Source code for shuup.utils.filer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import hashlib

import six
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.forms.models import modelform_factory
from filer.models import File, Folder, Image

[docs]def filer_folder_from_path(path): """ Split `path` by slashes and create a hierarchy of Filer Folder objects accordingly. Blank path components are ignored, so "/////foo//////bar///" is the same as "foo/bar". The empty string (and `None`) are handled as "no folder", i.e. root folder. :param path: Pathname or None :type path: str|None :return: Folder :rtype: filer.models.Folder """ if path is None: return None folder = None for component in six.text_type(path).split("/"): if component: folder = Folder.objects.get_or_create(name=component, parent=folder)[0] return folder
def _filer_file_from_upload(model, request, path, upload_data, sha1=None): """ Create some sort of Filer file (either File or Image, really) from the given upload data (ContentFile or UploadFile) :param model: Model class :param request: Request, to figure out the owner for this file :type request: django.http.request.HttpRequest|None :param path: Pathname string (see `filer_folder_from_path`) or a Filer Folder. :type path: basestring|filer.models.Folder :param upload_data: Upload data :type upload_data: django.core.files.base.File :param sha1: SHA1 checksum. If given and a matching `model` with the SHA1 is found, it is returned instead. :type sha1: basestring :return: Filer file """ if sha1: upload = model.objects.filter(sha1=sha1).first() if upload: return upload file_form_cls = modelform_factory( model=model, fields=('original_filename', 'owner', 'file')) upload_form = file_form_cls( data={ 'original_filename':, 'owner': ( if (request and not request.user.is_anonymous()) else None) }, files={ 'file': upload_data } ) upload = upload.is_public = True if isinstance(path, Folder): upload.folder = path else: upload.folder = filer_folder_from_path(path) return upload
[docs]def filer_file_from_upload(request, path, upload_data, sha1=None): """ Create a filer.models.filemodels.File from an upload (UploadedFile or such). If the `sha1` parameter is passed and a file with said SHA1 is found, it will be returned instead. :param request: Request, to figure out the owner for this file :type request: django.http.request.HttpRequest|None :param path: Pathname string (see `filer_folder_from_path`) or a Filer Folder. :type path: basestring|filer.models.Folder :param upload_data: Upload data :type upload_data: django.core.files.base.File :param sha1: SHA1 checksum. If given and a matching `model` with the SHA1 is found, it is returned instead. :type sha1: basestring :rtype: filer.models.filemodels.File """ return _filer_file_from_upload(model=File, request=request, path=path, upload_data=upload_data, sha1=sha1)
[docs]def filer_image_from_upload(request, path, upload_data, sha1=None): """ Create a Filer Image from an upload (UploadedFile or such). If the `sha1` parameter is passed and an Image with said SHA1 is found, it will be returned instead. :param request: Request, to figure out the owner for this file :type request: django.http.request.HttpRequest|None :param path: Pathname string (see `filer_folder_from_path`) or a Filer Folder. :type path: basestring|filer.models.Folder :param upload_data: Upload data :type upload_data: django.core.files.base.File :param sha1: SHA-1 checksum of the data, if available, to do deduplication :type sha1: basestring :rtype: filer.models.imagemodels.Image """ return _filer_file_from_upload(model=Image, request=request, path=path, upload_data=upload_data, sha1=sha1)
[docs]def filer_image_from_data(request, path, file_name, file_data, sha1=None): """ Create a Filer Image from the given data string. If the `sha1` parameter is passed and True (the value True, not a truey value), the SHA-1 of the data string is calculated and passed to the underlying creation function. If the `sha1` parameter is truthy (generally the SHA-1 hex string), it's passed directly to the creation function. :param request: Request, to figure out the owner for this file :type request: django.http.request.HttpRequest|None :param path: Pathname string (see `filer_folder_from_path`) or a Filer Folder. :type path: basestring|filer.models.Folder :param file_name: File name :type file_data: basestring :param file_data: Upload data :type file_data: bytes :param sha1: SHA-1 checksum of the data, if available, to do deduplication. May also be `True` to calculate the SHA-1 first. :type sha1: basestring|bool :rtype: filer.models.imagemodels.Image """ if sha1 is True: sha1 = hashlib.sha1(file_data).hexdigest() upload_data = ContentFile(file_data, file_name) return _filer_file_from_upload(model=Image, request=request, path=path, upload_data=upload_data, sha1=sha1)