Source code for shuup.discounts.modules

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import six
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.core.models import ShopProduct
from shuup.core.order_creator import OrderSourceModifierModule
from shuup.core.pricing import DiscountModule
from shuup.discounts.models import CouponCode, CouponUsage
from shuup.discounts.utils import (

[docs]class ProductDiscountModule(DiscountModule): identifier = "product_discounts" name = _("Product Discounts")
[docs] def discount_price(self, context, product, price_info): shop = basket = getattr(context, "basket", None) potential_discounts = get_potential_discounts_for_product(context, product).values_list( "discounted_price_value", "discount_amount_value", "discount_percentage", "coupon_code__code" ) discounted_prices = [] for discounted_price_value, discount_amount_value, discount_percentage, coupon_code in potential_discounts: if basket and coupon_code and not CouponCode.is_usable(shop, coupon_code, customer=basket.customer): # TODO: Revise! This will cause some queries. Are do we want those? Maybe some cache for this check? # Maybe somewhere we should just remove coupon codes that is not usable from basket all together? continue if discounted_price_value: # Applies the new product price per item discounted_prices.append( min( price_info.price, max(shop.create_price(discounted_price_value) * price_info.quantity, shop.create_price(0)), ) ) if discount_amount_value: # Discount amount value per item discounted_prices.append( max( price_info.price - shop.create_price(discount_amount_value) * price_info.quantity, shop.create_price(0), ) ) if discount_percentage: # Discount percentage per item discounted_prices.append( max(price_info.price - price_info.price * discount_percentage, shop.create_price(0)) ) if discounted_prices: product_id = product if isinstance(product, six.integer_types) else minimum_price_values = list( ShopProduct.objects.filter(product_id=product_id, shop=shop).values_list( "minimum_price_value", flat=True ) ) minimum_price_value = minimum_price_values[0] if minimum_price_values else 0 price_info.price = max( min(discounted_prices), shop.create_price(minimum_price_value or 0) or shop.create_price(0) ) price_expiration = get_price_expiration(context, product) if price_expiration and (not price_info.expires_on or price_expiration < price_info.expires_on): price_info.expires_on = price_expiration return price_info
[docs]class CouponCodeModule(OrderSourceModifierModule): identifier = "discounts_coupon_codes" name = _("Product Discounts Coupon Codes")
[docs] def can_use_code(self, order_source, code): active_discount = get_active_discount_for_code(order_source, code) if not active_discount: return False return active_discount.coupon_code.can_use_code(, order_source.customer)
[docs] def use_code(self, order, code): active_discount = get_active_discount_for_code(order, code) if not active_discount: # TODO: Revise! Likely "shouldn't" happen too often return return active_discount.coupon_code.use(order)
[docs] def clear_codes(self, order): CouponUsage.objects.filter(order=order).delete()