API DocumentationΒΆ

As the API is built with Django REST Framework (DRF), you can visit the /api/ URL to access the browseable API using the default DRF interface, but only if rest_framework.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer is in the DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES setting, which is the default.

Alongside with the default browseable API, we can see the complete API documentation with URLs, methods and parameters on-the-fly using Django REST Swagger. You can access the interactive API documentation at your development server or even at a production one.

To see that, just make sure the application rest_framework_swagger is in your INSTALLED_APPS.

Visit the /api/docs/ URL on your browser and it is done. You should see the available APIs endpoints, their descriptions, methods and parameters.

See also API Permissions to configure the access level of your API documentation.