Source code for shuup.core.suppliers.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from decimal import Decimal
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, Optional

from shuup.apps.provides import get_provide_objects
from shuup.core.specs.product_kind import ProductKindSpec
from shuup.core.stocks import ProductStockStatus

from .enums import StockAdjustmentType

USER_MODEL = get_user_model()

    from shuup.core.models import Contact, Product, Shipment, ShopProduct, Supplier

[docs]def get_supported_product_kinds_for_module(module_identifier: str) -> Iterable[ProductKindSpec]: specs = [] for product_kind_spec in get_provide_objects("product_kind_specs"): supported_modules = product_kind_spec.supported_supplier_modules if not supported_modules or module_identifier in supported_modules: specs.append(product_kind_spec) return specs
[docs]def get_supported_product_kinds_values_for_module(module_identifier: str) -> Iterable[int]: return list([spec.value for spec in get_supported_product_kinds_for_module(module_identifier)])
[docs]class SupplierModuleInterface: """ Supplier module interface. """ identifier = None # type: str name = None # type: str
[docs] def get_stock_statuses(self, product_ids, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[int, ProductStockStatus]: """ :param product_ids: Iterable of product IDs. :return: Dict of {product_id: ProductStockStatus}. """ return {}
[docs] def get_stock_status(self, product_id: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional[ProductStockStatus]: """ :param product_id: Product ID. :type product_id: int :rtype: shuup.core.stocks.ProductStockStatus|None """ return None
[docs] def get_orderability_errors( self, shop_product: "ShopProduct", quantity: Decimal, customer: "Contact" ) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: """ :param shop_product: Shop Product. :type shop_product: shuup.core.models.ShopProduct :param quantity: Quantity to order. :type quantity: decimal.Decimal :param customer: Contact. """ return []
[docs] def adjust_stock( self, product_id: int, delta: Decimal, created_by: USER_MODEL = None, type: StockAdjustmentType = StockAdjustmentType.INVENTORY, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Adjusts the stock for the given `product_id`. """ pass
[docs] def update_stock(self, product_id: int, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Updates a stock for the given `product_id` """ pass
[docs] def update_stocks(self, product_ids: Iterable[int], *args, **kwargs) -> None: pass
[docs] def ship_products(self, shipment: "Shipment", product_quantities: Dict["Product", Decimal], *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def get_supported_product_kinds(cls) -> Iterable[ProductKindSpec]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_supported_product_kinds_values(cls) -> Iterable[int]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BaseSupplierModule(SupplierModuleInterface): """ Base supplier module implementation. """ def __init__(self, supplier: "Supplier", options: Dict): """ :type supplier: Supplier. :type options: dict """ self.supplier = supplier self.options = options @classmethod
[docs] def get_supported_product_kinds(cls) -> Iterable[ProductKindSpec]: return get_supported_product_kinds_for_module(cls.identifier)
[docs] def get_supported_product_kinds_values(cls) -> Iterable[int]: return get_supported_product_kinds_values_for_module(cls.identifier)
[docs] def get_stock_status(self, product_id: int, *args, **kwargs): statuses = self.get_stock_statuses([product_id]) if product_id in statuses: return statuses[product_id]
[docs] def update_stocks(self, product_ids: Iterable[int], *args, **kwargs): # Naive default implementation; smarter modules can do something better for product_id in product_ids: self.update_stock(product_id)