Development Tools

Sanity Checker

The tool does basic text file sanity checking on the codebase.

python _misc/


The tool checks for docstring coverage and docstring style.

python _misc/ -o report.html shoop

Ensure Code Style

The tool has a couple checkers:

  • one that checks that all ForeignKey``s are declared with ``on_delete clauses
  • one that checks that model and form fields have properly translatable verbose names
python _misc/ shoop

Ensure License Headers

The tool checks that all source files have the requisite license header. It can also optionally write the headers to the files by itself.

python _misc/ shoop
# or to write changes:
python _misc/ -w shoop

Ensure Unicode Literals

The tool checks that all Python files have the from __future import unicode_literals statement, to improve Python 2 compatibility.

It can also optionally add these statements itself.

python _misc/ shoop
# or to write changes:
python _misc/ -w shoop