Source code for shuup.front.forms.product_list_modifiers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import decimal
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain

import six
from django import forms
from django.db.models import Q
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.text import capfirst, slugify
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import get_language

from shuup.core.models import (
    Category, Manufacturer, ProductVariationVariable, ShopProduct,
from shuup.core.utils import context_cache
from shuup.front.utils.sorts_and_filters import (
    get_configuration, ProductListFormModifier
from shuup.utils.i18n import format_money

[docs]class FilterWidget(forms.SelectMultiple):
[docs] def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()): if value is None: value = [] choices_to_render = [] for option_value, option_label in chain(self.choices, choices): choices_to_render.append((option_value, option_label)) return mark_safe( render_to_string("shuup/front/product/filter_choice.jinja", { "name": name, "values": value, "choices": choices_to_render}) )
[docs]class SimpleProductListModifier(ProductListFormModifier): is_active_key = "" is_active_label = "" ordering_key = "" ordering_label = ""
[docs] def should_use(self, configuration): if not configuration: return return bool(configuration.get(self.is_active_key))
[docs] def get_ordering(self, configuration): if not configuration: return 1 return configuration.get(self.ordering_key, 1)
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): return [ (self.is_active_key, forms.BooleanField(label=self.is_active_label, required=False)), (self.ordering_key, forms.IntegerField(label=self.ordering_label, initial=1)) ]
[docs]class SortProductListByName(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "sort_products_by_name" is_active_label = _("Sort products by name") ordering_key = "sort_products_by_name_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for sort by name")
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): return [("sort", forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.Select(), label=_('Sort')))]
[docs] def get_choices_for_fields(self): return [ ("sort", [ ("name_a", _("Name - A-Z")), ("name_d", _("Name - Z-A")), ]), ]
[docs] def sort_products(self, request, products, data): sort = data.get("sort", "name_a") def _get_product_name_lowered_stripped(product): return if not sort: sort = "" key = (sort[:-2] if sort.endswith(('_a', '_d')) else sort) if key == "name": sorter = _get_product_name_lowered_stripped reverse = bool(sort.endswith('_d')) products = sorted(products, key=sorter, reverse=reverse) return products
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(SortProductListByName, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be sortable by product name." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the the filter will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class SortProductListByPrice(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "sort_products_by_price" is_active_label = _("Sort products by price") ordering_key = "sort_products_by_price_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for sort by price")
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): return [("sort", forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.Select(), label=_('Sort')))]
[docs] def get_choices_for_fields(self): return [ ("sort", [ ("price_a", _("Price - Low to High")), ("price_d", _("Price - High to Low")), ]), ]
[docs] def sort_products(self, request, products, data): sort = data.get("sort") def _get_product_price_getter_for_request(request): def _get_product_price(product): return product.get_price(request) return _get_product_price if not sort: sort = "" key = (sort[:-2] if sort.endswith(('_a', '_d')) else sort) if key == "price": reverse = bool(sort.endswith('_d')) sorter = _get_product_price_getter_for_request(request) return sorted(products, key=sorter, reverse=reverse) return products
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(SortProductListByPrice, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be sortable by price (from low to high and high to low)." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the the filter will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class SortProductListByCreatedDate(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "sort_products_by_date_created" is_active_label = _("Sort products by date created") ordering_key = "sort_products_by_date_created_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for sort by date created")
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): return [("sort", forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.Select(), label=_('Sort')))]
[docs] def get_choices_for_fields(self): return [ ("sort", [ ("created_date_d", _("Date created")), ]), ]
[docs] def sort_products(self, request, products, data): sort = data.get("sort") def _get_product_created_on_datetime(product): return product.created_on if not sort: sort = "" key = (sort[:-2] if sort.endswith(('_a', '_d')) else sort) if key == "created_date": sorter = _get_product_created_on_datetime reverse = bool(sort.endswith('_d')) products = sorted(products, key=sorter, reverse=reverse) return products
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(SortProductListByCreatedDate, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be sortable from newest to oldest products." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the filter will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class SortProductListByAscendingCreatedDate(SortProductListByCreatedDate): is_active_key = "sort_products_by_ascending_created_date" is_active_label = _("Sort products by date created - oldest first") ordering_key = "sort_products_by_ascending_created_date_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for sort by date created - oldest first")
[docs] def get_choices_for_fields(self): return [ ("sort", [ ("created_date_a", _("Date created - oldest first")), ]), ]
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(SortProductListByAscendingCreatedDate, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be sortable from oldest to newest products." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the filter will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class ManufacturerProductListFilter(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "filter_products_by_manufacturer" is_active_label = _("Filter products by manufacturer") ordering_key = "filter_products_by_manufacturer_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for filter by manufacturer")
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): if not Manufacturer.objects.exists(): return if category: manufacturer_ids = set( ShopProduct.objects.filter( categories__in=[category]).values_list("product__manufacturer__pk", flat=True).distinct() ) if manufacturer_ids == set([None]): return queryset = Manufacturer.objects.filter(pk__in=manufacturer_ids) else: queryset = Manufacturer.objects.all() return [ ( "manufacturers", forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=queryset, required=False, label=_('Manufacturers'), widget=FilterWidget()) ), ]
[docs] def get_filters(self, request, data): manufacturers = data.get("manufacturers") if manufacturers: return Q(manufacturer__in=manufacturers)
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(ManufacturerProductListFilter, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be filterable by manufacturer for this category." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the manufacturer filters will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class CategoryProductListFilter(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "filter_products_by_category" is_active_label = _("Filter products by category") ordering_key = "filter_products_by_category_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for filter by category")
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): if not Category.objects.exists(): return key, val = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="categoryproductfilter", item=self, context=request, category=category) if val: return val language = get_language() base_queryset = Category.objects.all_visible(request.customer,, language=language) if category: q = Q( Q(shop_products__categories=category), ~Q(shop_products__visibility=ShopProductVisibility.NOT_VISIBLE) ) queryset = base_queryset.filter(q).exclude( else: # Show only first level when there is no category selected queryset = base_queryset.filter(parent=None) data = [ ( "categories", forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=queryset, required=False, label=_('Categories'), widget=FilterWidget()) ), ] context_cache.set_cached_value(key, data) return data
[docs] def get_filters(self, request, data): categories = data.get("categories") if categories: return Q(shop_products__categories__in=list(categories))
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(CategoryProductListFilter, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be filterable by any visible product category. " ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the category list filters will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class LimitProductListPageSize(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "limit_product_list_page_size" is_active_label = _("Limit page size") ordering_key = "limit_product_list_page_size_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for limit page size")
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): return [("limit", forms.IntegerField(required=False, widget=forms.Select(), label=_("Products per page")))]
[docs] def get_choices_for_fields(self): return [ ("limit", [(12, 12), (24, 24), (36, 36), (48, 48)]), ]
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(LimitProductListPageSize, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow the customer to be able to select the number of products to display." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the page size filter will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class ProductVariationFilter(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "filter_products_by_variation_value" is_active_label = _("Filter products by variation") ordering_key = "filter_products_by_variation_value_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for filter by variation")
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): if not category: return key, val = context_cache.get_cached_value( identifier="productvariationfilter", item=self, context=request, category=category) if val: return val variation_values = defaultdict(set) for variation in ProductVariationVariable.objects.filter( Q(product__shop_products__categories=category), ~Q(product__shop_products__visibility=ShopProductVisibility.NOT_VISIBLE)): for value in variation.values.all(): # TODO: Use ID here instead of this "trick" choices = (value.value.replace(" ", "*"), value.value) variation_values[slugify(].add(choices) fields = [] for variation_key, choices in six.iteritems(variation_values): fields.append(( "variation_%s" % variation_key, forms.MultipleChoiceField( choices=choices, required=False, label=capfirst(variation_key), widget=FilterWidget()) )) context_cache.set_cached_value(key, fields) return fields
[docs] def get_queryset(self, queryset, data): if not any([key for key in data.keys() if key.startswith("variation")]): return for key, values in six.iteritems(data): if key.startswith("variation"): variation_query = Q() for value in list(values): # TODO: When using id this should search value for id variation_query |= Q( variation_variables__values__translations__value__iexact=value.replace("*", " ")) queryset = queryset.filter(variation_query) return queryset
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(ProductVariationFilter, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be filterable by their different variations. " "For example, size or color." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the variation filters will appear on the " "product listing page." ) return default_fields
[docs]class ProductPriceFilter(SimpleProductListModifier): is_active_key = "filter_products_by_price" is_active_label = _("Filter products by price") ordering_key = "filter_products_by_price_ordering" ordering_label = _("Ordering for filter by price") range_min_key = "filter_products_by_price_range_min" range_max_key = "filter_products_by_price_range_max" range_size_key = "filter_products_by_price_range_size"
[docs] def get_fields(self, request, category=None): if not category: return # TODO: Add cache configuration = get_configuration(, category) min_price = configuration.get(self.range_min_key) max_price = configuration.get(self.range_max_key) range_size = configuration.get(self.range_size_key) if not (min_price and max_price and range_size): return choices = [(None, "-------")] + get_price_ranges(, min_price, max_price, range_size) return [ ("price_range", forms.ChoiceField(required=False, choices=choices, label=_("Price"))), ]
[docs] def filter_products(self, request, products, data): selected_range = data.get("price_range") if not selected_range: return products min_price, max_price = selected_range.split("-", 1) min_price_value = decimal.Decimal(min_price or 0) max_price_value = decimal.Decimal(max_price or 0) filtered_products = [] for product in products: price_value = product.get_price(request).amount.value if price_value >= min_price_value and (max_price == "" or price_value < max_price_value): filtered_products.append(product) return filtered_products
[docs] def get_admin_fields(self): default_fields = super(ProductPriceFilter, self).get_admin_fields() default_fields[0][1].help_text = _( "Check this to allow products to be filtered by price. " "Prices will be listed in groups from the price range minimum to price range maximum in increments of " "the configured price range step." ) default_fields[1][1].help_text = _( "Use a numeric value to set the order in which the price range filters will appear on the " "product listing page." ) min_field = forms.IntegerField( label=_("Price range minimum"), min_value=0, required=False, help_text=_("Set the minimum price for the filter. The first range will be from zero to this value.") ) max_field = forms.IntegerField( label=_("Price range maximum"), min_value=0, required=False, help_text=_("Set the maximum price for the filter. The last range will include this value and above.") ) range_step = forms.IntegerField( label=_("Price range step"), min_value=0, required=False, help_text=_("Set the price step for each range. Each range will increment by this value.") ) return default_fields + [ (self.range_min_key, min_field), (self.range_max_key, max_field), (self.range_size_key, range_step), ]
[docs]def get_price_ranges(shop, min_price, max_price, range_step): if range_step == 0: return ranges = [] min_price_value = format_money(shop.create_price(min_price)) ranges.append(("-%s" % min_price, _("Under %(min_limit)s") % {"min_limit": min_price_value})) for range_min in range(min_price, max_price, range_step): range_min_price = format_money(shop.create_price(range_min)) range_max = range_min + range_step if range_max < max_price: range_max_price = format_money(shop.create_price(range_max)) ranges.append( ("%s-%s" % (range_min, range_max), "%s to %s" % (range_min_price, range_max_price))) max_price_value = format_money(shop.create_price(max_price)) ranges.append(("%s-" % max_price, _("%(max_limit)s & Above") % {"max_limit": max_price_value})) return ranges