Source code for shoop.xtheme._theme

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager

from shoop.apps.provides import (
    get_identifier_to_object_map, get_provide_objects

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: Document how to create Xthemes

class Theme(object):
    Base class for all Xtheme themes.

    This class does not directly correspond to a database object;
    it's used in the rendering, etc. process.

    It does, however, act as a container for a `ThemeSettings` object
    that contains the actual persisted settings etc.

    # The identifier for this theme. Used for theme selection.
    # Must be set in actual themes!
    identifier = None

    # The printable name for this theme.
    name = ""

    # The author for this theme, for posterity.
    author = ""

    # Directory prefix for this theme's template files.
    # If `None`, the `identifier` is used instead
    template_dir = None

    # List of global placeholder names.
    # TODO: (These could be ignored in per-view editing, or something?)
    # TODO: Document this
    global_placeholders = []

    # List of (name, FormField) pairs for theme configuration.
    # This might not be used if you override `get_configuration_form`.
    # TODO: Document this
    fields = []

    def __init__(self, settings_obj=None):
        Initialize this theme, with an optional `ThemeSettings` object

        :param settings_obj: A theme settings object for this theme, if one exists.
                             Passing this in will avoid extraneous database queries.
        :type settings_obj: ThemeSettings|None
        self._settings_obj = None
        if settings_obj and settings_obj.theme_identifier == self.identifier:  # fine, let's accept that
            self._settings_obj = settings_obj

    def settings_obj(self):
        Get a saved settings model for this theme. If one does not yet exist, an unsaved one is returned.

        If one was passed in the ctor, naturally that one is returned.

        :rtype: shoop.xtheme.models.ThemeSettings
        # Ensure this module can be imported from anywhere by lazily importing the model
        from shoop.xtheme.models import ThemeSettings
        if self._settings_obj is None:
            self._settings_obj = ThemeSettings.objects.filter(theme_identifier=self.identifier).first()
            if not self._settings_obj:
                self._settings_obj = ThemeSettings(theme_identifier=self.identifier)
        return self._settings_obj

[docs] def set_current(self): """ Set this theme as the active theme. """ self.settings_obj.activate()
set_current.alters_data = True
[docs] def get_setting(self, key, default=None): """ Get a setting value for this theme. :param key: Setting name :type key: str :param default: Default value, if the setting is not set :type default: object :return: Setting value :rtype: object """ return self.settings_obj.get_setting(key, default)
[docs] def get_settings(self): """ Get all the currently set settings for the theme as a dict. :return: Dict of settings :rtype: dict """ return self.settings_obj.get_settings()
[docs] def set_settings(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set a number of settings for this theme. The arguments are exactly the same as those to `dict`. .. note:: It's better to call this once than `set_setting` several times. """ self.settings_obj.update_settings(dict(*args, **kwargs))
set_settings.alters_data = True
[docs] def set_setting(self, key, value): """ Set a theme setting `key` to the value `value`. :param key: Setting name :type key: str :param value: Setting value :type value: object """ self.settings_obj.update_settings({key: value})
set_setting.alters_data = True
[docs] def get_configuration_form(self, form_kwargs): """ Return a ModelForm instance (model=ThemeSettings) for configuring this theme. By default, returns a GenericThemeForm (a ModelForm populated from `theme.fields`). :param form_kwargs: The keyword arguments that should be used for initializing the form :type form_kwargs: dict :rtype: django.forms.ModelForm """ from .forms import GenericThemeForm return GenericThemeForm(theme=self, **form_kwargs)
[docs] def get_view(self, view_name): """ Get an extra view for this theme. Views may be either normal Django functions or CBVs (or anything that has `.as_view()` really). Falsy values are considered "not found". :param view_name: View name :type view_name: str :return: The extra view, if one exists for the given name. :rtype: dict[str, View|callable]|None """ return None
_not_set = object() # Can't use `None` here. _current_theme_class = _not_set @contextmanager def override_current_theme_class(theme_class=_not_set): """ Context manager for overriding the currently active theme class for testing. An instance of this class is then returned by `get_current_theme`. A falsy value means `None` is returned from `get_current_theme`, which is also useful for testing. :param theme_class: A theme class object :type theme_class: class[Theme] """ global _current_theme_class # Circular import avoidance: from shoop.xtheme.views.extra import clear_view_cache old_theme_class = _current_theme_class _current_theme_class = theme_class clear_view_cache() yield _current_theme_class = old_theme_class clear_view_cache() def get_current_theme(request=None): """ Get the currently active theme object. :param request: Request, if available :type request: HttpRequest|None :return: Theme object or None :rtype: Theme """ if _current_theme_class is not _not_set: if _current_theme_class: return _current_theme_class() return None # No theme (usually for testing) if request and hasattr(request, "_current_xtheme"): return request._current_xtheme theme = None try: # Ensure this module can be imported from anywhere by lazily importing the model from shoop.xtheme.models import ThemeSettings ts = ThemeSettings.objects.filter(active=True).first() except Exception as exc: # This is unfortunate and weird, but I don't want other tests to depend # on Xtheme's state or require the `djangodb` mark for every test. # So we silence exceptions with pytest-django's "Database access not allowed" # message here and let everything else pass. if "Database access not allowed" not in str(exc): raise ts = None if ts: theme_cls = get_identifier_to_object_map("xtheme").get(ts.theme_identifier) if theme_cls is not None: theme = theme_cls(settings_obj=ts) else: log.warn("The active theme %r is not currently installed", ts.theme_identifier) if request: request._current_xtheme = theme return theme def get_theme_by_identifier(identifier, settings_obj=None): """ Get an instantiated theme by identifier. :param identifier: Theme identifier :type identifier: str :param settings_obj: Optional ThemeSettings object for the theme constructor :type settings_obj: shoop.xtheme.models.ThemeSettings :return: Theme object or None :rtype: Theme """ for theme_cls in get_provide_objects("xtheme"): if theme_cls.identifier == identifier: return theme_cls(settings_obj=settings_obj) return None # No such thing. def set_current_theme(identifier): """ Activate a theme based on identifier. :param identifier: Theme identifier :type identifier: str """ theme = get_theme_by_identifier(identifier) if not theme: raise ValueError("Invalid theme identifier") theme.set_current()