Source code for shuup.discounts.admin.views._happy_hours

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import datetime
from django import forms
from django.contrib import messages
from django.db import transaction
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.views.generic import DetailView

from shuup.admin.forms.fields import Select2MultipleField, WeekdayField
from shuup.admin.forms.widgets import TimeInput
from shuup.admin.shop_provider import get_shop
from shuup.admin.toolbar import get_default_edit_toolbar
from shuup.admin.utils.picotable import Column, TextFilter
from shuup.admin.utils.views import CreateOrUpdateView, PicotableListView
from shuup.discounts.models import Discount, HappyHour, TimeRange
from shuup.utils.django_compat import force_text, reverse_lazy

[docs]class HappyHourListView(PicotableListView): model = HappyHour url_identifier = "discounts_happy_hour" default_columns = [ Column( "name", _("Happy Hour Name"), sort_field="name", display="name", filter_config=TextFilter(filter_field="name", placeholder=_("Filter by name...")), ) ]
[docs] def get_queryset(self): return HappyHour.objects.filter(shops=get_shop(self.request))
def _get_initial_data_for_time_ranges(happy_hour): weekdays = [] from_hour = None to_hour = None for time_range in happy_hour.time_ranges.all().order_by("weekday", "from_hour"): if from_hour is None: from_hour = time_range.from_hour if to_hour is None: to_hour = time_range.to_hour elif time_range.to_hour < to_hour: to_hour = time_range.to_hour if not time_range.parent and time_range.weekday not in weekdays: weekdays.append(time_range.weekday) return weekdays, from_hour, to_hour def _create_time_ranges_from_data(happy_hour, weekdays, from_hour, to_hour): for weekday in weekdays.split(","): if to_hour < from_hour: matching_day = int(weekday) tomorrow = matching_day + 1 if matching_day < 6 else 0 parent = TimeRange.objects.create( happy_hour=happy_hour, from_hour=from_hour, to_hour=datetime.time(hour=23, minute=59), weekday=matching_day, ) TimeRange.objects.create( happy_hour=happy_hour, parent=parent, from_hour=datetime.time(hour=0), to_hour=to_hour, weekday=tomorrow ) else: TimeRange.objects.create(happy_hour=happy_hour, from_hour=from_hour, to_hour=to_hour, weekday=int(weekday)) class HappyHourForm(forms.ModelForm): weekdays = WeekdayField() from_hour = forms.TimeField() to_hour = forms.TimeField() class Meta: model = HappyHour exclude = ("shops",) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.request = kwargs.pop("request") = get_shop(self.request) super(HappyHourForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.fields["discounts"] = Select2MultipleField( label=_("Product Discounts"), help_text=_("Select discounts for this happy hour."), model=Discount, required=False, ) initial_discounts = self.instance.discounts.all() if else [] self.fields["discounts"].initial = initial_discounts self.fields["discounts"].widget.choices = [ (, force_text(discount)) for discount in initial_discounts ] if weekdays, from_hour, to_hour = _get_initial_data_for_time_ranges(self.instance) if weekdays and from_hour and to_hour: self.fields["weekdays"].initial = weekdays self.fields["from_hour"].initial = from_hour self.fields["to_hour"].initial = to_hour # Since we touch these views in init we need to reset some # widgets and help texts after setting the initial values. self.fields["from_hour"].widget = TimeInput(attrs={"class": "time"}) self.fields["to_hour"].widget = TimeInput(attrs={"class": "time"}) help_texts = [ ("from_hour", _("12pm is considered noon and 12am as midnight. Start hour is included to the discount.")), ("to_hour", _("12pm is considered noon and 12am as midnight. End hours is included to the discount.")), ("weekdays", _("Weekdays the happy hour is active.")), ] for field, help_text in help_texts: self.fields[field].help_text = help_text def save(self, commit=True): with transaction.atomic(): instance = super(HappyHourForm, self).save(commit) instance.shops.set([]) data = self.cleaned_data if "discounts" in self.fields: data = self.cleaned_data discount_ids = data.get("discounts", []) instance.discounts.set(Discount.objects.filter(, id__in=discount_ids)) instance.time_ranges.all().delete() weekdays = data["weekdays"] from_hour = data["from_hour"] to_hour = data["to_hour"] _create_time_ranges_from_data(instance, weekdays, from_hour, to_hour) return instance
[docs]class HappyHourEditView(CreateOrUpdateView): model = HappyHour form_class = HappyHourForm template_name = "shuup/discounts/edit.jinja" context_object_name = "discounts"
[docs] def get_queryset(self): return HappyHour.objects.filter(shops=get_shop(self.request))
[docs] def get_toolbar(self): object = self.get_object() delete_url = ( reverse_lazy("shuup_admin:discounts_happy_hour.delete", kwargs={"pk":}) if else None ) return get_default_edit_toolbar(self, self.get_save_form_id(), delete_url=delete_url)
[docs] def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(HappyHourEditView, self).get_form_kwargs() kwargs["request"] = self.request return kwargs
[docs]class HappyHourDeleteView(DetailView): model = HappyHour
[docs] def get_queryset(self): return HappyHour.objects.filter(shops=get_shop(self.request))
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): happy_hour = self.get_object() happy_hour.delete() messages.success(request, _("%s has been deleted.") % happy_hour) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy("shuup_admin:discounts_happy_hour.list"))