Source code for shoop.core.templatetags.shoop_common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Common helpers for Shoop templates.

.. note::

   In addition to these, also the price rendering tags from
   `shoop.core.templatetags.prices` module are available.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from datetime import date
from json import dumps as json_dump

from babel.dates import format_date, format_datetime, format_time
from babel.numbers import format_decimal
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.timezone import localtime
from django_jinja import library
from jinja2.runtime import Undefined

from shoop.utils.i18n import (
    format_money, format_percent, get_current_babel_locale
from shoop.utils.serialization import ExtendedJSONEncoder

[docs]def get_language_choices(): """ Get language choices as code and text in two languages. :return: Available language codes as tuples (code, name, local_name) where name is in the currently active language, and local_name is in the language of the item. :rtype: Iterable[tuple[str,str,str]] """ for (code, name) in settings.LANGUAGES: lang_info = translation.get_language_info(code) name_in_current_lang = translation.ugettext(name) local_name = lang_info["name_local"] yield (code, name_in_current_lang, local_name)
[docs]def money(amount, digits=None, widen=0): """ Format money amount according to current locale settings. :param amount: Money or Price object to format :type amount: :param digits: Number of digits to use, by default use locale's default :type digits: int|None :param widen: Number of extra digits to add; for formatting with additional precision, e.g. ``widen=3`` will use 5 digits instead of 2 :type widen: int :return: Formatted string representing the given amount :rtype: str """ return format_money(amount, digits, widen)
[docs]def percent(value, ndigits=0): return format_percent(value, ndigits)
[docs]def number(value): return format_decimal(value, locale=get_current_babel_locale())
[docs]def datetime(value, kind="datetime", format="medium", tz=True): """ Format a datetime for human consumption. The currently active locale's formatting rules are used. The output of this function is probably not machine-parseable. :param value: datetime object to format :type value: datetime.datetime :param kind: Format as 'datetime', 'date' or 'time' :type kind: str :param format: Format specifier or one of 'full', 'long', 'medium' or 'short' :type format: str :param tz: Convert to current or given timezone. Accepted values are: True (default) convert to currently active timezone (as reported by :func:`django.utils.timezone.get_current_timezone`) False (or other false value like empty string) do no convert to any timezone (use UTC) Other values (as str) convert to given timezone (e.g. ``"US/Hawaii"``) :type tz: bool|str """ locale = get_current_babel_locale() if type(value) is date: # Not using isinstance, since `datetime`s are `date` too. # We can't do any TZ manipulation for dates, so just use `format_date` always return format_date(value, format=format, locale=locale) if tz: value = localtime(value, (None if tz is True else tz)) if kind == "datetime": return format_datetime(value, format=format, locale=locale) elif kind == "date": return format_date(value, format=format, locale=locale) elif kind == "time": return format_time(value, format=format, locale=locale) else: raise ValueError("Unknown `datetime` kind: %r" % kind)
[docs]def json(value): if isinstance(value, Undefined): value = None return mark_safe(json_dump(value, cls=ExtendedJSONEncoder))