Source code for shuup.core.pricing._discounts

# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import abc
import six

from shuup.apps.provides import load_module_instances

def get_discount_modules():
    Get a list of configured discount module instances.

    :rtype: list[DiscountModule]
    return load_module_instances("SHUUP_DISCOUNT_MODULES", "discount_module")

class DiscountModule(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
[docs] def discount_price(self, context, product, price_info): """ Discount given price of given product. :param context: Pricing context to operate in :type context: shuup.core.pricing.PricingContext :param product: Product in question or its id :type product: shuup.core.models.Product|int :param price_info: Price to discount :type price_info: shuup.core.pricing.PriceInfo :return: Discounted price :rtype: shuup.core.pricing.PriceInfo """ return price_info
[docs] def get_pricing_steps(self, context, product, steps): """ Get discounted pricing steps for given product. Base class version just discounts all the given steps with `discount_price`, but another module could add more steps and should do so, if the module introduces any pricing steps. :param context: Pricing context to operate in :type context: shuup.core.pricing.PricingContext :param product: Product in question or its id :type product: shuup.core.models.Product|int :type steps: list[PriceInfo] :rtype: list[PriceInfo] """ return [self.discount_price(context, product, price_info) for price_info in steps]
[docs] def discount_prices(self, context, products, price_infos): """ Discount a bunch of prices. :param context: Pricing context to operate in :type context: shuup.core.pricing.PricingContext :param products: Products in question or their ids :type products: Iterable[shuup.core.models.Product|int] :type price_infos: dict[int,PriceInfo] :rtype: dict[int,PriceInfo] """ product_map = {getattr(x, "pk", x): x for x in products} return { pk: self.discount_price(context, product_map[pk], price_info) for (pk, price_info) in six.iteritems(price_infos) }
[docs] def get_pricing_steps_for_products(self, context, products, steps): """ Get discounted pricing steps for a bunch of products. :param context: Pricing context to operate in :type context: shuup.core.pricing.PricingContext :param products: Products in question or their ids :type products: Iterable[shuup.core.models.Product|int] :type steps: dict[int,list[PriceInfo]] :rtype: dict[int,list[PriceInfo]] """ pks_and_products = ((getattr(x, "pk", x), x) for x in products) return {pk: self.get_pricing_steps(context, product, steps[pk]) for (pk, product) in pks_and_products}