Source code for shuup.admin.modules.products.forms.base_forms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shuup.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import defaultdict

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms import BaseModelFormSet
from django.forms.formsets import DEFAULT_MAX_NUM, DEFAULT_MIN_NUM
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from filer.models import Image

from shuup.admin.forms.widgets import (
    FileDnDUploaderWidget, QuickAddCategoryMultiSelect, QuickAddCategorySelect,
    QuickAddManufacturerSelect, QuickAddPaymentMethodsSelect,
    QuickAddProductTypeSelect, QuickAddShippingMethodsSelect, TextEditorWidget
from shuup.core.models import (
    Attribute, AttributeType, Category, Product, ProductMedia,
    ProductMediaKind, Shop, ShopProduct
from shuup.utils.i18n import get_language_name
from shuup.utils.multilanguage_model_form import (
    MultiLanguageModelForm, to_language_codes

[docs]class ProductBaseForm(MultiLanguageModelForm): file = forms.CharField( label=_("Primary Product Image"), widget=FileDnDUploaderWidget(kind="images", upload_path="/products/images"), help_text=_("The main product image. You can add additional images on the Product Images tab."), required=False )
[docs] class Meta: model = Product fields = ( "accounting_identifier", "barcode", "cost_center", "depth", "gross_weight", "gtin", "height", "manufacturer", "net_weight", "profit_center", "sales_unit", "shipping_mode", "sku", "stock_behavior", "tax_class", "type", "width", # I18n "description", "short_description", "keywords", "name", "slug", "status_text", "variation_name", ) widgets = { "keywords": forms.TextInput(), "type": QuickAddProductTypeSelect(), "manufacturer": QuickAddManufacturerSelect(), "description": TextEditorWidget(), "short_description": forms.TextInput(), }
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ProductBaseForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fields["sales_unit"].required = True # TODO: Move this to model if del self.fields["file"]
[docs] def clean_sku(self): sku = self.cleaned_data["sku"] sku_unique_qs = Product.objects.filter(sku=sku) if self.instance: sku_unique_qs = sku_unique_qs.exclude( # Make sure sku is unique and raise proper validation error if not if sku_unique_qs.exists(): raise ValidationError( _("Given value is already in use, please use unique SKU and try again."), code="sku_not_unique") return sku
[docs] def save(self): instance = super(ProductBaseForm, self).save() if self.cleaned_data.get("file"): image = ProductMedia.objects.create( product=instance, file_id=self.cleaned_data["file"], kind=ProductMediaKind.IMAGE, ) image.shops.add(Shop.objects.first()) instance.primary_image = image
[docs]class ShopProductForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = ShopProduct fields = ( "default_price_value", "minimum_price_value", "suppliers", "visibility", "purchasable", "visibility_limit", "visibility_groups", "purchase_multiple", "minimum_purchase_quantity", "backorder_maximum", "display_unit", "limit_shipping_methods", "limit_payment_methods", "shipping_methods", "payment_methods", "primary_category", "categories", # TODO: "shop_primary_image", ) help_texts = { "backorder_maximum": _("Number of units that can be purchased after the product is out of stock. " "Set to blank for product to be purchasable without limits") } widgets = { "primary_category": QuickAddCategorySelect(), "categories": QuickAddCategoryMultiSelect(), "payment_methods": QuickAddPaymentMethodsSelect(), "shipping_methods": QuickAddShippingMethodsSelect(), }
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ShopProductForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) category_qs = Category.objects.all_except_deleted() self.fields["default_price_value"].required = True self.fields["primary_category"].queryset = category_qs self.fields["categories"].queryset = category_qs # TODO: Move this to model
[docs] def clean_minimum_purchase_quantity(self): minimum_purchase_quantity = self.cleaned_data.get("minimum_purchase_quantity") if minimum_purchase_quantity <= 0: raise ValidationError(_("Minimum Purchase Quantity must be greater than 0.")) return minimum_purchase_quantity
[docs] def clean_backorder_maximum(self): backorder_maximum = self.cleaned_data.get("backorder_maximum") if backorder_maximum is not None and backorder_maximum < 0: raise ValidationError(_("Backorder maximum must be greater than or equal to 0.")) return backorder_maximum
[docs] def clean(self): data = super(ShopProductForm, self).clean() if not getattr(settings, "SHUUP_AUTO_SHOP_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES", False): return data # handle this here since form_part save causes problems with signals primary_category = data["primary_category"] categories = data["categories"] if not primary_category and categories: primary_category = categories[0] # first is going to be primary if primary_category and primary_category not in categories: combined = [] + list(categories.values_list("pk", flat=True)) categories = Category.objects.filter(pk__in=combined) data["primary_category"] = primary_category data["categories"] = categories return data
[docs]class ProductAttributesForm(forms.Form): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.default_language = kwargs.pop( "default_language", getattr(settings, "PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE")) self.languages = to_language_codes(kwargs.pop("languages", ()), self.default_language) self.language_names = dict((lang, get_language_name(lang)) for lang in self.languages) self.product = kwargs.pop("product") self.attributes = self.product.get_available_attribute_queryset() self.trans_name_map = defaultdict(dict) self.translated_field_names = [] super(ProductAttributesForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self.applied_attrs = dict((pa.attribute_id, pa) for pa in self.product.attributes.all()) else: self.applied_attrs = {} self._field_languages = {} self._build_fields() def _build_fields(self): for attribute in self.attributes: self._field_languages[attribute.identifier] = {} pa = self.applied_attrs.get( if attribute.type == AttributeType.TRANSLATED_STRING: self._process_multilang_attr(attribute, pa) else: self.fields[attribute.identifier] = attribute.formfield() if pa: if attribute.type == AttributeType.TIMEDELTA: # Special case. value = pa.numeric_value else: value = pa.value self.initial[attribute.identifier] = value self._field_languages[attribute.identifier][None] = attribute.identifier def _process_multilang_attr(self, attribute, pa): languages = tuple(self.languages) if pa: # Ensure the fields for languages in the database but not currently otherwise available are visible extant_languages = pa.get_available_languages() languages += tuple(lang for lang in extant_languages if lang not in languages) else: extant_languages = set() for lang in languages: field_name = "%s__%s" % (attribute.identifier, lang) self.fields[field_name] = field = attribute.formfield() field.label = "%s [%s]" % (field.label, get_language_name(lang)) self.trans_name_map[lang][field_name] = field_name self.translated_field_names.append(field_name) if pa and lang in extant_languages: self.initial[field_name] = getattr( pa.get_translation(lang), "translated_string_value", None ) self._field_languages[attribute.identifier][lang] = field_name
[docs] def save(self): if not self.has_changed(): # Nothing to do, don't bother iterating return for attribute in self.attributes: for language, field_name in self._field_languages[attribute.identifier].items(): if field_name not in self.cleaned_data: continue value = self.cleaned_data[field_name] if attribute.is_translated and not value: value = "" try: self.product.set_attribute_value(attribute.identifier, value, language) except Attribute.DoesNotExist: # This may occur when the user changes a product type (the attribute is no longer in # `product.get_available_attribute_queryset()`. In this case, we just drop the assignment. # TODO: Should we maybe _not_ drop the assignment? pass self.product.clear_attribute_cache()
[docs]class BaseProductMediaForm(MultiLanguageModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = ProductMedia fields = ( "file", "ordering", "external_url", "public", "title", "description", "purchased", "shops", "kind" )
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.product = kwargs.pop("product") self.allowed_media_kinds = kwargs.pop("allowed_media_kinds") default_shop = kwargs.pop("default_shop") super(BaseProductMediaForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fields["file"].widget = forms.HiddenInput() self.fields["file"].required = True if self.allowed_media_kinds: # multiple media kinds allowed, filter the choices list to reflect the `self.allowed_media_kinds` allowed_kinds_values = set(v.value for v in self.allowed_media_kinds) self.fields["kind"].choices = [ (value, choice) for value, choice in self.fields["kind"].choices if value in allowed_kinds_values ] if len(self.allowed_media_kinds) == 1: # only one media kind given, no point showing the dropdown self.fields["kind"].widget = forms.HiddenInput() self.fields["kind"].initial = self.allowed_media_kinds[0] if not self.fields["shops"].initial = [default_shop] self.file_url = self.instance.url
[docs] def get_thumbnail(self, request): """ Get thumbnail url. If thumbnail creation fails for whatever reason, an error message is displayed for user. """ try: thumbnail = self.instance.get_thumbnail() except Exception as error: msg = _("Thumbnail generation of %(media)s failed: %(error)s") % {"media": self.instance, "error": error} messages.error(request, msg) thumbnail = None return thumbnail
[docs] def pre_master_save(self, instance): instance.product = self.product
[docs]class BaseProductMediaFormSet(BaseModelFormSet): validate_min = False min_num = DEFAULT_MIN_NUM validate_max = False max_num = DEFAULT_MAX_NUM absolute_max = DEFAULT_MAX_NUM model = ProductMedia can_delete = True can_order = False extra = 0 allowed_media_kinds = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.product = kwargs.pop("product") self.default_language = kwargs.pop( "default_language", getattr(settings, "PARLER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE")) self.languages = to_language_codes(kwargs.pop("languages", ()), self.default_language) kwargs.pop("empty_permitted", None) # this is unknown to formset super(BaseProductMediaFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_queryset(self): qs = ProductMedia.objects.filter(product=self.product) if self.allowed_media_kinds: qs = qs.filter(kind__in=self.allowed_media_kinds) return qs
[docs] def form(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("languages", self.languages) kwargs.setdefault("product", self.product) kwargs.setdefault("allowed_media_kinds", self.allowed_media_kinds) kwargs.setdefault("default_shop", Shop.objects.first().pk) return self.form_class(**kwargs)
[docs]class ProductMediaForm(BaseProductMediaForm): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ProductMediaForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fields["file"].required = False
[docs] def clean_external_url(self): external_url = self.cleaned_data.get("external_url") # if form has been deleted, we don't want to validate fields if "DELETE" in self.changed_data: return external_url file = self.cleaned_data.get("file") if external_url and file: raise ValidationError(_("Use only URL or file, not both")) return external_url
[docs]class ProductMediaFormSet(BaseProductMediaFormSet): form_class = ProductMediaForm allowed_media_kinds = [ProductMediaKind.GENERIC_FILE, ProductMediaKind.DOCUMENTATION, ProductMediaKind.SAMPLE]
[docs]class ProductImageMediaForm(BaseProductMediaForm): is_primary = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=_("Is primary")) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ProductImageMediaForm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fields["file"].widget = forms.HiddenInput() if and self.instance.file: if self.product.primary_image_id == self.fields["is_primary"].initial = True
[docs] def clean_file(self): file = self.cleaned_data.get("file") if file and not isinstance(file, Image): raise ValidationError(_("Only images allowed in this field")) return file
[docs] def save(self, commit=True): instance = super(ProductImageMediaForm, self).save(commit) if self.cleaned_data.get("is_primary"): self.product.primary_image = instance return instance
[docs]class ProductImageMediaFormSet(ProductMediaFormSet): allowed_media_kinds = [ProductMediaKind.IMAGE] form_class = ProductImageMediaForm
[docs] def save(self, commit=True): """ Save the form. In addition add the first saved image as primary image for the product if none is selected as such. """ super(ProductImageMediaFormSet, self).save(commit) has_primary = any(form.cleaned_data.get("is_primary") for form in (self.forms or [])) eligible_forms = [form for form in (self.forms or []) if (form.cleaned_data.get("file") and not form.cleaned_data.get("DELETE"))] if eligible_forms and not has_primary and not self.forms[0].product.primary_image: # make first form be the primary image as well form_instance = self.forms[0] form_instance.product.primary_image = form_instance.instance