Source code for shoop.core.order_creator._source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import Counter

from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from enumfields import Enum
from six import iteritems

from shoop.core import taxing
from shoop.core.models import (
    AnonymousContact, OrderStatus, PaymentMethod, Product, ShippingMethod,
    ShippingMode, Shop, Supplier, TaxClass
from shoop.core.pricing import Price, Priceful, TaxfulPrice, TaxlessPrice
from shoop.core.taxing import should_calculate_taxes_automatically, TaxableItem
from shoop.utils.decorators import non_reentrant
from import Money

from ._source_modifier import get_order_source_modifier_modules
from .signals import post_compute_source_lines

class TaxesNotCalculated(TypeError):
    Requested tax calculated price but taxes are not calculated.

    Raised when requesting a price with taxful/taxless mismatching with
    shop.prices_include_tax and taxes are not yet calculated.

class _PriceSum(object):
    Property that calculates sum of prices.

    Used to implement various total price proprties to OrderSource.
    def __init__(self, field, line_getter="get_final_lines"):
        self.field = field
        self.line_getter = line_getter
        self.params = {}
        if 'taxful' in self.field:
            self.params['includes_tax'] = True
        elif 'taxless' in self.field:
            self.params['includes_tax'] = False

    def __get__(self, instance, type=None):
        if instance is None:
            return self
        taxful = self.params.get('includes_tax', instance.prices_include_tax)
        zero = (TaxfulPrice if taxful else TaxlessPrice)(0, instance.currency)
        lines = getattr(instance, self.line_getter)()
        return sum((getattr(x, self.field) for x in lines), zero)

    def or_none(self):
        return _UnknownTaxesAsNone(self)

class _UnknownTaxesAsNone(object):
    Property that turns TaxesNotCalculated exception to None.

    Used to implement the OrderSource taxful/taxless total price
    properties with the "_or_none" suffix.
    def __init__(self, prop):
        self.prop = prop

    def __get__(self, instance, type=None):
        if instance is None:
            return self
            return self.prop.__get__(instance)
        except TaxesNotCalculated:
            return None

class OrderSource(object):
    A "provisional order" object.

    Contains data that's not strictly about a basket's contents,
    but is useful for things that need to calculate something based on the
    basket's contents and extra data, such as shipping/billing addresses.

    The core API of `OrderCreator` reads an `OrderSource`.

    No objects held here need be saved, but they may be.

    :type shop: shoop.core.models.Shop

    def __init__(self, shop):
        assert isinstance(shop, Shop) = shop
        self.currency = shop.currency
        self.prices_include_tax = shop.prices_include_tax
        self.display_currency = shop.currency
        self.display_currency_rate = 1
        self.shipping_address = None
        self.billing_address = None
        self._customer = None
        self._orderer = None
        self._creator = None
        self._modified_by = None
        self.shipping_method_id = None
        self.payment_method_id = None
        self.customer_comment = u""
        self.marketing_permission = False
        self.language = None
        self.ip_address = None  # type: str
        self.order_date = now()
        self.status_id = None
        self.payment_data = {}
        self.shipping_data = {}
        self.extra_data = {}

        self._codes = []
        self._lines = []

        self.zero_price = shop.create_price(0)
        self.create_price =

        self._taxes_calculated = False
        self._processed_lines_cache = None

[docs] def update(self, **values): for key, value in values.items(): if not hasattr(self, key): raise ValueError("Can't update %r with key %r, it's not a pre-existing attribute" % (self, key)) if isinstance(getattr(self, key), dict): # (Shallowly) merge dicts getattr(self, key).update(value) else: setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def update_from_order(self, order): return self.update(, currency=order.currency, prices_include_tax=order.prices_include_tax, shipping_address=order.shipping_address, billing_address=order.billing_address, customer=order.customer, orderer=order.orderer, creator=order.creator, modified_by=order.modified_by, payment_method_id=order.payment_method_id, shipping_method_id=order.shipping_method_id, customer_comment=order.customer_comment, marketing_permission=order.marketing_permission, language=order.language, display_currency=order.display_currency, display_currency_rate=order.display_currency_rate, ip_address=order.ip_address, order_date=order.order_date, status_id=order.status_id, payment_data=order.payment_data, shipping_data=order.shipping_data, extra_data=order.extra_data, )
total_price = _PriceSum("price") taxful_total_price = _PriceSum("taxful_price") taxless_total_price = _PriceSum("taxless_price") taxful_total_price_or_none = taxful_total_price.or_none taxless_total_price_or_none = taxless_total_price.or_none total_discount = _PriceSum("discount_amount") taxful_total_discount = _PriceSum("taxful_discount_amount") taxless_total_discount = _PriceSum("taxless_discount_amount") taxful_total_discount_or_none = taxful_total_discount.or_none taxless_total_discount_or_none = taxless_total_discount.or_none total_price_of_products = _PriceSum("price", "get_product_lines") @property def customer(self): return (self._customer or AnonymousContact()) @customer.setter def customer(self, value): self._customer = value @property def orderer(self): return (self._orderer or AnonymousContact()) @orderer.setter def orderer(self, value): self._orderer = value @property def creator(self): return (self._creator or AnonymousUser()) @creator.setter def creator(self, value): self._creator = value @property def modified_by(self): return (self._modified_by or self.creator) @modified_by.setter def modified_by(self, value): self._modified_by = value @property def shipping_method(self): if self.shipping_method_id: return ShippingMethod.objects.get(pk=self.shipping_method_id) @shipping_method.setter def shipping_method(self, shipping_method): self.shipping_method_id = ( if shipping_method else None) @property def payment_method(self): if self.payment_method_id: return PaymentMethod.objects.get(pk=self.payment_method_id) @payment_method.setter def payment_method(self, payment_method): self.payment_method_id = ( if payment_method else None) @property def status(self): if self.status_id: return OrderStatus.objects.get(pk=self.status_id) @status.setter def status(self, status): self.status_id = ( if status else None) @property def is_empty(self): return not bool(self.get_lines()) @property def product_ids(self): return set( for x in self.get_lines() if x.product)
[docs] def has_shippable_lines(self): for line in self.get_lines(): if line.product: if line.product.shipping_mode == ShippingMode.SHIPPED: return True
@property def codes(self): return list(self._codes) @codes.setter def codes(self, value): for code in value: self.add_code(code)
[docs] def add_code(self, code): """ Add code to this OrderSource. At this point it is expected that the customers permission to use the code has already been checked by the caller. The code will be converted to text. :param code: The code to add :type code: str :return: True if code was added, False if it was already there :rtype: bool """ code_text = force_text(code) if code_text not in self._codes: self._codes.append(code_text) self.uncache() return True return False
[docs] def clear_codes(self): """ Remove all codes from this OrderSource. :return: True iff there was codes before clearing :rtype: bool """ if self._codes: self._codes = [] self.uncache() return True return False
[docs] def remove_code(self, code): """ Remove given code from this OrderSource. :param code: The code to remove :type code: str :return: True if code was removed, False if code was not there :rtype: bool """ code_text = force_text(code) if code_text in self._codes: self._codes.remove(code_text) self.uncache() return True return False
[docs] def add_line(self, **kwargs): line = self.create_line(**kwargs) self._lines.append(line) self.uncache() return line
[docs] def create_line(self, **kwargs): return SourceLine(source=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lines(self): """ Get unprocessed lines in this OrderSource. See also `get_final_lines`. """ return self._lines
@property def product_count(self): """ Get the total number of products in this OrderSource. :rtype: decimal.Decimal|int """ return sum([line.quantity for line in self.get_product_lines()])
[docs] def get_final_lines(self, with_taxes=False): """ Get lines with processed lines added. This implementation includes the all lines returned by `get_lines` and in addition, lines from shipping and payment methods, but these lines can be extended, deleted or replaced by a subclass (by overriding `_compute_processed_lines` method) and with the `post_compute_source_lines` signal. .. note:: By default, taxes for the returned lines are not calculated when `self.calculate_taxes_automatically` is false. Pass in ``True`` to `with_taxes` argument or use `calculate_taxes` method to force tax calculation. """ lines = self._processed_lines_cache if lines is None: lines = self.__compute_lines() self._processed_lines_cache = lines if not self._taxes_calculated: if with_taxes or should_calculate_taxes_automatically(): self._calculate_taxes(lines) for error_message in self.get_validation_errors(): raise ValidationError(error_message.args[0], code="invalid_order_source") return lines
[docs] def calculate_taxes(self, force_recalculate=False): if force_recalculate: self._taxes_calculated = False self.get_final_lines(with_taxes=True)
def _calculate_taxes(self, lines): tax_module = taxing.get_tax_module() tax_module.add_taxes(self, lines) self._taxes_calculated = True
[docs] def calculate_taxes_or_raise(self): if not self._taxes_calculated: if not should_calculate_taxes_automatically(): raise TaxesNotCalculated('Taxes are not calculated') self.calculate_taxes()
[docs] def uncache(self): """ Uncache processed lines. Should be called after changing the contents before (re)accessing lines with :obj:`get_final_lines`. """ self._processed_lines_cache = None self._taxes_calculated = False
@non_reentrant def __compute_lines(self): return self._compute_processed_lines() def _compute_processed_lines(self): # This function would be a good candidate for subclass extension. lines = list(self.get_lines()) lines.extend(self._compute_payment_method_lines()) lines.extend(self._compute_shipping_method_lines()) self._add_lines_from_modifiers(lines) lines.extend(_collect_lines_from_signal( post_compute_source_lines.send( sender=type(self), source=self, lines=lines))) return lines def _compute_payment_method_lines(self): if self.payment_method: for line in self.payment_method.get_lines(self): yield line def _compute_shipping_method_lines(self): if self.shipping_method: for line in self.shipping_method.get_lines(self): yield line def _add_lines_from_modifiers(self, lines): """ Add lines from OrderSourceModifiers to given list of lines. """ for module in get_order_source_modifier_modules(): new_lines = list(module.get_new_lines(self, list(lines))) # Extend lines now to allow next module to see them lines.extend(new_lines)
[docs] def get_product_lines(self): """ Get lines with a product. This does not use get_final_lines because it will be called when final lines is being computed (for example to determine shipping discounts based on the total price of all products). """ product_lines = [l for l in self.get_lines() if l.product] return product_lines
[docs] def get_validation_errors(self): shipping_method = self.shipping_method payment_method = self.payment_method if shipping_method: for error in shipping_method.get_unavailability_reasons(source=self): yield error if payment_method: for error in payment_method.get_unavailability_reasons(source=self): yield error for supplier in self._get_suppliers(): for product, quantity in iteritems(self._get_products_and_quantities(supplier)): shop_product = product.get_shop_instance( if not shop_product: yield ValidationError( _("%s not available in this shop") %, code="product_not_available_in_shop" ) for error in shop_product.get_orderability_errors( supplier=supplier, quantity=quantity, customer=self.customer): error.message = "%s: %s" % (, error.message) yield error
def _get_suppliers(self): return set([l.supplier for l in self.get_lines() if l.supplier]) def _get_products_and_quantities(self, supplier=None): q_counter = Counter() for line in self.get_lines(): if not line.product: continue if supplier and line.supplier != supplier: continue product = line.product q_counter[product] += line.quantity return dict(q_counter) @property def total_gross_weight(self): product_lines = self.get_product_lines() return ((sum(l.product.gross_weight * l.quantity for l in product_lines)) if product_lines else 0) def _collect_lines_from_signal(signal_results): for (receiver, response) in signal_results: for line in response: if isinstance(line, SourceLine): yield line class LineSource(Enum): CUSTOMER = 1 SELLER = 2 ADMIN = 3 DISCOUNT_MODULE = 4 class SourceLine(TaxableItem, Priceful): """ Line of OrderSource. Note: Properties like price, taxful_price, tax_rate, etc. are inherited from the `Priceful` mixin. """ quantity = None # override property from Priceful base_unit_price = None # override property from Priceful discount_amount = None # override property from Priceful _FIELDS = [ "line_id", "parent_line_id", "type", "shop", "product", "supplier", "tax_class", "quantity", "base_unit_price", "discount_amount", "sku", "text", "require_verification", "accounting_identifier", ] _FIELDSET = set(_FIELDS) _OBJECT_FIELDS = { "shop": Shop, "product": Product, "supplier": Supplier, "tax_class": TaxClass, } _PRICE_FIELDS = set(["base_unit_price", "discount_amount"]) def __init__(self, source, **kwargs): """ Initialize SourceLine with given source and data. :param source: The `OrderSource` this `SourceLine` belongs to. :type source: OrderSource :param kwargs: Data for the `SourceLine`. """ assert isinstance(source, OrderSource) self.source = source self.line_id = kwargs.pop("line_id", None) self.parent_line_id = kwargs.pop("parent_line_id", None) self.type = kwargs.pop("type", None) = kwargs.pop("shop", None) self.product = kwargs.pop("product", None) tax_class = kwargs.pop("tax_class", None) if not self.product: # Only set tax_class when there is no product set, since # tax_class property will get the value from the product and # setter will fail when trying to set conflicting tax class # (happens when tax_class of the Product has changed) self.tax_class = tax_class self.supplier = kwargs.pop("supplier", None) self.quantity = kwargs.pop("quantity", 0) self.base_unit_price = kwargs.pop("base_unit_price", source.zero_price) self.discount_amount = (kwargs.pop("discount_amount", None) or source.zero_price) self.sku = kwargs.pop("sku", "") self.text = kwargs.pop("text", "") self.require_verification = kwargs.pop("require_verification", False) self.accounting_identifier = kwargs.pop("accounting_identifier", "") self.line_source = kwargs.pop("line_source", LineSource.CUSTOMER) self._taxes = None self._data = kwargs.copy() self._state_check() def _state_check(self): if not self.base_unit_price.unit_matches_with(self.discount_amount): raise TypeError('Unit price %r unit mismatch with discount %r' % ( self.base_unit_price, self.discount_amount)) assert is None or isinstance(, Shop) assert self.product is None or isinstance(self.product, Product) assert self.supplier is None or isinstance(self.supplier, Supplier) @classmethod
[docs] def from_dict(cls, source, data): """ Create SourceLine from given OrderSource and dict. :type source: OrderSource :type data: dict :rtype: cls """ return cls(source, **cls._deserialize_data(source, data))
[docs] def to_dict(self): data = self._data.copy() for key in self._FIELDS: data.update(self._serialize_field(key)) return data
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): forbidden_keys = set(dir(self)) - self._FIELDSET found_forbidden_keys = [key for key in kwargs if key in forbidden_keys] if found_forbidden_keys: raise TypeError( "You may not add these to SourceLine: %s" % forbidden_keys) for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): if key in self._FIELDSET: setattr(self, key, value) else: self._data[key] = value
def __repr__(self): key_values = [(key, getattr(self, key, None)) for key in self._FIELDS] set_key_values = [(k, v) for (k, v) in key_values if v is not None] assigns = [ "%s=%r" % (k, v) for (k, v) in (set_key_values + sorted(self._data.items()))] return "<%s(%r, %s)>" % ( type(self).__name__, self.source, ", ".join(assigns))
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): if key in self._FIELDSET: return getattr(self, key, default) return self._data.get(key, default)
@property def parent_line(self): if not self.parent_line_id: return None for line in self.source.get_lines(): if line.line_id == self.parent_line_id: return line raise ValueError('Invalid parent_line_id: %r' % (self.parent_line_id,)) @property def tax_class(self): return self.product.tax_class if self.product else self._tax_class @tax_class.setter def tax_class(self, value): if self.product and value and value != self.product.tax_class: raise ValueError( "Conflicting product and line tax classes: %r vs %r" % ( self.product.tax_class, value)) self._tax_class = value @property def taxes(self): """ Taxes of this line. Determined by a TaxModule in :func:`OrderSource.calculate_taxes`. :rtype: list[shoop.core.taxing.LineTax] """ return self._taxes or [] @taxes.setter def taxes(self, value): assert isinstance(value, list) assert all(isinstance(x, taxing.LineTax) for x in value) self._taxes = value @property def tax_amount(self): """ :rtype: """ self.source.calculate_taxes_or_raise() zero = self.source.zero_price.amount taxes = self._taxes if taxes is None: # Taxes were calculated to a different line instance. Get # taxes from there. for line in self.source.get_final_lines(): if line.line_id == self.line_id and line.price == self.price: taxes = line.taxes return sum((x.amount for x in taxes), zero) def _serialize_field(self, key): value = getattr(self, key) if key in self._OBJECT_FIELDS: if value is None: return [] assert isinstance(value, self._OBJECT_FIELDS[key]) return [(key + "_id",] elif isinstance(value, Price): if key not in self._PRICE_FIELDS: raise TypeError('Non-price field "%s" has %r' % (key, value)) if not value.unit_matches_with(self.source.zero_price): raise TypeError( 'Price %r (in field "%s") not compatible with %r' % ( value, key, self.source.zero_price)) return [(key, value.value)] assert not isinstance(value, Money) return [(key, value)] @classmethod def _deserialize_data(cls, source, data): result = data.copy() for (name, model) in cls._OBJECT_FIELDS.items(): id = result.pop(name + "_id", None) if id: result[name] = model.objects.get(id=id) for name in cls._PRICE_FIELDS: value = result.get(name) if value is not None: result[name] = source.create_price(value) return result