Source code for shuup.core.telemetry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import json
import platform
import sys
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta

import requests
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.db.models import Q, Sum
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.timezone import now

import shuup
from shuup import configuration
from shuup.core.models import (
    Contact, Order, Payment, PersistentCacheEntry, Product

OPT_OUT_KWARGS = dict(module="telemetry", key="opt_out")
INSTALLATION_KEY_KWARGS = dict(module="telemetry", key="installation_key")
LAST_DATA_KWARGS = dict(module="telemetry", key="last_data")

[docs]def safe_json(data_dict, indent=None): return json.dumps(data_dict, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=indent)
[docs]def get_installation_key(): """ Get the unique installation ID for this Shuup instance. If one doesn't exist, it's generated and saved at this point. :return: Installation key string :rtype: str """ try: return PersistentCacheEntry.objects.get(**INSTALLATION_KEY_KWARGS).data except ObjectDoesNotExist: key = get_random_string(48) PersistentCacheEntry.objects.create(data=key, **INSTALLATION_KEY_KWARGS) return key
[docs]def is_opt_out(): return PersistentCacheEntry.objects.filter(**OPT_OUT_KWARGS).exists()
[docs]def is_in_grace_period(): """ Return True if the telemetry module is within the 24-hours-from-installation grace period where no stats are sent. This is to "safely" allow opting out of telemetry without leaving a trace. :return: Graceness flag. :rtype: bool """ get_installation_key() # Need to initialize here installation_time = PersistentCacheEntry.objects.get(**INSTALLATION_KEY_KWARGS).time return ((now() - installation_time).total_seconds() < 60 * 60 * 24)
[docs]def is_telemetry_enabled(): return bool(settings.SHUUP_TELEMETRY_ENABLED)
[docs]def set_opt_out(flag): """ Set whether this installation is opted-out from telemetry submissions. :param flag: Opt-out flag. True for opt-out, false for opt-in (default) :type flag: bool :return: New flag state :rtype: bool """ if flag and not is_opt_out(): PersistentCacheEntry.objects.create(data=True, **OPT_OUT_KWARGS) return True else: PersistentCacheEntry.objects.filter(**OPT_OUT_KWARGS).delete() return False
[docs]def get_last_submission_time(): try: return PersistentCacheEntry.objects.get(**LAST_DATA_KWARGS).time except ObjectDoesNotExist: return None
[docs]def get_last_submission_data(): try: return safe_json(PersistentCacheEntry.objects.get(**LAST_DATA_KWARGS).data, indent=4) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return None
[docs]def save_telemetry_submission(data): """ Save a blob of data as the latest telemetry submission. Naturally updates the latest submission time. :param data: A blob of data. :type data: dict """ pce, _ = PersistentCacheEntry.objects.get_or_create(defaults={"data": None}, **LAST_DATA_KWARGS) = data
[docs]def daterange(start_date, end_date): if start_date == end_date: yield start_date for n in range(int((end_date - start_date).days)): yield start_date + timedelta(n)
[docs]def get_daily_data_for_day(date): data = {"date": date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} data["methods"] = {} today_min = datetime.combine(date, time.min) today_max = datetime.combine(date, time.max) order_date_filter = Q(order_date__range=(today_min, today_max)) data["orders"] = Order.objects.filter(order_date_filter).count() total_sales = Order.objects.filter(order_date_filter).aggregate(total_sales=Sum("taxful_total_price_value")) data["total_sales"] = float(total_sales["total_sales"]) if total_sales["total_sales"] else 0 created_on_filter = Q(created_on__range=(today_min, today_max)) total_paid_sales = Payment.objects.filter(created_on_filter).aggregate(total_paid=Sum("amount_value")) data["total_paid_sales"] = ( float(total_paid_sales["total_paid"]) if total_paid_sales["total_paid"] else 0) for service_identifier in ["stripe", "checkoutfi", "paytrail"]: payment_query = created_on_filter & Q(order__payment_method__choice_identifier=service_identifier) total_sales = Payment.objects.filter(payment_query).aggregate(total_sales=Sum("amount_value")) data["methods"][service_identifier] = float(total_sales["total_sales"]) if total_sales["total_sales"] else 0 data["products"] = Product.objects.filter(created_on_filter).count() data["contacts"] = Contact.objects.filter(created_on_filter).count() return data
[docs]def get_daily_data(today): last_time = get_last_submission_time() if not last_time: return [] data = [] data_start_date = date(last_time.year, last_time.month, data_end_date = date(today.year, today.month, - timedelta(days=1) for i, day in enumerate(daterange(data_start_date, data_end_date)): if i > settings.SHUUP_MAX_DAYS_IN_TELEMETRY: break data.append(get_daily_data_for_day(day)) return data
[docs]def get_telemetry_data(request, indent=None): """ Get the telemetry data that would be sent. :param request: HTTP request. Optional. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest|None :return: Data blob. :rtype: str """ admin_user = User.objects.first() data_dict = { "daily_data": get_daily_data(now()), "apps": settings.INSTALLED_APPS, "debug": settings.DEBUG, "host": (request.get_host() if request else None), "key": get_installation_key(), "machine": platform.machine(), "admin_user": if admin_user else None, "last_login": admin_user.last_login if admin_user else None, "platform": platform.platform(), "python_version": sys.version, "shuup_version": shuup.__version__, } return safe_json(data_dict, indent)
[docs]class TelemetryNotSent(Exception): def __init__(self, message, code): self.message = message self.code = code super(TelemetryNotSent, self).__init__(message, code)
def _send_telemetry(request, max_age_hours, force_send=False): if not is_telemetry_enabled(): raise TelemetryNotSent("Telemetry not enabled", "disabled") if not force_send: if is_opt_out(): raise TelemetryNotSent("Telemetry is opted-out", "optout") if is_in_grace_period(): raise TelemetryNotSent("Telemetry in grace period", "grace") if max_age_hours is not None: last_send_time = get_last_submission_time() if last_send_time and (now() - last_send_time).total_seconds() <= max_age_hours * 60 * 60: raise TelemetryNotSent("Trying to resend too soon", "age") data = get_telemetry_data(request) try: resp =, data=data, timeout=5) if ( not settings.DEBUG and resp.status_code == 200 and resp.json().get("support_id") and not configuration.get(None, "shuup_support_id") ): configuration.set(None, "shuup_support_id", resp.json().get("support_id")) except Exception as exc: data = { "data": data, "error": force_text(exc), } else: data = { "data": data, "response": force_text(resp.content, errors="replace"), "status": resp.status_code, } save_telemetry_submission(data) return data
[docs]def try_send_telemetry(request=None, max_age_hours=24, raise_on_error=False): """ Send telemetry information (unless opted-out, in grace period or disabled). Telemetry will be always sent if there is no prior sending information. :param request: HTTP request. Optional. :type request: django.http.HttpRequest|None :param max_age_hours: How many hours must have passed since the last submission to be able to resend. If None, not checked. :type max_age_hours: int|None :param raise_on_error: Raise exceptions when telemetry is not sent instead of quietly returning False. :type raise_on_error: bool :return: Sent data (possibly with response information) or False if not sent. :rtype: dict|bool """ force_send = bool(not get_last_submission_time() or not settings.DEBUG) try: return _send_telemetry(request=request, max_age_hours=max_age_hours, force_send=force_send) except TelemetryNotSent: if raise_on_error: raise return False