REST API Usage ExampleΒΆ

This sketch of a script illustrates how to use the Shoop REST API.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import uuid
import requests

base_url = ""
s = requests.session()
s.auth = ("admin", "admin")

def send(endpoint, data, method="post"):
    data = json.dumps(data)
    resp = s.request(method, base_url + endpoint, data=data, headers={
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Accept": "application/json;indent=4",
        "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"  # For `request.is_ajax()`
    if resp.status_code > 300:
        raise Exception(resp.text)
    return resp.json()

def create_product():
    product = send("shoop/product/", {
        "tax_class": 1,
        "sku": str(uuid.uuid4()),
        "type": 1,
        "translations": {
            "en": {
                "name": "Hello"
    return product

def create_shop_product(product):
    product_id = product["id"]

    shop_product = send("shoop/shop_product/", {
        "product": product_id,
        "shop": 1,
    assert not shop_product.get("primary_category")

    shop_product = send("shoop/shop_product/%d/" % shop_product["id"], {
        "primary_category": 1,
        "purchase_multiple": 38
    }, "patch")
    assert shop_product.get("primary_category") == 1
    return shop_product

def create_product_price(product):
    price = send("shoop/cgp_price/", {
        "product": product["id"],
        "shop": None,
        "group": None,
        "price": 180
    return price

def main():
    product = create_product()
    shop_product = create_shop_product(product)
    price = create_product_price(product)

if __name__ == "__main__":