Source code for shuup.admin.dashboard.blocks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from babel.numbers import format_currency, format_number
from django.template import loader

from shuup.utils.django_compat import force_text
from shuup.utils.i18n import get_current_babel_locale
from shuup.utils.numbers import parse_decimal_string

[docs]class DashboardBlock(object): type = None sort_order = 0 SIZES = ("small", "normal", "medium", "large", "full") default_size = "normal" def __init__(self, id, size=None, color=None, sort_order=0): = id if size not in self.SIZES: # pragma: no cover size = self.default_size self.size = size self.color = color self.sort_order = sort_order
[docs]class DashboardContentBlock(DashboardBlock): type = "normal" def __init__(self, id, content, size="normal"): super(DashboardContentBlock, self).__init__(id=id, size=size) self.content = content @classmethod
[docs] def by_rendering_template(cls, id, request, template_name, context): content = loader.render_to_string(template_name=template_name, context=context, request=request) return cls(id=id, content=content)
[docs]class DashboardValueBlock(DashboardBlock): type = "value" default_size = "small" def __init__(self, id, value, title, **kwargs): super(DashboardValueBlock, self).__init__(id=id, size="small") self.value = value self.title = title self.color = kwargs.pop("color", None) self.icon = kwargs.pop("icon", None) self.subtitle = kwargs.pop("subtitle", None) self.sort_order = kwargs.pop("sort_order", 0)
[docs]class DashboardNumberBlock(DashboardValueBlock): def __init__(self, id, value, title, **kwargs): value = parse_decimal_string(value) if int(value) == value: value = int(value) value = format_number(value, locale=get_current_babel_locale()) super(DashboardNumberBlock, self).__init__(id, value, title, **kwargs)
[docs]class DashboardMoneyBlock(DashboardValueBlock): def __init__(self, id, value, title, currency, **kwargs): self.currency = currency value = parse_decimal_string(value) value = format_currency(value, currency=self.currency, locale=get_current_babel_locale()) super(DashboardMoneyBlock, self).__init__(id, value, title, **kwargs)
[docs]class DashboardChartBlock(DashboardBlock): type = "chart" default_size = "medium" BLOCK_TEMPLATE = """ <div class="color-block block-purple"> <h2 class="block-title">%(title)s</h2> <div class="block-content"> <canvas id="chart-%(id)s" height="250"></canvas> </div> </div> <script> window.CHART_CONFIGS = window.CHART_CONFIGS || {}; window.CHART_CONFIGS["%(id)s"] = %(config)s; </script> """
[docs] def get_chart(self): """ Get the actual chart instance for this block. :return: The chart (or None, if it can't be rendered) :rtype: shuup.admin.dashboard.charts.Chart|None """ return None
def __init__(self, id, size="normal"): super(DashboardChartBlock, self).__init__(id=id, size=size) self.content = self._get_content() def _get_content(self): chart = self.get_chart() if not chart: return None content = self.BLOCK_TEMPLATE % { "title": force_text(chart.title), "id":, "config": chart.get_config_json(), "icon": "fa-line-chart", } return content