Source code for shoop.utils.settings_doc

# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import os
import re
import sys
import token
import tokenize

import django.conf
import six

import shoop.apps

FILE_READ_KWARGS = {"mode": "rb"}
if six.PY3:
    FILE_READ_KWARGS = {"mode": "r", "encoding": "utf-8"}

_TOKEN_MAP = dict(((k, v) for (v, k) in token.tok_name.items()))

[docs]def get_known_settings_documentation(order_by='app', only_changed=False): def orderer(setting): if order_by == 'app': return (setting['app_name'], setting['name']) elif order_by == 'name': return setting['name'] known_settings = get_known_settings_with_comments() doc_items = [] sorted_settings = sorted(known_settings, key=orderer) for setting in sorted_settings: default_value = setting['default'] current_value = getattr(django.conf.settings, setting['name']) if only_changed and default_value == current_value: continue title = '{} (from {})'.format(setting['name'], setting['app_name']) doc = (setting['comment'] or 'Undocumented').strip() indented_doc = '\n '.join((' ' + doc).splitlines()).rstrip() default = ' Default value: {!r}'.format(default_value) current = ' Current value: {!r}'.format(current_value) blocks = [title, indented_doc, '', default, current] doc_items.append('\n'.join(blocks)) return '\n\n'.join(doc_items)
[docs]def get_known_settings_with_comments(): known_settings = shoop.apps.get_known_settings() comments = {} modules = [x.module for x in known_settings] for module in modules: names = set( for x in known_settings if x.module == module) comments.update(_get_comments_before_assignments(module, names)) def to_dict_with_comment(setting): return dict(vars(setting), comment=comments[]) return [to_dict_with_comment(x) for x in known_settings]
def _get_comments_before_assignments(module_name, names): """ Get comments before assign statements in Python module. Given module must have __file__ property that points to readable file. :return: mapping from name to comment string :rtype: dict[str,str] """ module = sys.modules.get(module_name) module_pyc_file = getattr(module, '__file__', '') module_py_file = re.sub('.py[cdo]?$', '.py', module_pyc_file) if not os.path.exists(module_py_file): return {} with open(module_py_file, **FILE_READ_KWARGS) as fp: tokens = list(tokenize.generate_tokens(fp.readline)) name_assign_tokens = [ (tokens[i - 1][1], i - 1) # (name, position) for (i, t) in enumerate(tokens) if i > 0 and t[0:2] == (token.OP, '=') and tokens[i - 1][0] == token.NAME and tokens[i - 1][1] in names] def get_comment_before(pos): p = pos while p >= 0 and tokens[p][0] != token.NEWLINE: p -= 1 return '\n'.join( re.sub('^#: ?', '', x[1]) for x in tokens[(p + 1):pos] if x[0] == COMMENT_TOKEN and x[1].startswith('#:')) return dict( (name, get_comment_before(pos)) for (name, pos) in name_assign_tokens)