Source code for shuup.discounts.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import six
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q

from shuup.core.models import Category
from shuup.core.utils import context_cache
from shuup.utils.dates import to_timestamp

def _get_price_expiration_cache_key(shop_id):
    return "price_expiration_%s" % shop_id

[docs]def get_potential_discounts_for_product(context, product, available_only=True): """ Get a queryset of all possible discounts for a given context and product If `available_only` is True, only the discounts which match happy hours, availability exceptions and start/end dates will be returned If `available_only` is False, all discounts that match with the context and product, that are active will be returned. """ shop = product_id = product if isinstance(product, six.integer_types) else category_ids = list(Category.objects.filter(shop_products__product_id=product_id).values_list("id", flat=True)) group_ids = list(context.customer.groups_ids) # Product condition is always applied condition_query = Q(product__isnull=True) | Q(product_id=product_id) # Supplier condition is always applied supplier = context.supplier if supplier: condition_query &= Q(supplier=supplier) | Q(supplier__isnull=True) else: # No supplier in context means no discounts limited to specific # suppliers condition_query &= Q(supplier__isnull=True) # Apply category conditions if len(category_ids) == 1: condition_query &= ( Q(category__isnull=True) | (Q(exclude_selected_category=False) & Q(category__id=category_ids[0])) | (Q(exclude_selected_category=True) & ~Q(category__id=category_ids[0])) ) else: condition_query &= ( Q(category__isnull=True) | (Q(exclude_selected_category=False) & Q(category__id__in=category_ids)) | (Q(exclude_selected_category=True) & ~Q(category__id__in=category_ids)) ) # Apply contact conditions condition_query &= Q(contact__isnull=True) | Q( # Apply contact group conditions if len(group_ids) == 1: condition_query &= ( Q(contact_group__isnull=True) | (Q(exclude_selected_contact_group=False) & Q(contact_group__id=group_ids[0])) | (Q(exclude_selected_contact_group=True) & ~Q(contact_group__id=group_ids[0])) ) else: condition_query &= ( Q(contact_group__isnull=True) | (Q(exclude_selected_contact_group=False) & Q(contact_group__id__in=group_ids)) | (Q(exclude_selected_contact_group=True) & ~Q(contact_group__id__in=group_ids)) ) # Apply coupon code condition basket = getattr(context, "basket", None) if basket and coupon_queries = Q() for code in # TODO: Revise! Likely there is not too many codes in basket. coupon_queries |= Q(Q(coupon_code__active=True) & Q(coupon_code__code__iexact=code)) condition_query &= Q(coupon_code__isnull=True) | coupon_queries else: condition_query &= Q(coupon_code__isnull=True) from shuup.discounts.models import Discount if available_only: base_queryset = Discount.objects.available(shop) else: base_queryset = Discount.objects.filter(shops=shop, active=True) # Get all possible discounts for the current product and context return base_queryset.filter(condition_query).distinct()
[docs]def get_active_discount_for_code(order_or_order_source, code): from shuup.discounts.models import Discount shop = return ( Discount.objects.available(shop).filter(Q(coupon_code__active=True) & Q(coupon_code__code__iexact=code)).first() )
[docs]def get_next_dates_for_range(weekday, from_hour, to_hour): """ Get datetime ranges for the next weekday Example: Give me the date ranges for the next Sunday from 1pm to 10pm It will return a tuple of datetimes. If the requested weekday is the same of today, it will return both the ranges for today and also for the next week. :rtype list[datetime.datetime] """ import datetime from django.utils.timezone import now now_datetime = now() next_date = now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=(abs(weekday - now_datetime.weekday()) % 7)) ranges = [ next_date.replace(hour=from_hour.hour, minute=from_hour.minute), next_date.replace(hour=to_hour.hour, minute=to_hour.minute), ] # the next date is the same as today, let's return also the next week ranges if == now().date(): next_week_date = next_date + datetime.timedelta(days=7) ranges.extend( [ next_week_date.replace(hour=from_hour.hour, minute=from_hour.minute), next_week_date.replace(hour=to_hour.hour, minute=to_hour.minute), ] ) return ranges
[docs]def bump_price_expiration(shops): """ Bump price expiration cache for shops :param itetable[int|Shop] shops: list of shops to bump caches """ from shuup.core.models import Shop shop_ids = [ if isinstance(shop, Shop) else int(shop) for shop in shops] for shop_id in shop_ids: context_cache.bump_cache_for_item(_get_price_expiration_cache_key(shop_id))
[docs]def get_price_expiration(context, product): """ Returns the price expiration for the product through a UNIX timestamp This routine loads all dates that can possibly affect the price of the product in the future. After fetching all the event dates, the expiration time will be the minimum datetime that is greater than now: expire_on = min( event_date for event_dates in [ next_discount_start, next_discount_ends, next_happy_hour_start, next_happy_hour_end, next_availability_exception_start, next_availability_exception_end ] if event_date > now ) :rtype numbers.Number|None :returns the price expiration time timestamp """ cache_params = dict( identifier="price_expiration", item=_get_price_expiration_cache_key(, context={} ) if settings.SHUUP_DISCOUNTS_PER_PRODUCT_EXPIRATION_DATES: cache_params["customer"] = getattr(context, "customer", None) cache_params["product"] = product key, value = context_cache.get_cached_value(**cache_params) if value is not None: return value context_cache_key = "price_expiration_%(shop_id)s" % dict( if hasattr(context, "context_cache_key"): return getattr(context, context_cache_key) from shuup.discounts.models import AvailabilityException, Discount, TimeRange if settings.SHUUP_DISCOUNTS_PER_PRODUCT_EXPIRATION_DATES: potential_discounts = get_potential_discounts_for_product(context, product, available_only=False) else: potential_discounts = event_dates = [] availability_exceptions = AvailabilityException.objects.filter(discounts__in=potential_discounts).distinct() for start_datetime, end_datetime in availability_exceptions.values_list("start_datetime", "end_datetime"): event_dates.extend([start_datetime, end_datetime]) time_ranges = TimeRange.objects.filter(happy_hour__discounts__in=potential_discounts).distinct() for weekday, from_hour, to_hour in time_ranges.values_list("weekday", "from_hour", "to_hour"): event_dates.extend(get_next_dates_for_range(weekday, from_hour, to_hour)) from django.utils.timezone import now now_datetime = now() if event_dates: min_event_date = min(event_date for event_date in event_dates if event_date > now_datetime) min_event_date_timestamp = to_timestamp(min_event_date) # cache the value in the context cache, setting the timeout as the price expiration time cache_timeout = max((min_event_date - now_datetime).total_seconds(), 0) context_cache.set_cached_value(key, min_event_date_timestamp, timeout=cache_timeout) # cache the context in the context, so if it is used again it will contain the calculated value setattr(context, context_cache_key, min_event_date_timestamp) return min_event_date_timestamp