Source code for shuup.configuration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
API for Shuup's Dynamic Configuration.

Idea of the Dynamic Configuration is to allow storing configuration
values similarly as :ref:`Django settings <django-settings-module>`
allows, but in a more flexible way: Dynamic Configuration can be changed
with a simple API and there is no need restart the application server
after changing a value.

Dynamic configuration values are permanent.  Current implementation
stores the values with `~shuup.core.models.ConfigurationItem` model into
database, but that may change in the future.

Configuration values are get and set by a key string.  There is a global
configuration and a shop specific configuration for each shop.  Values
in shop specific configuration override the values in global
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from shuup.core import cache
from shuup.core.models import ConfigurationItem

[docs]def set(shop, key, value): """ Set configuration item value for a shop or globally. If given `shop` is ``None``, the value of given `key` is set globally for all shops. Otherwise sets a shop specific value which overrides the global value in configuration of the specified shop. :param shop: Shop to set value for, or None to set a global value :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop|None :param key: Name of the key to set :type key: str :param value: Value to set. Note: Must be JSON serializable. :type value: Any """ ConfigurationItem.objects.update_or_create(shop=shop, key=key, defaults={"value": value}) if shop: cache.set(_get_cache_key(shop), None) else: cache.bump_version(_SHOP_CONF_NAMESPACE)
[docs]def get(shop, key, default=None): """ Get configuration value by shop and key. Global configuration can be accessed with ``shop=None``. :param shop: Shop to get configuration value for, or None :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop|None :param key: Configuration item key :type key: str :param default: Default value returned if no value is set for given key (globally or in given shop). :type default: Any :return: Configuration value or the default value :rtype: Any """ return _get_configuration(shop).get(key, default)
def _get_configuration(shop): """ Get global or shop specific configuration with caching. :param shop: Shop to get configuration for, or None :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop|None :return: Global or shop specific configuration :rtype: dict """ configuration = cache.get(_get_cache_key(shop)) if configuration is None: configuration = _cache_shop_configuration(shop) return configuration def _cache_shop_configuration(shop): """ Cache global or shop specific configuration. Global configuration (`shop` is ``None``) is read first, then `shop` based configuration is updated over that. :param shop: Shop to cache configuration for, or None :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop|None :return: Cached configuration :rtype: dict """ configuration = {} configuration.update(_get_configuration_from_db(None)) if shop: configuration.update(_get_configuration_from_db(shop)) cache.set(_get_cache_key(shop), configuration) return configuration def _get_configuration_from_db(shop): """ Get global or shop specific configuration from database. :param shop: Shop to fetch configuration for, or None :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop|None :return: Configuration as it was saved in database :rtype: dict """ configuration = {} for conf_item in ConfigurationItem.objects.filter(shop=shop): configuration[conf_item.key] = conf_item.value return configuration _SHOP_CONF_NAMESPACE = str("shop_config") def _get_cache_key(shop): """ Get global or shop specific cache key. :param shop: Shop to get cache key for, or None :type shop: shuup.core.models.Shop|None :return: Global or shop specific cache key :rtype: str """ return str("%s:%s") % (_SHOP_CONF_NAMESPACE, if shop else 0)