Source code for shoop.utils.patterns

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import fnmatch

from django.utils import lru_cache
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

    "Comma-separated values or ranges, e.g. A-Z,10000-19000. "
    "Use exclamation marks to negate (A-Z,!G will not match G)."

[docs]class Pattern(object): def __init__(self, pattern_text): """ Compile a pattern from the given `pattern_text`. Patterns are comma-separated atoms of the forms: * `*` -- matches anything * `text` -- matched directly * `min-max` -- inclusive range matched lexicographically OR as integers if possible * `wild*` -- wildcards (asterisks and question marks allowed) In addition, atoms may be prefixed with `!` to negate them. For instance, "10-20,!15" would match all strings (or numbers) between 10 and 20, but not 15. :type pattern_text: str """ self.pattern_text = pattern_text self.positive_pieces = set() self.negative_pieces = set() for piece in force_text(self.pattern_text).split(","): piece = piece.strip() if not piece: continue if piece.startswith("!"): negate = True piece = piece[1:].strip() else: negate = False if "-" in piece: (min, max) = piece.split("-", 1) piece = (min.strip(), max.strip()) else: piece = (piece.strip(), piece.strip()) if negate: self.negative_pieces.add(piece) else: self.positive_pieces.add(piece)
[docs] def matches(self, target): """ Evaluate this Pattern against the target. :type target: str :rtype: bool """ target = force_text(target) if target in self.negative_pieces: return False if any(self._test_piece(piece, target) for piece in self.negative_pieces): return False if "*" in self.positive_pieces or target in self.positive_pieces: return True return any(self._test_piece(piece, target) for piece in self.positive_pieces)
[docs] def get_alphabetical_limits(self): if self.negative_pieces: return (None, None) all_values = set() for min_value, max_value in self.positive_pieces: all_values.add(min_value) all_values.add(max_value) if not all_values: return (None, None) return (min(all_values), max(all_values))
[docs] def as_normalized(self): """ Return the pattern's source text in a "normalized" form. :rtype: str """ bits = [] for prefix, in_bits in [ ("", self.positive_pieces), ("!", self.negative_pieces), ]: str_bits = [] for min_value, max_value in in_bits: if min_value != max_value: str_bits.append("%s%s-%s" % (prefix, min_value, max_value)) else: str_bits.append("%s%s" % (prefix, min_value)) bits.extend(sorted(str_bits)) return ",".join(bits)
def _test_piece(self, piece, target): """ Test if piece matches the target value. :param piece: Tuple of min and max values :type target: str :rtype: bool """ min_value, max_value = piece[:2] if min_value <= target <= max_value: return True if min_value.isdigit() and max_value.isdigit() and target.isdigit(): if int(min_value) <= int(target) <= int(max_value): return True for value in piece[:2]: if "*" in value or "?" in value: if fnmatch.fnmatch(target, value): return True
@lru_cache.lru_cache() def _compile_pattern(pattern): return Pattern(pattern)
[docs]def pattern_matches(pattern, target): """ Verify that a `target` string matches the given pattern. For pattern strings, compiled patterns are cached. :param pattern: The pattern. Either a pattern string or a Pattern instance :type pattern: str|Pattern :param target: Target string to test against. :type target: str :return: Whether the test succeeded. :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(pattern, Pattern): pattern = _compile_pattern(pattern) return pattern.matches(target)