Source code for shuup.core.utils.price_display

# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Utilities for displaying prices correctly.


  * Class `PriceDisplayOptions` for storing the display options.

  * Helper function `render_price_property` for rendering prices
    correctly from Python code.

  * Various filter classes for implementing Jinja2 filters.

import django_jinja.library
import jinja2

from shuup.core.pricing import PriceDisplayOptions, Priceful
from shuup.core.templatetags.shuup_common import money, percent
from shuup.core.utils.price_cache import (
from shuup.core.utils.prices import convert_taxness

PRICED_CHILDREN_CACHE_KEY = "%s-%s_priced_children"

[docs]def render_price_property(request, item, priceful, property_name="price"): """ Render price property of a Priceful object. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :type item: shuup.core.taxing.TaxableItem :type priceful: shuup.core.pricing.Priceful :type propert_name: str :rtype: str """ options = PriceDisplayOptions.from_context({"request": request}) if options.hide_prices: return "" new_priceful = convert_taxness(request, item, priceful, options.include_taxes) price_value = getattr(new_priceful, property_name) return money(price_value)
class _ContextObject(object): def __init__(self, name, property_name=None): = name self.property_name = property_name or name self._register() class _ContextFilter(_ContextObject): def _register(self): django_jinja.library.filter(, fn=jinja2.contextfilter(self)) @property def cache_identifier(self): return "price_filter_%s" % class _ContextFunction(_ContextObject): def _register(self): django_jinja.library.global_function(, fn=jinja2.contextfunction(self))
[docs]class PriceDisplayFilter(_ContextFilter): def __call__(self, context, item, quantity=1, include_taxes=None, allow_cache=True, supplier=None): options = PriceDisplayOptions.from_context(context) if options.hide_prices: return "" if include_taxes is None: include_taxes = options.include_taxes request = context.get("request") price_info = ( get_cached_price_info(request, item, quantity, include_taxes=include_taxes, supplier=supplier) if allow_cache else None ) if not price_info: price_info = _get_priceful(request, item, quantity, supplier) if not price_info: return "" price_info = convert_taxness(request, item, price_info, include_taxes) if allow_cache: cache_price_info(request, item, quantity, price_info, include_taxes=include_taxes, supplier=supplier) return money(getattr(price_info, self.property_name))
[docs]class PricePropertyFilter(_ContextFilter): def __call__(self, context, item, quantity=1, allow_cache=True, supplier=None): request = context.get("request") price_info = get_cached_price_info(request, item, quantity, supplier=supplier) if allow_cache else None if not price_info: price_info = _get_priceful(request, item, quantity, supplier) if not price_info: return "" if allow_cache: cache_price_info(request, item, quantity, price_info, supplier=supplier) return getattr(price_info, self.property_name)
[docs]class PricePercentPropertyFilter(_ContextFilter): def __call__(self, context, item, quantity=1, allow_cache=True, supplier=None): request = context.get("request") price_info = get_cached_price_info(request, item, quantity, supplier=supplier) if allow_cache else None if not price_info: price_info = _get_priceful(request, item, quantity, supplier) if not price_info: return "" if allow_cache: cache_price_info(request, item, quantity, price_info, supplier=supplier) return percent(getattr(price_info, self.property_name))
[docs]class TotalPriceDisplayFilter(_ContextFilter): def __call__(self, context, source, include_taxes=None): """ :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource| shuup.core.models.Order """ options = PriceDisplayOptions.from_context(context) if options.hide_prices: return "" if include_taxes is None: include_taxes = options.include_taxes try: if include_taxes is None: total = source.total_price elif include_taxes: total = source.taxful_total_price else: total = source.taxless_total_price except TypeError: total = source.total_price return money(total)
[docs]def get_priced_children_for_price_range(request, product, quantity, supplier): product_queryset = product.variation_children.visible(, customer=request.customer).order_by( "shop_products__default_price_value", "pk" ) if supplier: product_queryset = product_queryset.filter(shop_products__suppliers=supplier) low = product_queryset.first() high = product_queryset.last() if not (low or high): return return [ (low, _get_priceful(request, low, quantity, supplier)), (high, _get_priceful(request, high, quantity, supplier)), ]
[docs]class PriceRangeDisplayFilter(_ContextFilter): def __call__(self, context, product, quantity=1, allow_cache=True, supplier=None): """ :type product: shuup.core.models.Product """ options = PriceDisplayOptions.from_context(context) if options.hide_prices: return ("", "") request = context.get("request") priced_products = ( get_many_cached_price_info( request, product, quantity, include_taxes=options.include_taxes, supplier=supplier ) if allow_cache else None ) if priced_products is None: priced_children_key = PRICED_CHILDREN_CACHE_KEY % (, quantity) priced_products = [] if hasattr(request, priced_children_key): priced_children = getattr(request, priced_children_key) else: priced_children = get_priced_children_for_price_range(request, product, quantity, supplier) or [ (product, _get_priceful(request, product, quantity, supplier)) ] setattr(request, priced_children_key, priced_children) for child_product, price_info in priced_children: if not price_info: continue priceful = convert_taxness(request, child_product, price_info, options.include_taxes) priced_products.append(priceful) if priced_products and allow_cache: cache_many_price_info( request, product, quantity, priced_products, include_taxes=options.include_taxes, supplier=supplier ) if not priced_products: return ("", "") return (money(priced_products[0].price), money(priced_products[-1].price))
def _get_priceful(request, item, quantity, supplier): """ Get priceful from given item. If item has `get_price_info` method, it will be called with given `request` and `quantity` as arguments, otherwise the item itself should implement the `Priceful` interface. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest :param request: used as pricing context :type item: shuup.core.taxing.TaxableItem :type quantity: numbers.Number :type supplier: shuup.core.models.Supplier :param supplier: used to pass for pricing context :rtype: shuup.core.pricing.Priceful|None """ if supplier: # Passed from template and sometimes chosen by end user, # but most of the time just decided by supplier strategy. setattr(request, "supplier", supplier) if hasattr(item, "supplier"): # When item already has supplier fe. order and basket lines. # This is always forced and supplier passed from template # can't override this. Though developer should never pass # supplier to template filter while getting price for source line. setattr(request, "supplier", getattr(item, "supplier")) if hasattr(item, "get_price_info"): key_prefix = "%s-%s-" % (, quantity) if supplier: key_prefix += "-%s" % ( price_key = "%s_get_priceful" % key_prefix if hasattr(request, price_key): return getattr(request, price_key) price = item.get_price_info(request, quantity=quantity) setattr(request, price_key, price) return price if hasattr(item, "get_total_cost"): return item.get_total_cost(request.basket) assert isinstance(item, Priceful) return item