Source code for shuup.core.models._units

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import warnings
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.utils.encoding import force_text, python_2_unicode_compatible
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import pgettext
from parler.models import (
    TranslatedField, TranslatedFields, TranslatedFieldsModel

from shuup.core.fields import InternalIdentifierField, QuantityField
from shuup.utils.i18n import format_number
from shuup.utils.numbers import bankers_round, parse_decimal_string

from ._base import TranslatableShuupModel

# TODO: (2.0) Remove deprecated SalesUnit.short_name
class _ShortNameToSymbol(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'short_name' in kwargs:
            kwargs.setdefault('symbol', kwargs.pop('short_name'))
        super(_ShortNameToSymbol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def short_name(self):
        return self.symbol

    def short_name(self, value):
        self.symbol = value

    def _issue_deprecation_warning(self):
            "short_name is deprecated, use symbol instead", DeprecationWarning)

class SalesUnit(_ShortNameToSymbol, TranslatableShuupModel):
    identifier = InternalIdentifierField(unique=True)
    decimals = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0, verbose_name=_(u"allowed decimal places"), help_text=_(
        "The number of decimal places allowed by this sales unit."
        "Set this to a value greater than zero if products with this sales unit can be sold in fractional quantities"

    name = TranslatedField()
    symbol = TranslatedField()

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _('sales unit')
        verbose_name_plural = _('sales units')

    def __str__(self):
        return self.safe_translation_getter("name", default=self.identifier) or ""

    def allow_fractions(self):
        return self.decimals > 0

    def quantity_step(self):
        Get the quantity increment for the amount of decimals this unit allows.

        For 0 decimals, this will be 1; for 1 decimal, 0.1; etc.

        :return: Decimal in (0..1]
        :rtype: Decimal

        # This particular syntax (`10 ^ -n`) is the same that `bankers_round` uses
        # to figure out the quantizer.

        return Decimal(10) ** (-int(self.decimals))

[docs] def round(self, value): return bankers_round(parse_decimal_string(value), self.decimals)
@property def display_unit(self): """ Default display unit of this sales unit. Get a `DisplayUnit` object, which has this sales unit as its internal unit and is marked as a default, or if there is no default display unit for this sales unit, then a proxy object. The proxy object has the same display unit interface and mirrors the properties of the sales unit, such as symbol and decimals. :rtype: DisplayUnit """ default_display_unit = self.display_units.filter(default=True).first() return default_display_unit or SalesUnitAsDisplayUnit(self) class SalesUnitTranslation(_ShortNameToSymbol, TranslatedFieldsModel): master = models.ForeignKey( SalesUnit, related_name='translations', null=True, editable=False) name = models.CharField( max_length=128, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text=_( "The sales unit name to use for products (For example, " "'pieces' or 'units'). Sales units can be set for each " "product through the product editor view.")) symbol = models.CharField( max_length=128, verbose_name=_("symbol"), help_text=_( "An abbreviated name for this sales unit that is shown " "throughout admin and order invoices.")) class Meta: # Use same meta options as Parler's defaults to avoid migration unique_together = [('language_code', 'master')] verbose_name = "sales unit Translation" db_table = SalesUnit._meta.db_table + '_translation' db_tablespace = SalesUnit._meta.db_tablespace managed = SalesUnit._meta.managed default_permissions = () def validate_positive_not_zero(value): if value <= 0: raise ValidationError(_("Value must be positive and non-zero")) class DisplayUnit(TranslatableShuupModel): internal_unit = models.ForeignKey( SalesUnit, related_name='display_units', verbose_name=_("internal unit"), help_text=_("The sales unit that this display unit is linked to.")) ratio = QuantityField( default=1, validators=[validate_positive_not_zero], verbose_name=_("ratio"), help_text=_( "Size of the display unit in internal unit. E.g. if " "internal unit is kilogram and display unit is gram, " "ratio is 0.001.")) decimals = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( default=0, verbose_name=_("decimal places"), help_text=_( "The number of decimal places to use for values in the " "display unit. The internal values are still rounded " "based on settings of the internal unit.")) comparison_value = QuantityField( default=1, validators=[validate_positive_not_zero], verbose_name=_("comparison value"), help_text=_( "Value to use when displaying unit prices. E.g. if the " "display unit is g and the comparison value is 100, then " "unit prices are shown per 100g, like: $2.95 per 100g.")) allow_bare_number = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_("allow bare number"), help_text=_( "If true, values of this unit can be shown without the " "symbol occasionally. Usually wanted if the unit is a " "piece, so that product listings can show just '$5.95' " "rather than '$5.95 per pc.'.")) default = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_("use by default"), help_text=_( "Use this display unit by default when displaying " "values of the internal unit.")) translations = TranslatedFields( name=models.CharField( max_length=150, verbose_name=_("name"), help_text=_( "Name of the display unit, e.g. Grams.")), symbol=models.CharField( max_length=50, verbose_name=_("symbol"), help_text=_( "An abbreviated name of the display unit, e.g. 'g'.")), ) class Meta: verbose_name = _("display unit") verbose_name_plural = _("display units") @python_2_unicode_compatible class SalesUnitAsDisplayUnit(DisplayUnit): class Meta: abstract = True def __init__(self, sales_unit): super(SalesUnitAsDisplayUnit, self).__init__() self.internal_unit = sales_unit self.ratio = Decimal(1) self.decimals = sales_unit.decimals self.comparison_value = Decimal(1) self.allow_bare_number = (sales_unit.decimals == 0) self.default = False def _get_pk_val(self, meta=None): return None pk = property(_get_pk_val) name = property(lambda self: symbol = property(lambda self: self.internal_unit.symbol) def __str__(self): return force_text( @python_2_unicode_compatible class PiecesSalesUnit(SalesUnit): """ Object representing Pieces sales unit. Has same API as SalesUnit, but isn't a real model. """
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True
def __init__(self): super(PiecesSalesUnit, self).__init__( identifier='_internal_pieces_unit', decimals=0) def _get_pk_val(self, meta=None): return None pk = property(_get_pk_val) name = _("Pieces") symbol = pgettext("Symbol for pieces unit", "pc.") @property def display_unit(self): return SalesUnitAsDisplayUnit(self) def __str__(self): return force_text( class UnitInterface(object): """ Interface to unit functions. Provides methods for rounding, rendering and converting product quantities in display unit or internal unit. """ def __init__(self, internal_unit=None, display_unit=None): """ Initialize unit interface. :type internal_unit: SalesUnit :type display_unit: DisplayUnit """ assert internal_unit is None or display_unit is None or ( display_unit.internal_unit == internal_unit), ( "Incompatible units: %r, %r" % (internal_unit, display_unit)) if display_unit: self.internal_unit = display_unit.internal_unit self.display_unit = display_unit else: self.internal_unit = internal_unit or PiecesSalesUnit() self.display_unit = self.internal_unit.display_unit assert self.display_unit.internal_unit == self.internal_unit @property def symbol(self): """ Symbol of the display unit. :rtype: str """ return self.display_unit.symbol or PiecesSalesUnit.symbol
[docs] def get_symbol(self, allow_empty=True): """ Get symbol of the display unit or empty if it is not needed. :rtype: str """ if allow_empty and self.allow_bare_number and ( self.display_unit.comparison_value == 1): return '' return self.symbol
@property def internal_symbol(self): """ Symbol of the internal unit. :rtype: str """ return self.internal_unit.symbol @property def allow_bare_number(self): """ Allow showing values without the unit symbol. :rtype: bool """ return self.display_unit.allow_bare_number @property def display_precision(self): """ Smallest possible non-zero quantity in the display unit. """ return Decimal('0.1') ** self.display_unit.decimals
[docs] def render_quantity(self, quantity, force_symbol=False): """ Render (internal unit) quantity in the display unit. The value is converted from the internal unit to the display unit and then localized. The display unit symbol is added if needed. :type quantity: Decimal :param quantity: Quantity to render, in internal unit :type force_symbol: bool :param force_symbol: Make sure that the symbol is rendered :rtype: str :return: Rendered quantity in display unit. """ display_quantity = self.to_display(quantity) value = format_number(display_quantity, self.display_unit.decimals) symbol = self.get_symbol(allow_empty=(not force_symbol)) if not symbol: return value return _get_value_symbol_template().format(value=value, symbol=symbol)
[docs] def render_quantity_internal(self, quantity, force_symbol=False): """ Render quantity (in internal unit) in the internal unit. The value is rounded, localized and the internal unit symbol is added if needed. :type quantity: Decimal :param quantity: Quantity to render, in internal unit :type force_symbol: bool :param force_symbol: Make sure that the symbol is rendered :rtype: str :return: Rendered quantity in internal unit. """ rounded = _round_to_digits( Decimal(quantity), self.internal_unit.decimals, ROUND_HALF_UP) value = format_number(rounded, self.internal_unit.decimals) if not force_symbol and self.allow_bare_number: return value symbol = self.internal_unit.symbol return _get_value_symbol_template().format(value=value, symbol=symbol)
[docs] def to_display(self, quantity, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP): """ Convert quantity from internal unit to display unit. :type quantity: Decimal :param quantity: Quantity to convert, in internal unit :rtype: Decimal :return: Converted quantity, in display unit """ value = Decimal(quantity) / self.display_unit.ratio return _round_to_digits(value, self.display_unit.decimals, rounding)
[docs] def from_display(self, display_quantity, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP): """ Convert quantity from display unit to internal unit. :type quantity: Decimal :param quantity: Quantity to convert, in display unit :rtype: Decimal :return: Converted quantity, in internal unit """ value = Decimal(display_quantity) * self.display_unit.ratio return _round_to_digits(value, self.internal_unit.decimals, rounding)
[docs] def get_per_values(self, force_symbol=False): """ Get "per" quantity and "per" text according to the display unit. Useful when rendering unit prices, e.g.:: (per_qty, per_text) = unit.get_per_values(force_symbol=True) price = product.get_price(quantity=per_qty) unit_price_text = _("{price} per {per_text}").format( price=price, per_text=per_text) :rtype: (Decimal, str) :return: Quantity (in internal unit) and text to use as the unit in unit prices """ symbol = self.get_symbol(allow_empty=(not force_symbol)) without_value = (self.display_unit.comparison_value == 1) per_qty = self.comparison_quantity per_text = (symbol if without_value else self.render_quantity(per_qty)) return (per_qty, per_text)
@property def comparison_quantity(self): """ Quantity (in internal unit) to use as the unit in unit prices. :rtype: Decimal :return: Quantity, in internal unit """ return self.from_display(self.display_unit.comparison_value) def _get_value_symbol_template(): return pgettext( "Display value with unit symbol (with or without space)", "{value}{symbol}") def _round_to_digits(value, digits, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP): precision = Decimal('1.' + ('1' * digits)) return value.quantize(precision, rounding=rounding)