Source code for shuup.front.utils.sorts_and_filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import abc
from collections import OrderedDict

import six
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q

from shuup import configuration
from shuup.apps.provides import get_provide_objects
from shuup.core import cache
from shuup.core.utils import context_cache
from shuup.xtheme import THEME_CACHE_KEY

FACETED_DEFAULT_CONF_KEY = "front_faceted_configurations"
FACETED_CATEGORY_CONF_KEY_PREFIX = "front_faceted_category_configurations_%s"
FORM_MODIFIER_PROVIDER_KEY = "front_extend_product_list_form"

[docs]class ProductListFormModifier(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """ Interface class for modifying product lists This interface can be used to sort and filter product lists in category and search view. By subclassing this interface the ProductListForm fields can be added. Also this interface provides methods for sorting and filtering product lists. """
[docs] def should_use(self, configuration): """ :param configuration: current configurations :type configuration: dict :return: Boolean whether the modifier should be used based on current configurations. :rtype: boolean """ return False
[docs] def get_ordering(self, configuration): """ :param configuration: current configurations :type configuration: dict :return: Ordering value based on configurations :rtype: int """ pass
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): """ Extra fields for product list form. :param request: Current request :param category: Current category :type category: shuup.core.models.Category|None :return: List of extra fields that should be added to form. Tuple should contain field name and Django form field. :rtype: list[(str,django.forms.Field)] """ pass
[docs] def get_choices_for_fields(self): """ Provide sort choices for product list form :return: List of sort choices that should be added for form sort field. Tuple should contain sort key and label name. :rtype: list[(str,str)] """ pass
[docs] def sort_products(self, request, products, data): """ Sort products in case sort choices is provided Sort products in cse the list should be sorted based on sort choice provided by this class. :param request: Current request :param products: Products to sort :type products: list[shuup.code.models.Product] :param data: product list form data :type data: dict :return: List of products that might be sorted :rtype: list[shuup.code.models.Product] """ return products
[docs] def get_filters(self, request, data): """ Get filters based for the product list view Add Django query filters for Product queryset based on current request and ProductListForm data. :param request: current request :param data: Data from ProductListForm :type data: dict :return: Django query filter that can be used to filter Product queryset. :rtype: django.db.models.Q` """ pass
[docs] def get_queryset(self, queryset, data): """ Modify product queryset Modify current queryset and return the new one. This can be used when there is need for stacking multiple filters for one queryset. :return: Updated product queryset :rtype: Product.queryset """ pass
[docs] def filter_products(self, request, products, data): """ Filter product objects Filtering products list based on current request and ProductListForm data. :param request: :param products: List of products :rtype products: list[shuup.core.models.Product] :param data: Data from ProductListForm :type data: dict :return: Filtered product list :rtype: list[shuup.core.models.Product] """ return products
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): """ Admin fields for sorts and filters configurations Adds fields for sorts and filters admin configuration form. :return: List of fields that should be added to form. Tuple should contain field name and Django form field. :rtype: list[(str,django.forms.Field)] """ pass
[docs] def clean_hook(self, form): """ Extra clean for product list form. This hook will be called in `~Django.forms.Form.clean` method of the form, after calling parent clean. Implementor of this hook may call `~Django.forms.Form.add_error` to add errors to form or modify the ``form.cleaned_data`` dictionary. :param form: Form that is currently cleaned :type form: ProductListForm :rtype: None """ pass
[docs]class ProductListForm(forms.Form): def __init__(self, request, shop, category, *args, **kwargs): super(ProductListForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for extend_obj in _get_active_modifiers(shop, category): for field_key, field in extend_obj.get_fields(request, category) or []: if field_key not in self.fields: self.fields[field_key] = field for field_key, choices in extend_obj.get_choices_for_fields() or []: if field_key in self.fields: self.fields[field_key].widget.choices += choices
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(ProductListForm, self).clean() for extend_class in get_provide_objects(FORM_MODIFIER_PROVIDER_KEY): extend_class().clean_hook(self) return cleaned_data
[docs]def get_configuration(shop=None, category=None): default_configuration = configuration.get( shop, FACETED_DEFAULT_CONF_KEY, settings.SHUUP_FRONT_DEFAULT_SORT_CONFIGURATION) return (configuration.get(None, _get_category_configuration_key(category)) or default_configuration)
[docs]def set_configuration(shop=None, category=None, data=None): if category and configuration.set(None, _get_category_configuration_key(category), data) elif shop: configuration.set(shop, FACETED_DEFAULT_CONF_KEY, data) cache.bump_version(THEME_CACHE_KEY) # clear active keys context_cache.bump_cache_for_item(category) if not category: from shuup.core.models import Category for cat_pk in Category.objects.all().values_list("pk", flat=True): context_cache.bump_cache_for_pk(Category, cat_pk)
[docs]def get_query_filters(request, category, data): filter_q = Q() for extend_obj in _get_active_modifiers(, category): extra_filter = extend_obj.get_filters(request, data) if extra_filter: filter_q &= extra_filter return filter_q
[docs]def post_filter_products(request, category, products, data): for extend_obj in _get_active_modifiers(, category): products = extend_obj.filter_products(request, products, data) return products
[docs]def sort_products(request, category, products, data): for extend_obj in _get_active_modifiers(, category): products = extend_obj.sort_products(request, products, data) return products
[docs]def get_product_queryset(queryset, request, category, data): key_data = OrderedDict() for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, list): v = "|".join(v) key_data[k] = v if request.customer.is_all_seeing: identifier = "product_queryset_all_seeing_%d" % else: identifier = "product_queryset" key, val = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier=identifier, item=category, allow_cache=True, context=request, data=key_data) if val is not None: return val for extend_obj in _get_active_modifiers(, category): new_queryset = extend_obj.get_queryset(queryset, data) if new_queryset is not None: queryset = new_queryset context_cache.set_cached_value(key, queryset) return queryset
def _get_category_configuration_key(category): return (FACETED_CATEGORY_CONF_KEY_PREFIX % if category and else None) def _get_active_modifiers(shop=None, category=None): key = None if category: key, val = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="active_modifiers", item=category, allow_cache=True, context={"shop": shop}) if val is not None: return val configurations = get_configuration(shop=shop, category=category) def sorter(extend_obj): return extend_obj.get_ordering(configurations) objs = [] for cls in get_provide_objects(FORM_MODIFIER_PROVIDER_KEY): obj = cls() if obj.should_use(configurations): objs.append(obj) sorted_objects = sorted(objs, key=sorter) if category and key: context_cache.set_cached_value(key, sorted_objects) return sorted_objects