Source code for shoop.front.apps.registration

# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Shoop Registration Add-on

The shoop.front.apps.registration add-on provides simple user
registration and email token based activation.

It is based on the django-registration-redux package.


Add ``registration`` and ``shoop.front.apps.registration``
into your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` (and run migrations, of course).

The application registers its URLs via the ``front_urls`` provides

URL names

* ``shoop:registration_register`` -- the entry point for registration.

import django.conf
from registration.signals import login_user, user_activated

from shoop.apps import AppConfig

[docs]class RegistrationAppConfig(AppConfig): name = "shoop.front.apps.registration" verbose_name = "Shoop Frontend - User Registration" label = "shoop_front.registration" required_installed_apps = { "registration": "django-registration-redux is required for user registration and activation" } provides = { "front_urls": [ "shoop.front.apps.registration.urls:urlpatterns" ], }
[docs] def ready(self): if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS"): # Patch settings to include ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS; # it's a setting owned by `django-registration-redux`, # but not set to a default value. If it's not set, a crash # will occur when attempting to create an account, so # for convenience, we're doing what `django-registration-redux` # didn't wanna. django.conf.settings.ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS = 7 if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN"): # By default, Django-Registration considers this False, but # we override it to True. unless otherwise set by the user. django.conf.settings.REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN = True # connect signal here since the setting value has changed user_activated.connect(login_user) if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_HTML"): # We only provide txt templates out of the box, so default to # false for HTML mails. django.conf.settings.REGISTRATION_EMAIL_HTML = False
default_app_config = "shoop.front.apps.registration.RegistrationAppConfig"