Source code for shuup.default_reports.reports.taxes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from decimal import Decimal
from django.db.models import Count, F, Q, Sum
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.core.fields import MoneyValueField
from shuup.core.models import OrderLineTax, Tax
from shuup.default_reports.forms import TaxesReportForm
from shuup.default_reports.mixins import OrderReportMixin
from import ShuupReportBase
from import Money

[docs]class TaxesReport(OrderReportMixin, ShuupReportBase): identifier = "taxes_report" title = _("Taxes") form_class = TaxesReportForm filename_template = "taxes-report-%(time)s" schema = [ {"key": "tax", "title": _("Tax")}, {"key": "tax_rate", "title": _("Rate (%)")}, {"key": "order_count", "title": _("Orders")}, {"key": "total_pretax_amount", "title": _("Pre-tax Total")}, {"key": "total_tax_amount", "title": _("Total Tax Amount")}, {"key": "total", "title": _("Total")}, ]
[docs] def get_objects(self): order_line_taxes = OrderLineTax.objects.filter(order_line__order__in=super(TaxesReport, self).get_objects()) tax = self.options.get("tax") tax_class = self.options.get("tax_class") filters = Q() if tax: filters &= Q(tax__in=tax) if tax_class: filters &= Q(order_line__product__tax_class__in=tax_class) return ( order_line_taxes.filter(filters) .values("tax", "tax__rate") .annotate( total_tax_amount=Sum("amount_value"), total_pretax_amount=Sum("base_amount_value"), total=Sum(F("amount_value") + F("base_amount_value"), output_field=MoneyValueField()), order_count=Count("order_line__order", distinct=True), ) .order_by("total_tax_amount") )
[docs] def get_data(self): data = [] tax_map = {} for tax_total in self.get_objects()[: self.queryset_row_limit]: # load tax on-demand if not tax_total["tax"] in tax_map: tax_map[tax_total["tax"]] = Tax.objects.get(pk=tax_total["tax"]) data.append( { "tax": tax_map[tax_total["tax"]].name, "tax_rate": tax_total["tax__rate"] * Decimal(100.0), "order_count": tax_total["order_count"], "total_pretax_amount": Money(tax_total["total_pretax_amount"], .as_rounded() .value, "total_tax_amount": Money(tax_total["total_tax_amount"],, "total": Money(tax_total["total"],, } ) return self.get_return_data(data)