Source code for shuup.customer_group_pricing.module

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import six
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.core.models import ShopProduct
from shuup.core.pricing import DiscountModule, PriceInfo, PricingModule

from .models import CgpDiscount, CgpPrice

[docs]class CustomerGroupPricingModule(PricingModule): identifier = "customer_group_pricing" name = _("Customer Group Pricing")
[docs] def get_price_info(self, context, product, quantity=1): shop = product_id = product if isinstance(product, six.integer_types) else default_price_values = list( ShopProduct.objects.filter(product_id=product_id, shop=shop).values_list("default_price_value", flat=True) ) if len(default_price_values) == 0: # No shop product return PriceInfo(price=shop.create_price(0), base_price=shop.create_price(0), quantity=quantity) else: default_price = default_price_values[0] or 0 filter = Q(product_id=product_id, shop=shop, price_value__gt=0, group__in=context.customer.groups.all()) result = CgpPrice.objects.filter(filter).order_by("price_value")[:1].values_list("price_value", flat=True) if result: price = result[0] if default_price > 0: price = min([default_price, price]) else: price = default_price return PriceInfo( price=shop.create_price(price * quantity), base_price=shop.create_price(price * quantity), quantity=quantity, )
[docs]class CustomerGroupDiscountModule(DiscountModule): identifier = "customer_group_discount" name = _("Customer Group Discount")
[docs] def discount_price(self, context, product, price_info): """ Get the best discount amount for context. """ shop = product_id = product if isinstance(product, six.integer_types) else cgp_discount = ( CgpDiscount.objects.filter(, product_id=product_id, group__in=context.customer.groups.all(), discount_amount_value__gt=0, ) .order_by("-discount_amount_value") .first() ) if cgp_discount: total_discount = cgp_discount.discount_amount * price_info.quantity # do not allow the discount to be greater than the price price_info.price = max(price_info.price - total_discount, return price_info