Getting Started with Shoop


If you are planning on developing Shoop, read the other Getting Started guide instead.



Update this when Shoop is published to PyPI.

This guide assumes familiarity with the PyPA tools for Python packaging, including pip and virtualenv.

  1. Set up a new virtualenv for your Shoop project.

  2. Grab a Git clone of the Shoop sources. For this guide, we’ll assume the checkout of the clone lives in /stuff/shoop.

  3. Activate the virtualenv. Within the virtualenv, run

    pip install /stuff/shoop

This will install Shoop and its dependencies into your virtualenv.

After this, you can begin setting up a Django project using whichever standards you fancy.

Shoop Packages

Shoop is a constellation of Django apps, with many delivered in the single “Shoop Base” distribution, and with additional apps available as separate downloads.

The core package all Shoop installations will require is shoop.core. It contains the core business logic for e-commerce, and all of the database models required. However, it contains no frontend or admin dashboard, as different projects may wish to replace them with other components or even elide them altogether.

A default frontend, a basic but fully featured storefront, is included, as the application shoop.front. It itself has several sub-applications that may be used to toggle functionality on and off.


Describe the sub-apps.

A fully featured administration dashboard is also included as the application shoop.admin.