Source code for shuup.front.template_helpers.general

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from collections import defaultdict

import six
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.utils.translation import get_language, get_language_info, ugettext
from jinja2.utils import contextfunction
from mptt.templatetags.mptt_tags import cache_tree_children

from shuup.core.models import (
    Category, Manufacturer, Product, ShopProduct, Supplier
from shuup.core.utils import context_cache
from shuup.front.utils.product_statistics import get_best_selling_product_info
from shuup.front.utils.views import cache_product_things
from shuup.utils.translation import cache_translations_for_tree

[docs]def get_listed_products(context, n_products, ordering=None, filter_dict=None, orderable_only=True): """ Returns all products marked as listed that are determined to be visible based on the current context. :param context: Rendering context :type context: jinja2.runtime.Context :param n_products: Number of products to return :type n_products: int :param ordering: String specifying ordering :type ordering: str :param filter_dict: Dictionary of filter parameters :type filter_dict: dict[str, object] :param orderable_only: Boolean limiting results to orderable products :type orderable_only: bool :rtype: list[shuup.core.models.Product] """ request = context["request"] customer = request.customer shop = # Todo: Check if this should be cached if not filter_dict: filter_dict = {} products_qs = Product.objects.listed( shop=shop, customer=customer, language=get_language(), ).filter(**filter_dict) if ordering: products_qs = products_qs.order_by(ordering) if orderable_only: suppliers = Supplier.objects.all() products = [] for product in products_qs[:(n_products * 4)]: if len(products) == n_products: break shop_product = product.get_shop_instance(shop, allow_cache=True) for supplier in suppliers: if shop_product.is_orderable(supplier, customer, shop_product.minimum_purchase_quantity): products.append(product) break return products products = products_qs[:n_products] return products
def _can_use_cache(products, shop, customer): """ Check whether the cached products can be still used If any of the products is no more orderable refetch the products """ product_ids = [ for prod in products] for supplier in Supplier.objects.all(): for sp in ShopProduct.objects.filter(product__id__in=product_ids): if not sp.is_orderable(supplier, customer=customer, quantity=sp.minimum_purchase_quantity): return False return True @contextfunction
[docs]def get_best_selling_products(context, n_products=12, cutoff_days=30, orderable_only=True): request = context["request"] key, products = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="best_selling_products", item=None, context=request, n_products=n_products, cutoff_days=cutoff_days, orderable_only=orderable_only) if products is not None and _can_use_cache(products,, request.customer): return products products = _get_best_selling_products(cutoff_days, n_products, orderable_only, request) context_cache.set_cached_value(key, products, settings.SHUUP_TEMPLATE_HELPERS_CACHE_DURATION) return products
def _get_best_selling_products(cutoff_days, n_products, orderable_only, request): data = get_best_selling_product_info( shop_ids=[], cutoff_days=cutoff_days ) combined_variation_products = defaultdict(int) for product_id, parent_id, qty in data: if parent_id: combined_variation_products[parent_id] += qty else: combined_variation_products[product_id] += qty product_ids = [ d[0] for d in sorted(six.iteritems(combined_variation_products), key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True) ][:n_products] products = [] if orderable_only: # get suppliers for later use suppliers = Supplier.objects.all() for product in Product.objects.filter(id__in=product_ids): shop_product = product.get_shop_instance(, allow_cache=True) if orderable_only: for supplier in suppliers: if shop_product.is_orderable(supplier, request.customer, shop_product.minimum_purchase_quantity): products.append(product) break elif shop_product.is_visible(request.customer): products.append(product) products = cache_product_things(request, products) products = sorted(products, key=lambda p: product_ids.index( # pragma: no branch return products @contextfunction
[docs]def get_newest_products(context, n_products=6, orderable_only=True): request = context["request"] key, products = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="newest_products", item=None, context=request, n_products=n_products, orderable_only=orderable_only) if products is not None and _can_use_cache(products,, request.customer): return products products = get_listed_products( context, n_products, ordering="-pk", filter_dict={ "variation_parent": None }, orderable_only=orderable_only, ) products = cache_product_things(request, products) context_cache.set_cached_value(key, products, settings.SHUUP_TEMPLATE_HELPERS_CACHE_DURATION) return products
[docs]def get_random_products(context, n_products=6, orderable_only=True): request = context["request"] key, products = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="random_products", item=None, context=request, n_products=n_products, orderable_only=orderable_only) if products is not None and _can_use_cache(products,, request.customer): return products products = get_listed_products( context, n_products, ordering="?", filter_dict={ "variation_parent": None }, orderable_only=orderable_only, ) products = cache_product_things(request, products) context_cache.set_cached_value(key, products, settings.SHUUP_TEMPLATE_HELPERS_CACHE_DURATION) return products
[docs]def get_products_for_category(context, category, n_products=6, orderable_only=True): request = context["request"] key, products = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="products_for_category", item=None, context=request, n_products=n_products, category=category, orderable_only=orderable_only) if products is not None and _can_use_cache(products,, request.customer): return products products = get_listed_products( context, n_products, ordering="?", filter_dict={ "variation_parent": None, "shop_products__categories__in": category }, orderable_only=orderable_only, ) products = cache_product_things(request, products) context_cache.set_cached_value(key, products, settings.SHUUP_TEMPLATE_HELPERS_CACHE_DURATION) return products
[docs]def get_all_manufacturers(context): request = context["request"] key, manufacturers = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="all_manufacturers", item=None, context=request) if manufacturers is not None: return manufacturers products = Product.objects.listed(, customer=request.customer) manufacturers_ids = products.values_list("manufacturer__id").distinct() manufacturers = Manufacturer.objects.filter(pk__in=manufacturers_ids) context_cache.set_cached_value(key, manufacturers, settings.SHUUP_TEMPLATE_HELPERS_CACHE_DURATION) return manufacturers
[docs]def get_root_categories(context): request = context["request"] language = get_language() roots = cache_tree_children( Category.objects.all_visible( customer=request.customer,, language=language)) cache_translations_for_tree(roots, languages=[language]) return roots
[docs]def get_pagination_variables(context, objects, limit): """ Get pagination variables for template :param context: template context :param objects: objects paginated :param limit: per page limit :return: variables to render object-list with pagination """ variables = {"objects": objects} variables["paginator"] = paginator = Paginator(objects, limit) variables["is_paginated"] = (paginator.num_pages > 1) try: requested_page = int(context["request"].GET.get("page") or 0) except ValueError: requested_page = 0 current_page = min(max(requested_page, 1), paginator.num_pages) page = variables["page"] = page variables["page_range"] = _get_page_range(current_page, paginator.num_pages) variables["objects"] = page.object_list return variables
def _get_page_range(current_page, num_pages, range_gap=5): """ Get page range around given page for a given number of pages. >>> list(_get_page_range(1, 10)) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> list(_get_page_range(3, 10)) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> list(_get_page_range(4, 10)) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> list(_get_page_range(7, 10)) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> list(_get_page_range(10, 10)) [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> list(_get_page_range(1, 1)) [1] >>> list(_get_page_range(1, 4)) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> list(_get_page_range(3, 4)) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> list(_get_page_range(4, 4)) [1, 2, 3, 4] """ assert isinstance(num_pages, int) assert isinstance(current_page, int) assert num_pages >= 1 assert current_page >= 1 assert current_page <= num_pages max_start = max(num_pages - range_gap + 1, 1) start = min(max(current_page - (range_gap // 2), 1), max_start) end = min(start + range_gap - 1, num_pages) return six.moves.range(start, end + 1) @contextfunction
[docs]def get_shop_language_choices(context): languages = [] for code, name in settings.LANGUAGES: lang_info = get_language_info(code) name_in_current_lang = ugettext(name) local_name = lang_info["name_local"] languages.append((code, name_in_current_lang, local_name)) return languages