shuup.order_printouts package


shuup.order_printouts.apps module

class shuup.order_printouts.apps.AppConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: shuup.apps.AppConfig

name = 'shuup.order_printouts'
verbose_name = <django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__ object>
label = 'shuup_order_printouts'
provides = {'admin_order_section': ['shuup.order_printouts.admin_module.section:PrintoutsSection'], 'admin_module': ['shuup.order_printouts.admin_module:PrintoutsAdminModule']}

shuup.order_printouts.utils module

class shuup.order_printouts.utils.PrintoutDeliveryExtraInformation(order, shipment, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

order = 1

Override to add business logic if this module has any extra fields to add to the delivery printout.


Override this property to return wanted information about the order. This property should return a dictionary of field names and values which will be rendered to the order delivery printout.

Module contents