Source code for shuup.simple_supplier.notify_script_template

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.template.defaultfilters import linebreaksbr
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.notify.actions import SendEmail
from shuup.notify.conditions import BooleanEqual
from shuup.notify.script import Step, StepNext
from shuup.notify.script_template.generic import GenericSendEmailScriptTemplate
from shuup.simple_supplier.notify_events import AlertLimitReached

[docs]class StockLimitEmailForm(forms.Form): recipient = forms.EmailField(label=_("Send to?"), help_text=_("Send email to whom?")) last24hrs = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Do not send the same email within 24 hours."), initial=True, required=False, help_text=_("If enabled, avoids sending the same email for the same " "product and supplier within 24 hours."))
[docs]class StockLimitEmailScriptTemplate(GenericSendEmailScriptTemplate): identifier = "stocks_limit_email" event = AlertLimitReached name = _("Send Stock Limit Alert Email") description = _("Send me an email when a product stock is lower than the configured limit.") help_text = _("This script will send an email to the configured destination alerting about the " "a product's low stock of a supplier. You can configure to not send the same email " "multiple times in a period of 24 hours. Every time a product's stock reach its configured limit, " "this notification will be fired and the email sent.") extra_js_template_name = None # remove the script from parent class base_form_class = StockLimitEmailForm
[docs] def get_script_steps(self, form): action_data = { "template_data": {}, "recipient": {"constant": form["base"].cleaned_data["recipient"]}, "language": {"variable": "language"}, "fallback_language": {"constant": settings.PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE} } for language in form.forms: form_lang = form[language] # tries to get the cleaned data, otherwise the initial value # since cleaned_data can be blank if the user did not change anything action_data["template_data"][language] = { "content_type": "html", "subject": form_lang.cleaned_data.get("subject", form_lang.initial.get("subject", "")).strip(), "body": form_lang.cleaned_data.get("body", form_lang.initial.get("body", "")).strip() } send_mail_action = SendEmail(action_data) conditions = [] if form["base"].cleaned_data.get("last24hrs"): conditions.append(BooleanEqual({ "v1": {"variable": "dispatched_last_24hs"}, "v2": {"constant": (not form["base"].cleaned_data["last24hrs"])} })) return [Step(next=StepNext.STOP, actions=(send_mail_action,), conditions=conditions)]
[docs] def get_initial(self): if self.script_instance: structure = self._find_expected_structure() if structure: condition = structure["condition"] last24hrs = (["v2"].get("constant", True) if condition else True) initial = { "base-last24hrs": (not last24hrs), "base-recipient": structure["send_mail"].data["recipient"].get("constant"), } for language, data in structure["send_mail"].data["template_data"].items(): for data_key, data_value in data.items(): initial["{0}-{1}".format(language, data_key)] = data_value return initial else: # only returns initial data for the default language default_lang = settings.PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE return { default_lang+"-subject": _("Low stock of: {{ product }} from {{ supplier }}"), default_lang+"-body": linebreaksbr(_("Hi!\n" "You are receiving this message because the product " "{{ product}} from {{ supplier }} has a low stock.")), }
def _find_expected_structure(self): """ Find and return the expected SendMail action and the BooleanEqual condition which matches the template requirements. :return: the found structure or None if it does not match with the expected one :rtype: dict|None """ expected_send_mail = None expected_condition = None for step in self.script_instance.get_steps(): for action in step._actions: if isinstance(action, SendEmail): # we've found the action, but if we found another one just returns, # because we have a unexpected structure if expected_send_mail: return expected_send_mail = action # we check here, since the condition and the action must be in the same step if not expected_send_mail: continue # maybe we don't find any condition since the user did not checked last24hrs checkbox for condition in step._conditions: if not isinstance(condition, BooleanEqual): continue if (["v1"].get("variable") == "dispatched_last_24hs" and "constant" in["v2"]): # we've found the condition, but another one was found, leave if expected_condition: return expected_condition = condition # all fine! return { "send_mail": expected_send_mail, "condition": expected_condition }
[docs] def can_edit_script(self): """ We can only edit the script when: * the event is AlertLimitReached * has a single SendMail action in steps (oterwise we don't know which to edit) """ if self.script_instance.event_identifier != AlertLimitReached.identifier: return False structure = self._find_expected_structure() # we need a matching send mail action and a matching BooleanEqual condition if not structure: return False return True