Source code for shuup.core.taxing._module

# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import abc
from itertools import chain

import six
from django.conf import settings

from shuup.apps.provides import load_module

from ._context import TaxingContext
from .utils import get_tax_class_proportions

def get_tax_module():
    Get the TaxModule specified in settings.

    :rtype: shuup.core.taxing.TaxModule
    return load_module("SHUUP_TAX_MODULE", "tax_module")()

def should_calculate_taxes_automatically():
    is False taxes shouldn't be calculated automatically otherwise
    use current tax module value ``TaxModule.calculating_is_cheap``
    to determine whether taxes should be calculated automatically.

    :rtype: bool
        return False
    return get_tax_module().calculating_is_cheap

class TaxModule(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
    Module for calculating taxes.
    identifier = None
    name = None

    calculating_is_cheap = True
    taxing_context_class = TaxingContext

[docs] def get_context_from_request(self, request): customer = getattr(request, "customer", None) return self.get_context_from_data(customer=customer)
[docs] def get_context_from_data(self, **context_data): customer = context_data.get("customer") customer_tax_group = ( context_data.get("customer_tax_group") or (customer.tax_group if customer else None)) customer_tax_number = ( context_data.get("customer_tax_number") or getattr(customer, "tax_number", None)) location = ( context_data.get("location") or context_data.get("shipping_address") or (customer.default_shipping_address if customer else None)) return self.taxing_context_class( customer_tax_group=customer_tax_group, customer_tax_number=customer_tax_number, location=location, )
[docs] def get_context_from_order_source(self, source): return self.get_context_from_data( customer=source.customer, location=source.shipping_address)
[docs] def add_taxes(self, source, lines): """ Add taxes to given OrderSource lines. Given lines are modified in-place, also new lines may be added (with ``lines.extend`` for example). If there is any existing taxes for the `lines`, they are simply replaced. :type source: shuup.core.order_creator.OrderSource :param source: OrderSource of the lines :type lines: list[shuup.core.order_creator.SourceLine] :param lines: List of lines to add taxes for """ context = self.get_context_from_order_source(source) lines_without_tax_class = [] taxed_lines = [] for (idx, line) in enumerate(lines): assert line.source == source if not line.parent_line_id: if line.tax_class is None: lines_without_tax_class.append(line) else: line.taxes = self._get_line_taxes(context, line) taxed_lines.append(line) if lines_without_tax_class: tax_class_proportions = get_tax_class_proportions(taxed_lines) self._add_proportional_taxes( context, tax_class_proportions, lines_without_tax_class)
def _add_proportional_taxes(self, context, tax_class_proportions, lines): if not tax_class_proportions: return for line in lines: price = line.price line.taxes = list(chain.from_iterable( self.get_taxed_price(context, price * factor, tax_class).taxes for (tax_class, factor) in tax_class_proportions)) def _get_line_taxes(self, context, line): """ Get taxes for given source line of an order source. :type context: TaxingContext :type line: shuup.core.order_creator.SourceLine :rtype: Iterable[LineTax] """ taxed_price = self.get_taxed_price_for(context, line, line.price) return taxed_price.taxes
[docs] def get_taxed_price_for(self, context, item, price): """ Get TaxedPrice for taxable item. Taxable items could be products (`~shuup.core.models.Product`), services (`~shuup.core.models.Service`), or lines (`~shuup.core.order_creator.SourceLine`). :param context: Taxing context to calculate in :type context: TaxingContext :param item: Item to get taxes for :type item: shuup.core.taxing.TaxableItem :param price: Price (taxful or taxless) to calculate taxes for :type price: shuup.core.pricing.Price :rtype: shuup.core.taxing.TaxedPrice """ return self.get_taxed_price(context, price, item.tax_class)
[docs] def get_taxed_price(self, context, price, tax_class): """ Get TaxedPrice for price and tax class. :param context: Taxing context to calculate in :type context: TaxingContext :param price: Price (taxful or taxless) to calculate taxes for :type price: shuup.core.pricing.Price :param tax_class: Tax class of the item to get taxes for :type tax_class: shuup.core.models.TaxClass :rtype: shuup.core.taxing.TaxedPrice """ pass