Source code for shoop.admin.modules.orders.json_order_creator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from copy import deepcopy

from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from shoop.core.models import (
    CompanyContact, Contact, MutableAddress, OrderLineType, OrderStatus,
    PaymentMethod, PersonContact, Product, ShippingMethod, Shop
from shoop.core.order_creator import OrderCreator, OrderModifier, OrderSource
from shoop.utils.analog import LogEntryKind
from shoop.utils.numbers import parse_decimal_string

[docs]class JsonOrderCreator(object): def __init__(self): self._errors = [] @staticmethod
[docs] def safe_get_first(model, **lookup): # A little helper function to clean up the code below. return model.objects.filter(**lookup).first()
[docs] def add_error(self, error): self._errors.append(error)
@property def is_valid(self): return not self._errors @property def errors(self): return tuple(self._errors) def _process_line_quantity_and_price(self, source, sline, sl_kwargs): quantity_val = sline.pop("quantity", None) try: sl_kwargs["quantity"] = parse_decimal_string(quantity_val) except Exception as exc: msg = _("The quantity '%(quantity)s' (for line %(text)s) is invalid (%(error)s)") % { "text": sl_kwargs["text"], "quantity": quantity_val, "error": exc, } self.add_error(ValidationError(msg, code="invalid_quantity")) return False is_product = bool(sline.get("type") == "product") price_val = sline.pop("baseUnitPrice", None) if is_product else sline.pop("unitPrice", None) try: sl_kwargs["base_unit_price"] = source.create_price(parse_decimal_string(price_val)) except Exception as exc: msg = _("The price '%(price)s' (for line %(text)s) is invalid (%(error)s)") % { "text": sl_kwargs["text"], "price": price_val, "error": exc } self.add_error(ValidationError(msg, code="invalid_price")) return False discount_val = sline.pop("discountAmount", parse_decimal_string(str("0.00"))) try: sl_kwargs["discount_amount"] = source.create_price(parse_decimal_string(discount_val)) except Exception as exc: msg = _("The discount '%(discount)s' (for line %(text)s is invalid (%(error)s)") % { "discount": discount_val, "text": sl_kwargs["text"], "error": exc } self.add_error(ValidationError(msg, code="invalid_discount")) return True def _process_product_line(self, source, sline, sl_kwargs): product_info = sline.pop("product", None) if not product_info: self.add_error(ValidationError(_("Product line does not have a product set."), code="no_product")) return False product = self.safe_get_first(Product, pk=product_info["id"]) if not product: self.add_error(ValidationError(_("Product %s does not exist.") % product_info["id"], code="no_product")) return False try: shop_product = product.get_shop_instance( except ObjectDoesNotExist: self.add_error(ValidationError((_("Product %(product)s is not available in the %(shop)s shop.") % { "product": product, "shop": }), code="no_shop_product")) return False supplier = shop_product.suppliers.first() # TODO: Allow setting a supplier? is_orderable = True for message in shop_product.get_orderability_errors( supplier=supplier, quantity=sl_kwargs["quantity"], customer=source.customer): self.add_error(ValidationError((_("Product %(product)s is not orderable: %(error)s") % { "product": product, "error": str(message.args[0]) }), code=str(message.args[1]))) is_orderable = False if not is_orderable: return False sl_kwargs["product"] = product sl_kwargs["supplier"] = supplier sl_kwargs["type"] = OrderLineType.PRODUCT sl_kwargs["sku"] = product.sku sl_kwargs["text"] = return True def _add_json_line_to_source(self, source, sline): valid = True type = sline.get("type") sl_kwargs = dict( line_id=sline.pop("id"), sku=sline.pop("sku", None), text=sline.pop("text", None),, type=OrderLineType.OTHER # Overridden in the `product` branch ) if type != "text": if not self._process_line_quantity_and_price(source, sline, sl_kwargs): valid = False if type == "product": if not self._process_product_line(source, sline, sl_kwargs): valid = False if valid: source.add_line(**sl_kwargs) def _process_lines(self, source, state): state_lines = state.pop("lines", []) if not state_lines: self.add_error(ValidationError(_("Please add lines to the order."), code="no_lines")) for sline in state_lines: try: self._add_json_line_to_source(source, sline) except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover self.add_error(exc) def _create_contact_from_address(self, billing_address, is_company): name = billing_address.get("name", None) if not name: self.add_error( ValidationError(_("Name is required for customer"), code="no_name") ) return phone = billing_address.get("phone", "") email = billing_address.get("email", "") fields = {"name": name, "phone": phone, "email": email} if is_company: tax_number = billing_address.get("tax_number", None) if not tax_number: self.add_error( ValidationError(_("Tax number is not set for company."), code="no_tax_number") ) return fields.update({"tax_number": tax_number}) customer = CompanyContact(**fields) else: customer = PersonContact(**fields) return customer def _initialize_source_from_state(self, state, creator, ip_address, save, order_to_update=None): shop_data = state.pop("shop", None).get("selected", {}) shop = self.safe_get_first(Shop, pk=shop_data.pop("id", None)) if not shop: self.add_error(ValidationError(_("Please choose a valid shop."), code="no_shop")) return None source = OrderSource(shop=shop) if order_to_update: source.update_from_order(order_to_update) customer_data = state.pop("customer", None) billing_address_data = customer_data.pop("billingAddress", {}) shipping_address_data = ( billing_address_data if customer_data.pop("shipToBillingAddress", False) else customer_data.pop("shippingAddress", {})) is_company = customer_data.pop("isCompany", False) save_address = customer_data.pop("saveAddress", False) customer = self._get_customer(customer_data, billing_address_data, is_company, save) if not customer: return billing_address = MutableAddress.from_data(billing_address_data) shipping_address = MutableAddress.from_data(shipping_address_data) if save: if save and save_address: customer.default_billing_address = billing_address customer.default_shipping_address = shipping_address methods_data = state.pop("methods", None) or {} shipping_method = methods_data.pop("shippingMethod") if not shipping_method: self.add_error(ValidationError(_("Please select shipping method."), code="no_shipping_method")) payment_method = methods_data.pop("paymentMethod") if not payment_method: self.add_error(ValidationError(_("Please select payment method."), code="no_payment_method")) if self.errors: return source.update( creator=creator, ip_address=ip_address, customer=customer, billing_address=billing_address, shipping_address=shipping_address, status=OrderStatus.objects.get_default_initial(), shipping_method=self.safe_get_first(ShippingMethod, pk=shipping_method.get("id")), payment_method=self.safe_get_first(PaymentMethod, pk=payment_method.get("id")), ) return source def _get_customer(self, customer_data, billing_address_data, is_company, save): customer = self.safe_get_first(Contact, pk=customer_data.get("id")) if customer_data else None if not customer: customer = self._create_contact_from_address(billing_address_data, is_company) if not customer: return if save: return customer def _postprocess_order(self, order, state): comment = (state.pop("comment", None) or "") if comment: order.add_log_entry(comment, kind=LogEntryKind.NOTE, user=order.creator)
[docs] def create_source_from_state(self, state, creator=None, ip_address=None, save=False, order_to_update=None): """ Create an order source from a state dict unserialized from JSON. :param state: State dictionary :type state: dict :param creator: Creator user :type creator: django.contrib.auth.models.User|None :param save: Flag whether order customer and addresses is saved to database :type save: boolean :param order_to_update: Order object to edit :type order_to_update: shoop.core.models.Order|None :return: The created order source, or None if something failed along the way :rtype: OrderSource|None """ if not self.is_valid: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Create a new JsonOrderCreator for each order.") # We'll be mutating the state to make it easier to track we've done everything, # so it's nice to deepcopy things first. state = deepcopy(state) # First, initialize an OrderSource. source = self._initialize_source_from_state( state, creator=creator, ip_address=ip_address, save=save, order_to_update=order_to_update) if not source: return None # Then, copy some lines into it. self._process_lines(source, state) if not self.is_valid: # If we encountered any errors thus far, don't bother going forward return None for error in source.get_validation_errors(): self.add_error(error) if not self.is_valid: return None if order_to_update: for code in source.add_code(code) return source
[docs] def create_order_from_state(self, state, creator=None, ip_address=None): """ Create an order from a state dict unserialized from JSON. :param state: State dictionary :type state: dict :param creator: Creator user :type creator: django.contrib.auth.models.User|None :param ip_address: Remote IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) :type ip_address: str :return: The created order, or None if something failed along the way :rtype: Order|None """ source = self.create_source_from_state( state, creator=creator, ip_address=ip_address, save=True) # Then create an OrderCreator and try to get things done! creator = OrderCreator() try: order = creator.create_order(order_source=source) self._postprocess_order(order, state) return order except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover self.add_error(exc) return
[docs] def update_order_from_state(self, state, order_to_update, modified_by=None): """ Update an order from a state dict unserialized from JSON. :param state: State dictionary :type state: dict :param order_to_update: Order object to edit :type order_to_update: shoop.core.models.Order :return: The created order, or None if something failed along the way :rtype: Order|None """ source = self.create_source_from_state(state, order_to_update=order_to_update, save=True) if source: source.modified_by = modified_by modifier = OrderModifier() try: order = modifier.update_order_from_source(order_source=source, order=order_to_update) self._postprocess_order(order, state) return order except Exception as exc: self.add_error(exc) return