Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import six

from shuup.core.models import Basket
from shuup.core.utils.users import real_user_or_none
from shuup.utils.importing import cached_load

[docs]class BasketCompatibilityError(Exception): pass
[docs]class BasketStorage(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
[docs] def load(self, basket): """ Load the given basket's data dictionary from the storage. :type basket: shuup.core.basket.objects.BaseBasket :rtype: dict :raises: `BasketCompatibilityError` if basket loaded from the storage is not compatible with the requested basket. """ stored_basket = self._load_stored_basket(basket) if not stored_basket: return {} if stored_basket.shop_id != msg = "Error! Cannot load basket of a different Shop (" "%s id=%r with Shop=%s, Dest. Basket Shop=%s)" % ( type(stored_basket).__name__,, stored_basket.shop_id,, ) raise BasketCompatibilityError(msg) price_units_diff = _price_units_diff(stored_basket, if price_units_diff: msg = "Error! %s %r: Price unit mismatch with Shop (%s)" % ( type(stored_basket).__name__,, price_units_diff, ) raise BasketCompatibilityError(msg) return or {}
@abc.abstractmethod def _load_stored_basket(self, basket): """ Load stored basket for the given basket from the storage. The returned object should have ``id``, ``shop_id``, ``currency``, ``prices_include_tax`` and ``data`` attributes. :type basket: shuup.core.basket.objects.BaseBasket :return: Stored basket or None """ pass @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def save(self, basket, data): # pragma: no cover """ Save the given data dictionary into the storage for the given basket. :type basket: shuup.core.basket.objects.BaseBasket :type data: dict :rtype str: :return: The unique identifier of the basket just created """ pass
[docs] def delete(self, basket): # pragma: no cover """ Delete the basket from storage. :type basket: shuup.core.basket.objects.BaseBasket """ pass
[docs] def finalize(self, basket): """ Mark the basket as "finalized" (i.e. completed) in the storage. The actual semantics of what finalization does are up to each backend. :type basket: shuup.core.basket.objects.BaseBasket """ self.delete(basket=basket)
[docs] def basket_exists(self, key, shop): """ Check if basket exists in the storage. For example this is used from API to check whether the basket actually exists for certain shop when accessed with key. :type key: str :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop """ return False
[docs]class BaseDatabaseBasketStorage(BasketStorage): model = Basket
[docs] def get_basket_kwargs(self, basket): return {}
[docs] def save(self, basket, data): """ :type basket: shuup.core.basket.objects.BaseBasket """ stored_basket = self._load_stored_basket(basket) = data stored_basket.taxless_total_price = basket.taxless_total_price_or_none stored_basket.taxful_total_price = basket.taxful_total_price_or_none stored_basket.product_count = basket.smart_product_count stored_basket.customer = basket.customer or None stored_basket.orderer = basket.orderer or None stored_basket.creator = real_user_or_none(basket.creator) if hasattr(self.model, "supplier") and hasattr(basket, "supplier"): stored_basket.supplier = basket.supplier stored_basket.class_spec = "%s.%s" % (basket.__class__.__module__, basket.__class__.__name__) stored_basket.products.set(set(basket.product_ids)) return stored_basket
[docs] def delete(self, basket): stored_basket = self._load_stored_basket(basket) if stored_basket and stored_basket.deleted = True
[docs] def finalize(self, basket): stored_basket = self._load_stored_basket(basket) if stored_basket and stored_basket.deleted = True stored_basket.finished = True
def _load_stored_basket(self, basket): basket_get_kwargs = self.get_basket_kwargs(basket) stored_basket = None if basket_get_kwargs: stored_basket = self.model.objects.filter(deleted=False, **basket_get_kwargs).first() if not stored_basket: stored_basket = self.model(, currency=basket.currency, prices_include_tax=basket.prices_include_tax, ) return stored_basket
[docs] def basket_exists(self, key, shop): return self.model.objects.filter(key=key, shop=shop).exists()
[docs]class DatabaseBasketStorage(BaseDatabaseBasketStorage):
[docs] def get_basket_kwargs(self, basket): if basket.key: return {"key": basket.key} return {}
def _price_units_diff(x, y): diff = [] if x.currency != y.currency: diff.append("currency: %r vs %r" % (x.currency, y.currency)) if x.prices_include_tax != y.prices_include_tax: diff.append("includes_tax: %r vs %r" % (x.prices_include_tax, y.prices_include_tax)) return ", ".join(diff)
[docs]def get_storage(): """ Retrieve a basket storage object. :return: A basket storage object. :rtype: BasketStorage """ storage_class = cached_load("SHUUP_BASKET_STORAGE_CLASS_SPEC") return storage_class()