Source code for shuup.core.pricing._price

# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from import Money

class Price(Money):
    Money amount with taxful/taxless info.

    Taxful and taxless prices cannot be mixed in comparison or in
    calculations, i.e. operations like ``x < y`` or ``x + y`` for two
    Prices ``x`` and ``y`` with ``x.includes_tax != y.includes_tax``
    will raise an :obj:`~shuup.utils.numbers.UnitMixupError`.

    In addition to `includes_tax` info, Prices are Money and know their
    `~shuup.utils.numbers.UnittedDecimal.value` and
    ``.  To get the bare Money amount
    of a `Price`, use the `amount` property.
    includes_tax = None

    def __new__(cls, value="0", *args, **kwargs):
        if cls == Price:
            raise TypeError('Do not create direct instances of Price')
        return super(Price, cls).__new__(cls, value, *args, **kwargs)

[docs] def unit_matches_with(self, other): if not super(Price, self).unit_matches_with(other): return False self_includes_tax = getattr(self, 'includes_tax', None) other_includes_tax = getattr(other, 'includes_tax', None) return (self_includes_tax == other_includes_tax)
@property def amount(self): """ Money amount of this price. :rtype: Money """ return Money(self.value, self.currency) @classmethod
[docs] def from_data(cls, value, currency, includes_tax=None): if includes_tax is None: if cls.includes_tax is None: msg = 'Missing includes_tax argument for %s.from_data' raise TypeError(msg % (cls.__name__,)) includes_tax = cls.includes_tax if includes_tax: return TaxfulPrice(value, currency) else: return TaxlessPrice(value, currency)
def __str__(self): incl = 'incl.' if self.includes_tax else 'excl.' return '%s (%s tax)' % (super(Price, self).__str__(), incl) class TaxfulPrice(Price): """ Price which includes taxes. Check the base class, :obj:`Price`, for more info. """ includes_tax = True class TaxlessPrice(Price): """ Price which does not include taxes. Check the base class, :obj:`Price`, for more info. """ includes_tax = False