Source code for shuup.simple_cms.admin_module.views

# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms import DateTimeField
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from shuup.admin.forms.widgets import TextEditorWidget
from shuup.admin.utils.picotable import Column, TextFilter
from shuup.admin.utils.views import CreateOrUpdateView, PicotableListView
from shuup.simple_cms.models import Page
from shuup.utils.i18n import get_language_name
from shuup.utils.multilanguage_model_form import MultiLanguageModelForm

[docs]class PageForm(MultiLanguageModelForm): available_from = DateTimeField(label=_("Available from"), required=False, localize=True) available_to = DateTimeField(label=_("Available to"), required=False, localize=True)
[docs] class Meta: model = Page fields = [ 'title', 'url', 'content', 'available_from', 'available_to', 'identifier', 'visible_in_menu', 'parent', 'list_children_on_page' ] widgets = { "content": TextEditorWidget() }
def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("required_languages", ()) # No required languages here super(PageForm, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self): """ If title or content has been given on any language we must enforce that the other fields are also required in that language. This is done the way it is because url is not required by default in model level. """ data = super(PageForm, self).clean() something_filled = False urls = [] for language in self.languages: field_names = self.trans_name_map[language] if not any(data.get(field_name) for field_name in field_names.values()): # Let's not complain about this language continue something_filled = True for field_name in field_names.values(): value = data.get(field_name) if value: # No need to bother complaining about this field if field_name.startswith("url__"): # url needs a second look though if not self.is_url_valid(language, field_name, value): self.add_error(field_name, ValidationError(_("URL already exists."), code="invalid_url")) if value in urls: self.add_error( field_name, ValidationError(_("URL must be unique"), code="invalid_unique_url")) urls.append(value) continue self.add_error( field_name, _("%(label)s is required when any %(language)s field is filled.") % { "label": self.fields[field_name].label, "language": get_language_name(language) } ) if not something_filled: titlefield = "title__%s" % self.default_language self.add_error(titlefield, _("Please fill at least one language fully.")) return data
[docs] def clean_parent(self): parent = self.cleaned_data["parent"] if self.instance and parent and == self.add_error("parent", _("A page may not be made a child of itself.")) else: return parent
[docs] def is_url_valid(self, language_code, field_name, url): """ Ensure URL given is unique. Check through the pages translation model objects to make sure that the url given doesn't already exist. Possible failure cases: for new page: * URL already exists for existing page: * URL (other than owned by existing page) exists * URL exists in other languages of existing page """ qs = self._get_translation_model().objects.filter(url=url) if not if qs.exists(): return False other_qs = qs.exclude(master=self.instance) if other_qs.exists(): return False own_qs = qs.filter(master=self.instance).exclude(language_code=language_code) if own_qs.exists(): return False return True
def _save_translation(self, instance, translation): if not translation.url: # No url? Skip saving this. if # Oh, it's an old one? translation.delete() # Well, it's not anymore. return
[docs]class PageEditView(CreateOrUpdateView): model = Page template_name = "shuup/simple_cms/admin/edit.jinja" form_class = PageForm context_object_name = "page" add_form_errors_as_messages = True
[docs] def save_form(self, form): self.object = if not self.object.created_by: self.object.created_by = self.request.user self.object.modified_by = self.request.user
[docs]class PageListView(PicotableListView): url_identifier = "" model = Page default_columns = [ Column( "title", _(u"Title"), sort_field="translations__title", display="title", linked=True, filter_config=TextFilter(operator="startswith") ), Column("available_from", _(u"Available from")), Column("available_to", _(u"Available to")), Column("created_by", _(u"Created by")), Column("created_on", _(u"Date created")), ]
[docs] def get_object_abstract(self, instance, item): return [ {"text": "%s" % (instance or _("Page")), "class": "header"}, {"title": _(u"Available from"), "text": item.get("available_from")}, {"title": _(u"Available to"), "text": item.get("available_to")} if instance.available_to else None ]