Implementation of Prices and Taxes in Shoop =========================================== This document describes deeper details about price and tax implementation in Shoop from a developer's point of view. To understand the basics, please read :doc:`prices_and_taxes` first. .. _price-tax-types: Types Used for Prices and Taxes ------------------------------- `` Used to represent money amounts (that are not prices). It is basically a `~decimal.Decimal` number with a currency. `~shoop.core.pricing.Price` Used to represent prices. `Price` is a `` with an `includes_tax` property. It has has two subclasses: `~shoop.core.pricing.TaxfulPrice` and `~shoop.core.pricing.TaxlessPrice`. There should usually be no need to create prices directly with these classes; see :ref:`creating-prices`. `~shoop.core.pricing.Priceful` An interface for accessing the price information of a product, order line, basket line, or whatever. See :ref:`accessing-prices`. `~shoop.core.pricing.PriceInfo` A class for describing an item's price information. `~shoop.core.pricing.PricingModule` An interface for querying prices of products. `~shoop.core.pricing.PricingContext` A container for variables that affect pricing. Pricing modules may subclass this. `~shoop.core.pricing.PricingContextable` An interface for objects that can be converted to a pricing context. Instances of `PricingContext` or `~django.http.HttpRequest` satisfy this interface. `~shoop.core.taxing.LineTax` An interface for describing a calculated tax of a line in order or basket. Has a reference to the line and to the applied tax and the calculated amount of tax. One line could have several taxes applied, each is presented with a separate `LineTax`. `~shoop.core.taxing.SourceLineTax` A container for a calculated tax of a `~shoop.core.order_creator.SourceLine` (or `~shoop.front.basket.objects.BasketLine`). Implements the `LineTax` interface. `~shoop.core.models.OrderLineTax` A Django model for persistently storing the calculated tax of an `~shoop.core.models.OrderLine`. Implements the `LineTax` interface. `~shoop.core.models.Tax` A Django model for a tax with name, code, and percentage rate or fixed amount. Fixed amounts are not yet supported. .. TODO:: Fix this when fixed amounts are supported. `~shoop.core.taxing.TaxableItem` An interface for items that can be taxed. Implemented by `~shoop.core.models.Product`, `~shoop.core.models.ShippingMethod`, `~shoop.core.models.PaymentMethod` and `~shoop.core.order_creator.SourceLine`. `~shoop.core.models.TaxClass` A Django model for a tax class. Taxable items (e.g. products, methods or lines) are grouped to tax classes to make it possible to have different taxation rules for different groups of items. `~shoop.core.models.CustomerTaxGroup` A Django model for grouping customers to make it possible to have different taxation rules for different groups of customers. Shoop assigns separate `CustomerTaxGroup`s for a `~shoop.core.models.PersonContact` and a `~shoop.core.models.CompanyContact` by default. `~shoop.core.taxing.TaxModule` An interface for calculating the taxes of an `~shoop.core.order_creator.OrderSource` or any `TaxableItem`. The Shoop Base distribution ships a concrete implementation of a `TaxModule` called `~shoop.default_tax.module.DefaultTaxModule`. It is a based on a table of tax rules (saved with `~shoop.default_tax.models.TaxRule` model). See :ref:`default-tax-module`. Used `TaxModule` can be changed with `~shoop.core.settings.SHOOP_TAX_MODULE` setting. `~shoop.core.taxing.TaxedPrice` A type to represent the return value of tax calculation. Contains a pair of prices, `TaxfulPrice` and `TaxlessPrice`, of which one is the original price before the calculation and the other is the calculated price. Also contains a list of the applied taxes. `TaxedPrice` is the return type of `~shoop.core.taxing.TaxModule.get_taxed_price_for` method in the `TaxModule` interface. `~shoop.core.taxing.TaxingContext` A container for variables that affect taxing, such as customer tax group, customer tax number, location (country, postal code, etc.). Used in the `TaxModule` interface. Note: This is *not* usually subclassed. .. _creating-prices: Creating Prices --------------- When implementing a `~shoop.core.pricing.PricingModule` or another module that has to create prices, use the `Shop.create_price ` method. It makes sure that all prices have the same :ref:`price unit `. .. _accessing-prices: Accessing Prices of Product or Line ----------------------------------- There is a `~shoop.core.pricing.Priceful` interface for accessing prices. It is implemented by `~shoop.core.models.OrderLine` and `~shoop.core.order_creator.SourceLine`, `~shoop.front.basket.objects.BasketLine`, and `~shoop.core.pricing.PriceInfo` which is returned e.g. by `~shoop.core.models.Product.get_price_info` method.