReceived email = or event = cls( customer=customer, customer_email=email, activation_url=activation_url, user_is_active=user.is_active, )
[docs]def send_reactivation_notification(user, request, **kwargs): cls = AccountReactivation customer = get_person_contact(user) email = event = cls( customer=customer, customer_email=email, user_is_active=user.is_active, )
[docs]def send_company_activated_first_time_notification(instance, request, **kwargs): activated_once = instance.log_entries.filter(identifier="company_activated").exists() if activated_once or not instance.is_active: return # Send email if a company was never activated before instance.add_log_entry(message=_("Company has been activated."), identifier="company_activated") person = instance.members.instance_of(PersonContact).first() user = person.user activation_url = None activation_key = user.registrationprofile.activation_key if hasattr(user, "registrationprofile") else None if activation_key: activation_path = reverse("shuup:registration_activate", args=(activation_key,)) activation_url = request.build_absolute_uri(activation_path) email = or customer = instance event = CompanyApproved( customer=customer, customer_email=email, user_is_active=user.is_active, activation_url=activation_url )
RegistrationReceivedEmailScriptTemplate = generic_send_email_script_template_factory( identifier="registration_received_email", event=RegistrationReceived, name=_("Send Registration Received Email"), description=_("Send email when a user registers."), help_text=_( "This script will send an email to the user or to any configured email " "right after a user get registered." ), initial={"en-subject": _("{{ }} - Welcome!")}, ) AccountReactivationEmailScriptTemplate = generic_send_email_script_template_factory( identifier="account_reactivated", event=AccountReactivation, name=_("Send account reactivation email"), description=_("Send email when a user account gets reactivated"), help_text=_( "This script will send an email to the user or to any configured email " "when a account get's reactivated" ), initial={"en-subject": _("{{ customer.username }} is now active again!")}, ) CompanyRegistrationReceivedEmailScriptTemplate = generic_send_email_script_template_factory( identifier="company_registration_received_email", event=CompanyRegistrationReceived, name=_("Send Company Registration Received Email"), description=_("Send email when a user registers as a company."), help_text=_( "This script will send an email to the user or to any configured email " "right after a user get registered." ), initial={"en-subject": _("{{ }} - Welcome!")}, ) CompanyActivatedEmailScriptTemplate = generic_send_email_script_template_factory( identifier="company_activated_email", event=CompanyApproved, name=_("Send Company Activated Email"), description=_("Notify company's contact person that company account is activated"), help_text=_( "This script will send an email to the user or to any configured email " "right after a company is activated." ), initial={"en-subject": _("{{ }} - Welcome!")}, ) AccountActivationEmailScriptTemplate = generic_send_email_script_template_factory( identifier="account_reactivated", event=AccountActivation, name=_("Send account activation email"), description=_("Send email when a user account gets activated for the first time"), help_text=_( "This script will send an email to the user or to any configured email " "when an account gets activated for the first time" ), initial={"en-subject": _("{{ customer.username }} is now active!")}, )