Source code for shuup.xtheme.resources

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re

import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from jinja2.utils import contextfunction

from shuup.core.fields import TaggedJSONEncoder
from shuup.xtheme.utils import get_html_attrs

    "head_end": (re.compile(r"</head>", re.I), "pre"),
    "body_end": (re.compile(r"</body>", re.I), "pre"),
    "body_start": (re.compile(r"<body[^>]*>", re.I), "post"),


RESOURCE_CONTAINER_VAR_NAME = "_xtheme_resources"

[docs]class InlineScriptResource(six.text_type): """ An inline script resource (a subclass of string). The contents are rendered inside a ``<script>`` tag. """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_vars(cls, var_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Create an InlineScriptResource assigning an object of variables into a name in the `window` scope. Aside from ``var_name`` the signature of this function is similar to that of ``dict``. Useful for configuration options, etc. :param var_name: The variable to add into global scope :type var_name: str :return: An `InlineScriptResource` object :rtype: InlineScriptResource """ ns = dict(*args, **kwargs) return cls("window.%s = %s;" % (var_name, TaggedJSONEncoder().encode(ns)))
[docs]class InlineMarkupResource(six.text_type): """ An inline markup resource (a subclass of string). The contents are rendered as-is. """
[docs]class ResourceContainer(object): """ ResourceContainers deal with storing and rendering injected resources. A ResourceContainer is injected into rendering contexts by `~shuup.xtheme.engine.XthemeTemplate` (akin to how `django-jinja`'s Template injects `request` and `csrf_token`). """ def __init__(self): self.resources = {}
[docs] def add_resource(self, location, resource): """ Add a resource into the given location. Duplicate resources are ignored (and false is returned). Resource injection order is retained. :param location: The name of the location. See KNOWN_LOCATIONS. :type location: str :param resource: The actual resource. Either an URL string or one of the inline resource classes. :type resource: str|InlineMarkupResource|InlineScriptResource :return: Success flag. :rtype: bool """ if not resource: return False if location not in KNOWN_LOCATIONS: raise ValueError("%r is not a known xtheme resource location" % location) lst = self.resources.setdefault(location, []) if resource not in lst: lst.append(resource) return True return False
[docs] def render_resources(self, location, clean=True): """ Render the resources for the given location, then (by default) clean that list of resources. :param location: The name of the location. See KNOWN_LOCATIONS. :type location: str :param clean: Whether or not to clean up the list of resources. :type clean: bool :return: String of HTML """ lst = self.resources.get(location) if not lst: return "" content = "".join(self._render_resource(resource) for resource in lst) if clean: # pragma: no branch self.resources.pop(location, None) return mark_safe(content)
def _render_resource(self, resource): """ Render a single resource. :param resource: The resource. :type resource: str|InlineMarkupResource|InlineScriptResource :return: String of HTML """ if not resource: # pragma: no cover return "" if isinstance(resource, InlineMarkupResource): return force_text(resource) if isinstance(resource, InlineScriptResource): return "<script>%s</script>" % resource resource = force_text(resource) # TODO: should this be extensible? if resource.endswith(".js"): return "<script%s></script>" % get_html_attrs({"src": resource}) if resource.endswith(".css"): return "<link%s>" % get_html_attrs({"href": resource, "rel": "stylesheet"}) return "<!-- (unknown resource type: %s) -->" % escape(resource)
[docs]def inject_resources(context, content, clean=True): """ Inject all the resources in the context's ResourceContainer into appropriate places in the content given. :param context: Rendering context :type context: jinja2.runtime.Context :param content: HTML content :type content: str :param clean: Clean the resource container as we go? :type clean: bool :return: Possibly modified HTML content :rtype: str """ rc = get_resource_container(context) if not rc: # No resource container? Well, whatever. return content for location_name, (regex, placement) in LOCATION_INFO.items(): match = if not match: continue injection = rc.render_resources(location_name, clean=clean) if not injection: continue start = match.start() end = match.end() if placement == "pre": content = content[:start] + injection + content[start:] elif placement == "post": content = content[:end] + injection + content[end:] else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Unknown placement %s" % placement) return content
[docs]def get_resource_container(context): """ Get a `ResourceContainer` from a rendering context. :param context: Context :type context: jinja2.runtime.Context :return: Resource Container :rtype: shuup.xtheme.resources.ResourceContainer|None """ return context.get(RESOURCE_CONTAINER_VAR_NAME)
[docs]def add_resource(context, location, resource): """ Add an Xtheme resource into the given context. :param context: Context :type context: jinja2.runtime.Context :param location: Location string (see KNOWN_LOCATIONS) :type location: str :param resource: Resource descriptor (URL or inline markup object) :type resource: str|InlineMarkupResource|InlineScriptResource :return: Success flag :rtype: bool """ rc = get_resource_container(context) if rc: return bool(rc.add_resource(location, resource)) return False