Source code for shuup.notify.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
from abc import abstractmethod

import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.text import camel_case_to_spaces
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateError

from shuup.apps.provides import get_identifier_to_object_map
from shuup.notify.enums import (
from shuup.notify.template import render_in_context, Template
from shuup.utils.text import snake_case, space_case

from .typology import Type

[docs]class BaseMetaclass(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace): base_variables = {} base_bindings = {} for base in bases: base_variables.update(getattr(base, "variables", {})) base_bindings.update(getattr(base, "bindings", {})) variables = [] bindings = [] for key in list(namespace.keys()): value = namespace[key] if isinstance(value, Binding): dest_list = bindings elif isinstance(value, Variable): dest_list = variables else: dest_list = None if dest_list is not None: dest_list.append((key, value)) del namespace[key] namespace.setdefault("variables", {}).update(base_variables) namespace.setdefault("variables", {}).update(variables) namespace.setdefault("bindings", {}).update(base_bindings) namespace.setdefault("bindings", {}).update(bindings) # Figure out some sane defaults if "identifier" not in namespace: namespace["identifier"] = snake_case(camel_case_to_spaces(name)) if namespace.get("identifier") and not namespace.get("name"): namespace["name"] = space_case(namespace["identifier"]).title() return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)
[docs]class Variable(object): _creation_counter = 0 # For sorting, incremented by `__init__` def __init__(self, name, type=Type, required=True, help_text=""): self.position = Variable._creation_counter Variable._creation_counter += 1 if callable(type): type = type() assert isinstance(type, Type), "`type` must be a Type instance" assert isinstance(required, bool), "`required` must be a bool (it's %r)" % required = name self.type = type self.required = bool(required) self.help_text = help_text
[docs] def get_matching_types(self, variable_dict): return set( name for name, variable in six.iteritems(variable_dict) if self.type.is_coercible_from(variable.type) )
[docs]class Binding(Variable): def __init__(self, name, type=Type, required=False, help_text="", constant_use=ConstantUse.VARIABLE_ONLY, default=None): super(Binding, self).__init__(name=name, type=type, required=required, help_text=help_text) self.constant_use = constant_use self.default = default @property def accepts_any_type(self): return (not self.type.identifier) @property def allow_constant(self): return self.constant_use in (ConstantUse.CONSTANT_ONLY, ConstantUse.VARIABLE_OR_CONSTANT) @property def allow_variable(self): return self.constant_use in (ConstantUse.VARIABLE_ONLY, ConstantUse.VARIABLE_OR_CONSTANT)
[docs] def get_value(self, context, bind_data): if bind_data: assert isinstance(bind_data, dict), "invalid bind data" if self.allow_constant and "constant" in bind_data: return self.type.unserialize(bind_data["constant"]) if self.allow_variable and "variable" in bind_data: return context.get(bind_data["variable"], self.default) return self.default
[docs]class TemplatedBinding(Binding): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TemplatedBinding, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.allow_variable: raise ValueError("TemplatedBindings may not allow variable binding for security reasons")
[docs] def get_value(self, context, bind_data): value = super(TemplatedBinding, self).get_value(context, bind_data) try: return render_in_context(context, value) except TemplateError: # Return the unrendered value if there was template trouble. return value
[docs]class Base(six.with_metaclass(BaseMetaclass)): identifier = None name = None description = None variables = {} # Filled by the metaclass bindings = {} # Filled by the metaclass provide_category = None @classmethod
[docs] def class_for_identifier(cls, identifier): return get_identifier_to_object_map(cls.provide_category).get(identifier)
[docs]class Event(Base): provide_category = "notify_event" identifier = None #: The name of the variable to be used as the log target for this event. #: #: The target variable must have an `add_log_entry` method. log_target_variable = None def __init__(self, **variable_values): if not self.identifier: raise ValueError("Attempting to instantiate identifierless event") self.variable_values = {} self.load_variables(variable_values) @property def log_target(self): return self.variable_values.get(self.log_target_variable)
[docs] def load_variables(self, variable_values): for key in sorted(variable_values.keys()): variable = self.variables.get(key) if not variable: raise ValueError("Unknown variable %r for event %s" % (key, self.identifier)) self.variable_values[key] = variable.type.unserialize(variable_values.pop(key)) for name, variable in six.iteritems(self.variables): if variable.required and name not in self.variable_values: raise ValueError("Required variable %r missing for event %s" % (name, self.identifier))
[docs] def run(self): from .runner import run_event run_event(event=self)
[docs]class ScriptItem(Base): provide_category = None def __init__(self, data, validate=True): if not self.identifier: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Attempting to initialize %s without identifier: %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, self)) = data if validate: self.verify_bindings()
[docs] def verify_bindings(self): unbound = set() for name, binding in six.iteritems(self.bindings): if binding.required and name not in unbound.add(name) if unbound: raise ValueError("Bindings unbound for %r: %r" % (self.identifier, unbound))
[docs] def get_value(self, context, binding_name): """ Get the actual value of a binding from the given script context. :param context: Script Context :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :param binding_name: Binding name. :type binding_name: str :return: The variable value """ binding = self.bindings[binding_name] bind_data = return binding.get_value(context, bind_data)
[docs] def get_values(self, context): """ Get all binding values in a dict. :param context: Script Context :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :return: Dict of binding name -> value :rtype: dict[name, value] """ return dict((binding_name, self.get_value(context, binding_name)) for binding_name in self.bindings)
[docs] def unserialize(cls, data, validate=True): data = data.copy() obj_cls = cls.class_for_identifier(data.pop("identifier")) assert issubclass(obj_cls, cls) return obj_cls(data, validate=validate)
[docs] def serialize(self): data = dict(identifier=self.identifier) data.update(** return data
def __eq__(self, other): return self.identifier == other.identifier and == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @classmethod
[docs] def get_ui_info_map(cls): map = {} for identifier, object in six.iteritems(get_identifier_to_object_map(cls.provide_category)): map[identifier] = { "identifier": str(identifier), "name": force_text(, "description": force_text(getattr(object, "description", None) or ""), } return map
[docs]class Condition(ScriptItem): provide_category = "notify_condition" @abstractmethod
[docs] def test(self, context): return False # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Action(ScriptItem): provide_category = "notify_action" template_use = TemplateUse.NONE template_fields = {} @abstractmethod
[docs] def execute(self, context): """ :param context: Script Context :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_template(self, context): """ Get this action's template instance, bound in the context. :rtype: shuup.notify.template.Template """ data ="template_data") if not data: raise ValueError("No template data in action") return Template(context, data=data)
[docs] def get_template_values(self, context, language_preferences=()): """ Render this Action's template with data from the given context. :param context: Script Context :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :param language_preferences: Language preference list. The first language in the template to have values for all fields will be used. Has no effect for UNILINGUAL template_use. :type language_preferences: list[str] :return: Dict of field name -> rendered template text. :rtype: dict[str, str]|None """ if self.template_use == TemplateUse.NONE: raise ValueError("Attempting to `get_template_values` on an action with no template use") template = self.get_template(context) fields = self.template_fields if self.template_use == TemplateUse.UNILINGUAL: language_preferences = [UNILINGUAL_TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE] return template.render_first_match(language_preferences, fields)
[docs]class ScriptTemplate(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """ Represents a script template to use in provides. Subclass this, implement the methods and add a reference to the class in the `notify_script_template` provide category. When `form_class` is set, a the form will be presented to the user and validated, so you can extract more information to build the Script. :ivar str identifier: a unique identifier for this ScriptTemplate with a max of 64 characters :ivar shuup.notify.Event event: the event class which will be used to trigger the notification :ivar str name: the name of the ScriptTemplate :ivar str description: the description of the ScriptTemplate to present to the user :ivar str help_text: a text to help users understand how this script will work :ivar django.forms.Form|None form_class: a form class if your ScriptTemplate needs extra configuration :ivar dict initial: the initial data to use in forms :ivar str template_name: a template to use to render the form, if needed :ivar str extra_js_template_name: a template with extra JavaScript code to use when rendering the form, if needed :ivar django.http.request.HttpRequest : the http request """ identifier = "" event = None name = "" description = "" help_text = "" form_class = None initial = {} template_name = "" extra_js_template_name = "" def __init__(self, script_instance=None): """ :param shuup.notify.models.script.Script|None script_instance: script instance to change or None """ self.script_instance = script_instance @abstractmethod
[docs] def create_script(self, form=None): """ Create and returns the Script. If `form_class` is set, the will be validated and you can use it to do extra configuration on the Script. :return: the created script :rtype: shuup.notify.models.script.Script """ pass
[docs] def can_edit_script(self): """ Check whether the bound `script_instance` attribute can be edited by this TemplateScript. This means if you can still understand the current script state and structure and parse it, so you can edit the script through the `form_class`. This is a necessary check since the user can change the script through the Editor and those changes can disfigure the expected script structure. :rtype: bool :return: whether the bound `script_instance` can be edited by this script template """ pass
[docs] def update_script(self, form): """ Updates the current bound `script_instance` with the validated form data. This method is invoked when editing a Script created through this ScriptTemplate. Note that only script templates which provides a form will have this method invoked. :return: the updated script :rtype: shuup.notify.models.script.Script """ pass
[docs] def get_initial(self): """ Returns the initial data to use for configuration form. Note: You must also check for the bound `script_instance` attribute. One can edit the Script created by the template editor through the form this instance provides. This way, when a script instance is bound, you must return the the representantion of the Script as the initial form data. :return: initial data to to use in configuration form :rtype: dict """ return self.initial
[docs] def get_form_class(self): """ Returns the configuration form class. """ return self.form_class
[docs] def get_form(self, **kwargs): """ Returns an instance of the configuration form to be used. """ form_class = self.get_form_class() if form_class: kwargs.update(self.get_form_kwargs()) return form_class(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_form_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the keyword arguments for instantiating the configuration form. """ return { 'initial': self.get_initial(), }
[docs] def get_context_data(self): """ Returns extra data when rendering the form. """ return {}