Source code for shuup.addons.reloader

# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2021, Shuup Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import sys

[docs]class ReloadMethod(object): identifier = None title = None
[docs] def execute(self): raise NotImplementedError("Error! Not implemented: `ReloadMethod` -> `execute()`.")
[docs] def is_viable(self): return False
[docs]class UwsgiReloadMethod(ReloadMethod): # identifier = "uwsgi" title = "Reload uWSGI (uwsgi.reload())"
[docs] def is_viable(self): try: import uwsgi return callable(uwsgi.reload) except ImportError: # Not uWSGI or not a supported version return False
[docs] def execute(self): import uwsgi uwsgi.reload()
[docs]class DevServerReloadMethod(ReloadMethod): identifier = "devserver" title = "Reload Django Dev Server"
[docs] def is_viable(self): return ( ("runserver" in sys.argv or "devserver" in sys.argv) and ("noreload" not in sys.argv) and os.environ.get("RUN_MAIN") )
[docs] def execute(self): # `sys.exit(3)` is what `reloader_thread` would use, but # the `SystemExit` exception will be caught by Django, so # we'll have to resort to ugliness. os._exit(3)
[docs]class ModWSGIReloadMethod(ReloadMethod): # identifier = "mod_wsgi" title = "Reload Daemon Mode mod_wsgi"
[docs] def is_viable(self): return bool(os.environ.get("mod_wsgi.process_group"))
[docs] def execute(self): import os import signal os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
[docs]class GunicornReloadMethod(ReloadMethod): # identifier = "gunicorn" title = "Reload Gunicorn Master"
[docs] def is_parent_an_unicorn(self): try: return "gunicorn" in open("/proc/%s/cmdline" % os.getppid(), "r").read() except (AttributeError, IOError): return False
[docs] def is_viable(self): # See if we have Gunicorn available try: import gunicorn assert gunicorn # Yup, unicorns alright! except ImportError: return False # See if our parent process (assumed Gunicorn master) smells like an unicorn return self.is_parent_an_unicorn()
[docs] def execute(self): import os import signal if self.is_parent_an_unicorn(): os.kill(os.getppid(), signal.SIGHUP) raise ValueError("Error! My parent doesn't look like an unicorn.")
[docs]def get_reload_method_classes(): yield UwsgiReloadMethod yield DevServerReloadMethod yield ModWSGIReloadMethod yield GunicornReloadMethod